Monday, January 11, 2016

Conflict of Interest

Sheriff David Ward formerly worked for the Federal Bureau of Land Management and appears to have actually been a witness against the Hammond family in the ridiculous federal terrorism trial back in 2012. [More]
Gee, why haven't I heard this from the mainstream press?

Unsportsmanlike Conduct

The Daily Caller picked up my latest GUNS Magazine "Rights Watch" column. [More]

Tools of the Prozi Trade

If you've been paying attention, you'll recognize all of these techniques being regularly used.

[Via Jeet]

Shrimp Boy Guilty

Me, I'd like to see a pay-per-view death match against Leland Yee. [More]

How heartwarming to find he's working on a book and cares about guiding youngsters... a real Tookie, that one.

[Via Dave Licht]

How Can You Have Any Pudding if You Don't Eat Your Meat?

The night before Obama’s press conference, there was a misunderstanding with my seven-year-old daughter ... over her pudding ... As I watched her howling and bawling on the floor, pretty much begging the Lord to take her life, I realised I was watching someone who had been subjected to a great injustice that they were powerless to do anything about, that her tears were those of impotent rage. [More]
So Obama was basically having a temper tantrum?

Dude, by the time my kids were seven, they knew a lot better than to pitch a fit in front of me, especially over something inexcusably trivial like that. Hell, they'd even been to the range with me many times by then.

You must be a really incompetent father and your daughter must sense and exploit  that. And this makes me think you're not even a formed adult:
Yes, you’d cry, wouldn’t you? Like a seven-year-old who has been betrayed, you’d want to lie down on the floor and weep hot tears too.
No, that's not how men behave, not that I expect you to grok that, inconsequential wanker. Nor would they do this, although it probably explains much:

There Oughtta Be a Law!

Police are hunting for a gunman who shot and killed a fellow passenger on board a train in Oakland, California. [More]
This is your fault, you know.

[Via William T]

Out with the Old, In with the New

While the bill would release drug traffickers, it would do virtually nothing about mandatory minimums ... for people who are in prison because of their status as gun owners. [More]
Just think of it as correctional terraforming.

[Via Felix B]

No Skin in the Game?

Gun fantatics’ refusal to bend ensures they will be toppled [More]
By who, E.J. Dionne?

Flesh out what making me bend to your will looks like.

Sean May Need His Guns Back

Sean Penn unwittingly led Mexican marines to El Chapo after meeting him for an extraordinary interview - and is now under investigation. [More]
So, Spicoli: Did you ask any of his enforcers about their "cowardly killing machines"? And any chance you're going to reconsider, now that you've given the cartel good reason to hold you responsible?

A Group Effort

According to a police report obtained by NBC10, an anonymous tipster told officers that, "the threat to police is not over" and that the man who shot Officer Jesse Hartnett is "part of a group that consists of three others," adding that the alleged shooter "is not the most radical of the four."  [More]
Thank goodness Jim Kenney is an expert on Islamic teachings!

Father Knows Best

They say one of the men pointed a gun at the father and told him to leave. [More]
Bloomberg's "common sense gun safety laws" in action-- coming soon to a neighborhood park near you, assuming they haven't already.

Just think-- if the animals had killed her, Daddy wouldn't have been able to do a damn thing about it. As is, how he'll ever be able to look at himself again is a mystery to me.

And forgive me for wondering if a bodega connection makes asking where the young worthies came from relevant...

"Progressive" Values

So when Naughty America, one of the U.S.'s largest pornography production companies, invited me to try out VR porn for myself at CES, I wasn't sure what to expect. [More]
It's still Opposite Day at the CES.

This is what "progressives" want American men distracted with. For now.

Naturally, (or would it be "unnaturally"?) they don't want them thinking about more meaningful pursuits -- even if they're ... uh ... adulterated.

There's a Pleasure Island turning boys into enslaved asses analogy in here somewhere...

American Viper

Bradley Cooper... Thank[s] Obama for Gun Control [More]
Gosh, you mean this stage prop isn't an heroic American patriot in real life? And that he could learn a thing or two about being a man from someone who knew one...?

As opposed to...

‘Background Checks’ Could Leave Grandmother Disarmed Despite Her Indifference

Honestly, ma’am, you do have a problem with background checks – you just don’t realize it. All gun owners do.  [More]
That's because they're not really about "background checks." They're an incremental citizen disarmament con being pulled by those who would rather see you dead than armed.

Perception is Power

This one's a year old, but nonetheless timely and vital to understand -- I saw it over at Sipsey Street:
Claims that government agencies are infiltrating online communities and engaging in “false flag operations” to discredit targets are often dismissed as conspiracy theories, but these documents leave no doubt they are doing precisely that. [More]
It figures Opposite Day "progressives" would use deception to simulate an illusion of truth.