Monday, January 18, 2016

Boots on the Ground

New Oath Keepers LIVE stream now available from Oregon. [More]
They're doing it in partnership with Revolution Radio

VCDL Lobby Day

Once more, Virginia Citizens Defense League activists braved cold weather and a colder McAwful administration to take their message to state legislators. [See photos]

VA gun owners: Do the right thing.

‘Most Dangerous’ Oregon Gun Bill Creates New Threat to Freedom

"We have received a preliminary copy of one of the most dangerous pieces of anti-gun legislation we have ever seen,” Oregon Firearms Federation alerted its members. “This bill eviscerates due process and turns Oregon into a Soviet style collection of secret snitches!" [More]
State Democrats are on board with the feds in an ongoing anti-gun squeeze play.

Cornynholed Again

... S.2123 – Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act of 2015. It contains serious restrictions to posting any technical data about firearms on the Internet (even via email). [More]
What...? It's from A-rated John Cornyn...?

Gosh, I sure wouldn't want to risk facing an ITAR rap like these guys...

[Via Jeet]

Just So We're Clear

The waters are intentionally muddied.  [More]

That's so if they're bloodied, the "standard protocol" absolution card can be played.

While in Vegas, Catch a Live Show


I understand there will also be an open forum discussion with the audience.

AZCDL Bill Tracker

The 2016 Legislative session officially convened on Monday, January 11.  Legislators have only a couple of weeks to file their proposed legislation.  February 8 is the final day for all bills to be filed.  Over 700 bills have already been filed.  In 2015, over 1,200 bills were filed.  We expect at least that many this year. [More]
Some people do a lot to keep up with this stuff on our behalf, don't they?

About Those New York Values

A New York lawmaker has introduced a bill that aims to restrict cellphones using encryption software that do not enable access for law enforcement. [More]
Hey, if you're not saying anything wrong, what have you got to hide?

And yes, of course he's a monopoly of violence fascist. And an all-around petty dictator wannabe...

There sure are a lot of stool samples that go into politics...

[Via Florida Guy]   

Are You a Florida Gun Owner

If so, are you letting others carry all the burden and do all the necessary things to protect that while it's still possible without having to endure terrible personal hardships and risks? [More]

No More Free Wacos

Don’t do it.  Do not follow unlawful orders if the Obama Administration fools decide to go “full retard.”   [More]
Sow the wind...

Beck and Call

Desperate Liar – Glenn Beck Sends Followers Fake Trump Tweet – Trying To Prop Up Failing Ted Cruz…[More]
Does this guy still have any credibility left with anyone?

Too bad, really-- I've seen him do some remarkable stuff that unfortunately has been totally overshadowed by the bizarre. It's a shame to see him publicly self-destruct, but it's been a long time coming.

[Via Florida Guy]   

We're the Only Ones Getting You All Choked Up Enough

Jeremiah Justesen grabbed a boy by the throat ... Justesen grabbed a woman by her wrists, hit her in the back of the head and pushed on her throat... [More]
I wonder if his picture gives us any indication of why he seems to pick the targets he does...

[Via Roger J]

Stockholm Syndrome

The Swedish state is funding a “sniper” training course for recently-arrived Third World “refugees” as part of their “integration program”—despite the ever-growing refugee-terrorist attacks across Europe. [More]
What could go wrong?

[Via Florida Guy]   

Seems I've Read About This Somewhere

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads... [More]
On the plus side, if Isis wants to board a plane, at least they know whose hand to dig the passport out of...

The Rest of the Story

The no borders/pathway-to-citizenship amnesty for illegals/welcome Islamists crowd has been spreading this quote around as the last word on Founding intent:

Shall we view it in context? Starting with to whom it was written? And factoring in:
 I shall flatter myself that many of them will be able with the wrecks of their fortunes which may have escaped the extensive devastation, to settle themselves in comfort, freedom and ease in some corner of the vast regions of America ...  Under a good government (which I have no doubt we shall establish) this Country certainly promises greater advantages, than almost any other, to persons of moderate property, who are determined to be sober, industrious and virtuous members of Society.

"Progressive" Racial Harmony

Portland Community College to devote an entire month to 'whiteness'-shaming [More]
Looks like the link to the college isn't working at this time-- what do you want to bet it's to insulate themselves from negative feedback until the furor dies down?

The one thing I noticed about the article is everything is attributed to a collective entity-- there's no individual named as the prime source and mover. It's no coincidence individual accountability is masked

It's also no coincidence this is the same mindset that wants your guns.