Monday, February 08, 2016

Anti-Gun ‘Interview’ Pays ‘Lip’ Service to Truth about Armed Citizens

It also makes it fair to ask, were a bad guy with a gun to start shooting in the vicinity of Ondie or Stephanie or of Mr. Collective Guilt, what any one of them would personally be prepared to do about it. Or if he came after them with a meat fork, for that matter. [More]
Who better to pontificate on the effectiveness of an armed citizenry than a pair of privileged “progressive” feminists who don’t know the first thing about the subject beyond gun-grabber talking points?

They're Lying to Everyone

That's the only way gun-grabbers can con people into giving up their rights. [More]

Prize Possessions

The Weapon Blog brings us this month's gun contests. [More]

Yeah, I know -- I should have shown better trigger discipline...

Ulterior Motives

Evident in the last legislative session, Malloy and Wyman’s proposal was to prohibit possession and confiscate the means to armed defense from anyone accused of any number of alleged ‘crimes’ in domestic violence situations without any due process; [More]
That's why we call 'em gun-grabbers. And liars. And tyrants. And...

The Peter Principle

Or lack thereof... [More]

Who does this contemptible Robbie character think he is?

Lord Haw-Haw?

The Halftime Show

I guess fake ammo bandoleers haven't been outlawed in California yet. [More]

They were fake, weren't they? In any case, this sounds like a job for Mike Honda!

Hey, who better than Beyonce to take up the cause of angry, downtrodden victims of The Man?  And to glamorize ammunition, as long as it's in the hands of those those she approves of...?

Which are the ones she's doing the #BlackLivesMatter protest against...?

And hey, as long as the "progressives" are rubbing everybody's faces in radical Marxist/Black Panther racism, why not get everyone to show their rainbow pride?

Sometimes, it's hard to argue...

'Progressive' Home Rule

You know, ruling your home... [More]

Mike Honda again. That figures.

He ought to lay off the absinthe...

Scrubbing the Mission

Actually, the mission is scrubbing. [More]

Besides, we all know who the real terrorists are.

UPDATE an email reminded me of:
Don't forget why the enemy is here in the first place. That is the real, fundamental aid and comfort to the enemy. The assumption that we must let them in and then try to prevent every attack. This guy is part of the problem. Blaming it all on Comrade Obama is a diversion to cover the fundamental treason of the Bushes & the "security state" neo"cons". Imagine FDR letting Germans and Japanese in by the millions during WWII.


Really? That'll be it? [More]

My favorite part of this is actually in comments:

Tripped and fell on your face right out of the starting gate there, didn't you, pal?

Let's Be Clear

“Let’s be clear,” Rubio said. “Nobody is talking about preventing the legalization. The legalization is going to happen. That means the following will happen: First comes the legalization. Then come the measures to secure the border. And then comes the process of permanent residence.” [More]
Yes, let's be clear.

If Rubio is the pick, I'm sitting this one out.

I'd rather fight whatever Hillary sends my way than take the coward's way out and sell my soul by voting for this traitor. I don't perceive him to be the lesser of two evils at all. I find the one inside the gates to be a lot more dangerous.

State o'You

Gunmen dressed as police and wielding AK-47s stormed a boxing weigh-in at a Dublin hotel, killing suspected drug dealer David Byrne [More]
Where to even begin...?

Clinton Pollster Crowns Himself the Arbiter of What Interests Voters

Joel Benenson, Mrs. Clinton’s pollster, gave little indication at a Wall Street Journal breakfast with reporters that the transcripts would be forthcoming.
“I don’t think voters are interested in the transcripts of her speeches,” he said. [More]
Can you imagine being Joel, and spouting transparently lying crap like that for a living? It must be a pretty lucrative one, but unless he's totally lost, there have to be moments when he realizes what he's become and entertains the notion of hanging himself.

Eh. He's probably totally lost.

Regardless, I'd definitely be interested to hear what the place that employs Ted's wife paid huge bucks for (or rather, what the people putting money into the coffers footed the bill for).

Mr. Paul raises a point of order about that. And Mr. Quigley would like the floor for a moment to explain.

It's a big club and you ain't in it.

Speaking of "Progressive Feminists"...

Germaine Greer would like to say a few words. [More]

I guess she missed that day in "Health" class.

Mea Culpette

Apparat-chick Gloria
first rose to "feminist icon"
fame pretending to be
someone she's not, that is,
by being a liar.
In a case of talk-show Interruptus, I misspoke on the Bill Maher show recently, and apologize for what's been misinterpreted... [More]
Nah, we all heard what you said. Besides, anyone, male or female, who supports a candidate representing a philosophy that has resulted in 200,000,000 human deaths, deserves to either not be taken seriously because they're an idiot, or else repelled because they're a monster.

But trying to walk it back and recast it as something else when it proves a liability -- rewriting history and "disappearing" inconvenient truths -- is a pretty common totalitarian practice used by state monopoly of violence functionaries.

Right, Gloria?

So is the "progressive" apology: It's not for what you said, it's for how everybody else heard it -- you're sorry that it's our fault. And as long as we're talking Opposite Day, stumping for bimbo eruption containment strategist Hillary tells us all we need to know.

Now, how about that beer?

For the Children

The names of the teens were not released because of their ages. [More]
That's certainly got to be more important than letting the peaceable citizenry who pay for it all know about a monster in their midst to be on guard against.

Plus, if these reptiles' predatory activities cause them to end up getting shot, why those will be more child gun deaths" to exploit!

[Via Florida Guy]   

Follow the Money

So that's what it's all about. [More]

Well, then, I guess those of us who do should stop complaining.

After all, the globalists have to know something we don't.