Finicum Shooter Protection Bill Points to Wider Issue of Government Distrust

We know that the powers that be are desperately trying to bolster a false, government-started narrative that “rightwing extremists are a greater threat than ISIS.” And if you want to see violent death wishes leveled with promiscuous abandon, just look at comments on ”progressive” websites ginning up the mob against the Malheur Wildlife Refuge occupiers. Plus, let’s not forget the only killing so far was committed by an agent of the state. [More]
Protecting the identity of the officer who shot LaVoy Finicum is evidently more of a priority to Oregon State Police and politicians than ensuring unfettered public scrutiny.

We're the Only Ones Triaging Enough

During an altercation, two off-duty Houston police officers, moonlighting as security guards, had shocked Mr. Pean with a Taser, fired a bullet into his chest, then handcuffed him. [More]

Botched Statistics Padding

A federal appeals court on Friday overturned a lower court ruling that kept a lid on a handful of documents related to a lawsuit from Congress over the Obama administration’s botched “Fast and Furious” operation. [More]
Not that it will end up mattering anywhere near as much as the continued ubiquitous "botched" misdirection...

Funny-- the word "botched" doesn't appear in the OIG report.


That's what Rev. Anthony Thompson appears to be saying by supporting a candidate who in turn supports an organization founded by a eugenicist which results in more black babies being aborted than born.

From a strictly self-interested perspective, considering who has higher abortion rates, racists and non-"progressives" would appear to stand the most to gain politically and socially by encouraging the practice, and literally nipping future conflict sources in the bud.

Note I'm not arguing the abortion issue here, which is a separate discussion. I'm merely observing what is. If Rev. Thompson professes to be a Christian, it's up to him to reconcile support for Hillary with his faith.

The bottom line is, political choices have real world consequences. Enabling a politicians means those who do share in culpability for resulting actions. It's serious business requiring informed consent, and doesn't end with putting an "I Voted" sticker on your lapel.

You choose your side, you own your consequences.

Drowning in a Flood

That’s because of guns. Have we got guns. [More]
Which makes denying them to non-predators all the more criminal.

GRNC Backing Cruz

Paul Valone explains why. [More]

Me, I still have concerns.

And even though I'm well aware of his flaws and reversals, right now I'm having fun watching Trump give the RNC fits.

Another Crazy Conspiracy Theory

Pillow over head.

Conflicting reports.

Autopsy not necessary.

Fate of Republic and incredibly powerful political interests at stake.

Nothing to see here. Move along.