Friday, March 11, 2016

How to Reduce Gun Deaths

Lie to get a bunch of edicts passed that you'll never be able to enforce, and if you try, you'll start a civil war!  Brilliant! [More]

Want to find out how they plan to do it? Why, looky here:
To read this article in full you will need to make a payment
Being a subversive is hungry work!

And remember, with "progressives," every day is Opposite Day.

[Via David H]

Grassroots Action Proposed for Constitutional Militia

“If, on the other hand, the Militia were in operation, then essentially any and every type of ‘Arms’ which had any conceivable use by the Militia (which is essentially every conceivable type of “Arms”) would be absolutely protected by the Second Amendment and the Militia Clauses of the original Constitution... [More]
There's a way to make that happen but there's a catch: A critical mass of gun owners need to want it to badly enough to work for it.

We're the Only Ones Discharging Enough

During this transaction the firearm discharged into a wall inside of the unoccupied office. [More]
All by its own self...

Two-day suspension...? Yeah, that sounds about like what you or I could expect, don't you think?

What? We'd be breaking the law if we even brought one into a courthouse, let alone boogerhooked it?  That's a pretty nice job perk those deputies and child support prosecutor employees have for themselves.

[Via Mike H]

Meanwhile, Over at the Department of Pre-Crime

Heck, as things get more advanced, we ought to be able to skip all the procedural nonsense and get right to the execution. [More

[Via Florida Guy]   

So Much for 'Government of the People'

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and some others have continued to resist the transition, however. He has said Congress should have to vote before the administration signs off, but he has not succeeded in requiring that.  [More]
That's absolutely a correct concern. Why is it not required?

We the People who footed the bill should have a say, through representatives that can be held accountable.

The Cost of Doing Business

Concerns about border security have simmered for years for those who live among the region’s sprawling ranches and rugged mountain ranges. Sometimes, fears boil over, such as after the unsolved 2010 murder of southern Arizona rancher Robert Krentz, who was found shot dead on his property, or after the recent reported kidnapping. [More]
Don't worry, Grover and his enablers say this is good for the country.

And soon, we'll be all one big single-party Golden State!

The Emperor's New Clothes

Mr. Nugent hit the nail on the head ... Ted does rant about things but what he says here is correct and I must add now that Obama and his top dog in charge of the Borders has told all of the border patrol people that if they don't like the fact that they are required to NOT do their jobs ... You gotta LOVE Ted Nugent! The guy is an amazing patriot and every word he said is dead on TRUE! ... etc.
There's no shortage of uninformed gun owners who, like in this case, not only don't want to know the truth but deny it and oppose others who bring it up.

Out of all the hundreds of comments, it's more than a shame that so few fully understand what's at stake. That's because it's not in the interests of those conjuring an illusion to promote reality. And the few small voices pointing out the naked truth are drowned out.

A demonstrable theme is how the gun-grabbers rely on manipulating the feelings of those who willingly put on blinders and practically beg to be suckered. "Our" side is all too often just as guilty.


Troubling. [More]

Especially the theocratic takeover/"transfer of wealth" allegations. The commitment of a proclaimed "Constitutionalist" in upholding the Establishment Clause merits scrutiny given such a background.

That said, I can easily visualize the "other" team wearing black robes and chanting around a pentagram.

Those of you who are for Cruz: Yes, obviously the linked article has an agenda. but it's not about who is saying this or even why, it's about whether or not it's true, and whether it raises legitimate concerns.

We are individually culpable for what those we enable do with the power we cede to them through votes. So it's incumbent on us to do what we can to determine the truth beforehand.

And again, just like with the"natural born citizen" issue, instead of dismissing and ignoring it, Sen. Cruz could do much more to reassure those who are uncertain because of the allegations.