Friday, April 08, 2016

City of Angels

A federal judge in California has ruled that including a small Christian cross on the official seal of Los Angeles County is unconstitutional, siding with civil liberties advocates. [More]
My, how very Opposite Day "progressive" of the Bill Clinton appointee.

Me, I object to calling the place "The Angels."  That discriminates against those of us who call them spirit guides or Valkyries or Houris, or even those who call them demons...

Matter of fact, the example of the Taliban/Buddhist statue "flap," as adopted by those intent on going after Confederate monuments, makes it clear the entire mission system is emblematic of white privilege, patriarchy, religious bigotry, oppression and genocide, and it offends the hell out of people who live to have the hell offended out of them. If they're not going to be destroyed outright, we at least need to convert some to give equal shrift to Baal and Cthulu, as well as apportion a few as "bathhouses"...

The Devil's Invention

Meaning, I guess this Brit want them reserved for the devil's minions, and I suspect he'll get his wish-- at least over there. [More]

Faux News Health

Because nothing says "gun safety" like a bunch of antis haranguing you to turn it into a club! [More]

"Lead author Dr. Katherine Freundlich," eh?  I don't suppose she'd like to fill out a form explaining her qualifications and what she's prepared to do about it should her advice not work out...?

White House Still Claiming Second Amendment a ‘Given’ Right

This isn’t subject to interpretation and spin, which means the evil b******s are demonstrable liars, defrauding Americans out of their rights and usurping powers they have no claim to. Plainly, because there’s no other way to put this and remain faithful to the truth, that makes them tyrants and domestic enemies, and if you think about it, presumptuous blasphemers. [More]
The One from whom all blessings flow…? The guy sure has a high opinion of himself.

Voyage to See What's on the Bottom

[Click to enlarge]
What with the hours I work and demands on time I don't write about here, I generally finish up late and turn on the tube to just veg out for a bit before sleep.  Right now I'm catching up on "Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea," which I used to watch back in the Sixties.

Feral sons Uday and Qusay think it's a hoot that we had shows like that taking place in the "future" years of 1970s and 80s. "Voyage" actually had some thoughtful episodes, especially in the black and white era before much of it devolved into cheesy special effects and hokey monsters, like much of the -- face it -- dreck Irwin Allen produced.

Long story short, I found a Richard Basehart commemorative site that has posted another fond memory, back from the days when I was a Mad Magazine regular, their "Voyage to See What's on the Bottom" parody.  You'll probably either think it's childishly stupid or funny.  If you're like me, you'll think it's both, and enjoy it all the more because of that.

I don't know what "netiquette" is for a link that appears to go to a directory instead of a content page, so I'm not going to make this link hot. If you want to see more, copy and paste it into your address bar.

"Storefront Stick-up"

A victim of opportunity, this store owner has his hands full when he is confronted by an armed robber as he is unlocking the door. The robber demands "Give me the bag!" What happens next is the subject of this weeks' episode. [More]
Tonight on "Stop the Threat"...

Mass Hysteria

Newtown schools chief: Teachers will never carry guns in town schools [More]
Or I should  say, Conn. hysteria, which is pretty much the same thing.

I note teacher Jason Adams didn't actually do anything threatening, so this appears to be pure hoplophobia gone viral. I suspect he's probably been doing it for a while and got careless with concealment. Another teacher saw it and reported him. And an armed "Only One" reminded him of why they're called that.

The guy is screwed. Good luck with a 2A defense. That presupposes courts exist to secure the Blessings of Liberty. Just like the other branches of government, right?

I have some feelers out to learn more -- if you have something to add, feel free to comment.

Item last -- I've seen a "friendly fire" tendency to pile on the guy, and will only ask this -- has anyone ever felt compelled to carry when and where the "law" said you couldn't?

[Via Sweet Baboo]

We're the Only Ones All TOR Up Enough

[W]hen Seattle police showed up at David Robinson's home shortly after 6 a.m. last Wednesday, he figured he had little choice but to let them in and hand over all his computer passwords. [More]
There's always a choice.  But some are more costly than others.

And there's always a weakest link.

Anybody think you're safe out there...?

[Via Michael G]

It's Firearms Friday!

I'll be joining Michael Dukes again at 11:20 or so Eastern to talk gun sales, Hillary and Bernie, and whatever else we can get to. [Listen]

For the Children

If there's a bigger cliché than politicians kissing babies, I don't know what... Saw this one, sans the Fauxtoshop reboot, over at Hillary's FB page. It creeped me out about as much as when Saddam got all touchy with the child of British hostages, except in this case, a worshiper happily brought the offering.