Thursday, May 19, 2016

A Koch and Bull Story?

Libertarian hopeful Gary Johnson denies rumor of ‘eight-figure’ Koch campaign donation [More]
I dunno though -- ensuring a Hillary win would be good for both Koch's cheap labor motives and for the LP immigration platform.

It's not like Johnson understands the first thing about what motivates freedom advocates, what with his selection of William Weld as a vice presidential running mate.

When it comes to guns, Weld is the enemy. Which makes those promoting him the enemy.

Death of a Tactician

The brilliant and complex T.E.Lawrence rode into eternity on this day in 1935.

NYC ‘Gender Expression’ Enforcement Proof ‘It’ Can Happen Here

It also means that in order to enforce their orders and compel the surrender of punitive monetary “damages,” the commission will ultimately, and with full backing of the mayor’s office, the council and the courts, authorize its enforcers to use and escalate through a full continuum of armed force up to and including lethal. [More]
"Human rights," Opposite Day "progressive"-style...

This is How Propaganda Redirects the Focus

But of course the entire Trump phenomenon has nothing to do with policy or ideology ... Their allegiance is to him and him alone. [More]
That right there is some bullshit.Then again, consider the source and the alternative.

Sure, there are some cultists in any camp, but of the people I know, it's the demands Trump brings into the political discussion that are dangerous to the establishment, starting with the idea that borders and citizenship mean something.

Trump is merely the front man who articulated those ideas to where they could not be ignored, and brought them to the fore. People flocked to that because he was saying what they've been thinking --- that's very different from being led. If he turns out to be a goddam liar, the people he betrays will be remembering the way fascists who bring ruin instead of fulfillment of promises have been historically treated.

We're the Only Ones Locked Up Enough

The suspect, a Philadelphia police sergeant relieved of his duties, has refused to unlock two hard drives and has been in jail ever since a judge's order seven months ago—and after being found in contempt of court. The defendant can remain locked up until a judge lifts the contempt order. [More]
Sometimes, there's just nobody to root for.

[Via Florida Guy]   

We're the Only Ones Unpermitting Enough

Responding to the application, Oceanport’s chief of police, Daniel W. Barcus, contended that Russell had failed to demonstrate “justifiable need”: “There are no specific threats or previous attacks on you,” Barcus wrote, and neither is there any “special danger to your life that cannot be avoided by means other than by issuance of a permit to carry a handgun.” The answer to the question was “no.” [More]
How can you tell when Daniel W. Barcus is lying? Click here for answer!

[Via Michael G]

Don't Think of the Glass as 96% Empty -- Think of It as 4% Full

TSA blew $160 million on body scanners that failed 96% of the time. [More]
As WarOnGuns Correspondent Mack H notes, this is the same administration that wants to force "smart gun" technology on us.

Every so often we get glimpses that make the totalitarians look a little less shock and awesome.

What Katie Couric Calls 'A Specious Argument'

In the hands of law-abiding citizens, guns can and do save lives. [More]
I remember Ron Noble from the old days. I know I wrote something mentioning him back in the Nineties, but can't recall or find what it was. Nice to see he's capable of admitting a truth.

Not that I expect him to ever change his spots.

[Via Mack H]

Money Can't Buy Me Love

Oregon Democrats Vote Down BLOOMBERG BACKED CANDIDATE [More]
For some reason, Salish's epiphany comes to mind...

Too bad the alternative is also a false god.

A Deaf Ear

The proposal comes after the U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear an appeal  filed by the National Rifle Association seeking to block a city 2007 ordinance... [More]
And that's all it takes.

Say, isn't it NRA that advocates "Enforce existing gun laws..."?

It IS Bush's Fault

A judge said Tuesday that Kansas can't require people to show proof of U.S. citizenship when registering to vote for federal elections at motor vehicle offices. [More]
Thanks for her, G.W. (Guest Worker) Bush!

His to Lose

Yes, obviously this far out means much will change by fight night, but still, so much for the desperate neocon naysayers' contention that he'll never top 30%. [More]