Thursday, June 09, 2016

All You Need to Know About Nazgûl


Any questions?

Funny though. The guys pushing this have been pretty brutal throughout the years against anyone trying something that wasn't their idea -- something about risking bad precedent. I think what they don't get is some will not comply.  I'm also sure that if any are caught, the civil obedience über alles crowd will accuse them of making us all look bad.

The Nuclear Option

U.S. nuclear regulators have granted Southern California Edison permission to arm private security guards at the defunct San Onofre power plant with assault rifles and “ammunition feeding devices.” [More]
We used to pass that place all the time on our way to go visit relatives in Oceanside. The first time elder feral son Uday asked "Daddy, what is that?" I told him "It's the Dolly Parton Museum," and the kids never questioned that.

One Woman's Opinion

A member of the Democratic National Committee’s Platform Committee said at a planning event Wednesday that she does not believe anyone in the United States should own a gun. [More]
This glowing "feminist" tribute says Bonnie worked her way up to CEO  of Claire from being a sales associate. Funny, they don't think it relevant to note it was her dad's company.

So, Bonnie: What's in the letters? And I assume that special agent wearing a wire for you was armed?

We're the Only Ones Race-Oriented Enough

San Jose Police Chief Who Admits ALLOWING ATTACKS on Trump Supporters is Affiliated With La Raza [More]
We've come full circle. They'll be more than happy to show you their  stinking badges.

[Via Mack H]

Anchors Away

We could not find evidence for naturalization records of Curiel’s father or mother. [More]
Yeah, I know it's "aweigh," but I'm not talking that kind of anchor.

I understand the term offends some people. You know what offends me? Those same people, either "progressives" or illegals or racists leveling that charge against those who believe all "immigration" must be assessed in terms of how it contributes to "securing the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity."

[Via Mack H]

The Midas Curse

Federal Agency Collusion Polluted ‘Independent’ Gold King Mine Review [More]
Quick -- tell the Republicans!  If enough people make it impossible to ignore, they'll hold toothless committee hearings and avoid playing hardball when met with administration stonewalling!

[Via Michael G]

Meanwhile, Over at the Tower of Babel

So, you can have lived in America for twenty years, from age thirty to fifty, and haven’t learned enough English in those twenty years to pass the Naturalization Test.  What does that tell you about the kind of citizen this person would make?  Here for twenty years and didn’t pick up enough English to pass the test.  Zero assimilation. [More]
Jeez, anybody who says you need to do that and understand Constitutional limits to be able to vote and enable legislation and judicial appointments must be racist. Right?

It Depends on What the Meaning of the Word 'Extremism" Is

House Committee on Natural Resources Democratic Forum:Countering Extremism on America’s Public LandsStakeholders and the Public Asked to Submit Comments
I've been forwarded an email alerting people to an upcoming meeting on the "extremist" threat to public lands, along with a request for career government land controllers to submit their comments by a June 10 due date.  With the caveat that I don't have a lot of time to look at the moment, I could not find it on the committee website, but did find this link.

If anyone has further validating information, please share via comments.

Third Time's a Charm!

San Francisco to try yet again to give illegal immigrants voting rights [More]
Once we add a few more lanes to that "pathway to citizenship," we'll be able to do this everywhere!

This Mar character is a career subversive, isn't he?

Yo, Grover: Got anything you'd like to add?

[Via Keith B]

No Impact, Mr. Cornell?

Shortly after the new policy and petition, Target’s stock fell from $83.98 per share to $81.33, in just a few hours... [More]
Here's where it's at as of this moment:

I'm sure Brian and his merry band of diverse corporate suck-ups all have golden parachutes, so even if the craft they're piloting crashes and burns, they'll float somewhere to safety.

The Right to Bare Charms

Yuck.  I was gonna say "Hope they clean the seats," but I actually hope they don't. [More]

And if a foreign element attacked New York, would you consider it an attack on the United States worth dying for?

And remember: They hate us 'cause we're free!

Neutralizing Newt

All you need to do is look at his record. [More]

"Gun-free school zones" and Lautenberg?  I've seen enough.

And it's not just about that "single issue."

White Privilege

That's also what I call our guinea pig, because in her case, it's all true. [More]

By the way, I wish the Opposite Day "progressives" at the United Church of Christ (think about that) would explain what the difference is between them saying "People of Color" and others adopting the NAACP's convention of saying "colored people," which we're now told is "racist."

These useful idiots sure diminish real racism, don't they?

We Will Control the Horizontal. We Will Control the Vertical. But Bottom Line, We Will Control.

No minutes will be taken. No reporters will be allowed in. There will be no opening press conference, no closing statement, and participants will be asked not to quote each other. [More]
Any resultant proposals/bills should provide full disclosure of foreign and domestic interests behind them. That should be binding on every U.S. citizen/holder of U.S. interests in attendance and the ones they represent, with penalties for violations.

Who will introduce and sponsor a Foreign Influence and Accountability Oversight Act? Certainly not this lump.

A good person to approach first might be Rand Paul -- it seems like the kind of thing he'd do.  It might also be a good executive action talking point for Trump to pick up and run with. I think I'll "tweet" them both.

A Multi-Stakeholder Model

Motivation behind the transition is to "preserve a free and open Internet" [More]
And what day is every day for "progressives"?

What a collectivist term "stakeholder" is.  Whenever anyone uses it, it's a pretty good indicator to check your wallet -- and your rights.

Look for the type of expression and content restrictions we see in Germany, the UK, Canada, etc., with economic fascist companies like Google, Facebook, etc., lining up to prove their championship of and loyalty to the New Order.