Thursday, June 30, 2016

Impending House Gun Votes are Deplorable Concessions by Republicans to Gun-grabbers

Find the turkey...
Define “due process.” Is it being charged, tried in accordance with laws respecting rights, and found guilty before being denied a fundamental right? Or is it some law enforcement careerist using a secret list of undetermined sources and reliability convincing a judge or panel of unknown political sympathies that some tenuous “probable cause” alibi exists? [More]
Tell them no.  Tell NRA that, too.

Cinemarked Targets

Yes, we require you to disarm. No we will not assume a legal duty to protect you.  And yes, we're conduits for citizen disarmament-favoring, bodyguard protected Hollywood elites to make money hand-over-fist on blood-drenched shoot-'em-ups. [More]

That's entertainment!

[Via Geoff E]

Well, Now We Know Why Bill Met with Loretta

You know, to discuss grandchildren. [More]

That and where Loretta can go from here!

[Via Dave Licht]

NRA: Stop Endorsing Gun Owner Control

Groups shouldn't have to publicly repudiate the presumptive "leader." [More]

Some of us are getting pretty damn tired of it.

I started calling them the Lairds of Fairfax for a reason. They're the ones treating with Longshanks.

Enforce Existing Gun Laws?

You mean enforce existing Intolerable Acts? [More]

So CNBC is dusting off the "Third Way" to appear "reasonable"...?

And no "we" don't know what works. Anything that doesn't acknowledge the reality that anyone who can't be trusted with a gun can't be trusted without a custodian is treating symptoms, offering false hope while ignoring what's needed for a cure.

[Via Standing Liberty]

Who's Insulting Whom?

To add insult, the state’s top Republican, U.S. Sen. Cory Gardner, is refusing to endorse him. [More]
Gee, I wonder why:

It would seem the insult is to those who believe a non-negotiable directive for government is "to secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity."

Hey GOA: When is the grade going to catch up with the promise?

Crime Happens

Here's an infographic for your consideration.

I probably won't have time to analyze it, so your review comments are invited.

The Elephant's Graveyard

Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Kelly Ayotte (R-NH), Pat Toomey (R-PA), Susan Collins (R-Maine) and others are ready to support gun control proposals if those proposals are framed in the language of terrorism. [More]
Cancer needs to be eradicated, cut and driven out. Lesser measures will prove terminal.

[Via Matt F]

McCain Vulnerable

GOA's preferred candidate is gaining... [More]

I'll have to take a closer look at this in the near future.

The Quartz Provocation

I included an indirect link to the piece in today's Captain's Log entry.  I don't think I'm going to link directly to the stupid cow's subversive screed, because I perceive it being click bait and I don't want to reward that with attention.

Screw her, screw them. They're powerless and they know it, so all they can do is hiss in impotent rage.


[Via several of you] 

Coming Soon, to a Caliphate Near You

Islamist extremists hide huge stockpile of weapons near German mosque ... If these fears are substantiated, we can assume that secret weapons arsenals are being set up for a big terrorist attack not only in Germany, but throughout Europe. [More]
How much more substantiation is needed?

This is war. Does anyone not get that?

[Via Jess]

Follow the Money

President Obama is so passionate about gun violence that he cried during an announcement of an executive action related to gun control. Yet he is invested in gun and ammunition companies through the Illinois General Assembly's pension plan, which he joined as a senator, Reuters reported.  [More]
Opposite Day "progressives" in action.  Case in point, he's worth $12.2 M and his entire career has been in "public service."

Give him a few years and he'll probably pass up the "broke when they left the White House" Clintons.

[Via Standing Liberty]

We're the Only Ones Giving Just Desserts Enough

A third grader had made a comment about the brownies being served to the class. After another student exclaimed that the remark was "racist," the school called the Collingswood Police Department, according to the mother of the boy who made the comment. [More]
All he said was the portions were niggardly.

Then again:
The police and schools were also advised that they should report "just about every incident" to the New Jersey Division of Child Protection and Permanency, Carey said.
Yeah, you never know when the official advice of "See something, say something" will result in scornful "progressive" attacks on the reputation of the reporter and an invitation to the White House for those who are more equal than others.

[Via Matt F]

The New Normal

A new web series called "Queer Kids Stuff" aimed at preschoolers (yes, you read that right) is now attempting to teach those barely out of diapers what the phrases "gay," "bisexual," and "transgender" mean. [More]
How very "progressive."

Child abuse? Where's your tolerance? What are you, some kind of hater, some kind of pedophobe...?

Oh crap, we've got the wrong NAMBLA!

[Via Matt F]

We're the Only Ones Self-Contradicting Enough

“I respect the second amendment and I am a gun owner. I believe in responsible gun ownership. Part of that is responsible gun laws." [More]
Translated: Part of "shall not be infringed" is infringing.

What an Opposite Day "progressive" tool, joining with Nancy Pelosi and assorted stooges and useful idiots at San Francisco's Zuckerberg Hospital.

And great "reporting" there, Matthew Adkins of the Times-Herald! The Ministry of Truth can use loyal narrative parrots like you!

[Via Rough and Ready]

Kicking the Can Down the Road

Moving those checkpoints to the curb or inspecting cars as they first enter the airport could keep terrorists from ever making it inside. [More]
The absurd and increasingly intolerable charade continues.

[Via Florida Guy]   

Meanwhile, Over at the Bread and Circuses...

Gun owners headed for Busch Stadium may soon no longer have to leave their firearms in the car. [More]
Wouldn't it be simpler not to patronize gun-grabbing weasels who assume no corresponding legal duty to guarantee your protection?

[Via bondmen]

A Question of Judgment

Texas Judge Uses Naturalization Ceremony to Bash Trump and Guns [More]
Now here's the question: Did this judge commit an actionable ethics violation indicative of abuse of power/lack of impartiality that should be reported to the state bar and the state commission on judicial conduct?

See Spots Run

Given that the sun is the main driver of all weather and climate, the sinister-sounding “blankness” to which Dorian refers has some experts predicting a “Maunder Minimum” phase similar to one which began in 1645 and which is referred to as the “Little Ice Age.” [More]
Who'da thunk, what with the power-grabbers and wealth-transferers telling us the main driver is us not living in grass huts and foraging for acorns...?

I took my Mom to as big band concert Sunday night -- they moved it from the town green to the high school, because a thunderstorm that never materialized had been predicted.

Looks like it's time to start feeding the cows beans.

The NeverEnding Story

Sorry, no luck dragons  -- this one is more mundane, but nonetheless involves involves a giant, malevolent force swallowing up everything it approaches to turn it into "the Nothing":
  1. Microsoft warns visitors away.
  2. Their criteria for doing so is reputation-damaging.
  3. Hands are washed.
They emailed me and asked me to take a satisfaction survey. As that's conducted by a firm that contracts with them, I don't expect a resolution, but who knows? Maybe they'll realize this needs client cognizance and escalate it to their corporate handler:

[Click to enlarge]