Thursday, July 21, 2016

Apples and Oranges

Or Whoppers and Big Macs. [More]

Politi"fact" is being deliberately deceptive (yet again), because the number of individuals with FFLs has nothing to do with "ease" of gun purchases, and they know damn well what that lying piece of subversive filth Newsom is claiming.

[Via Mack H]

A Question of Priorities

Well, yeah.  He wants the latter group to have guns.

Sticker Shock?

I've had the Cleveland police scanner playing in the background today-- pretty interesting.

Apparently some of the demonstrators have been passing out some kind of "stickers" to police that have been "contaminated."  One officer has been taken to the hospital for a tingling sensation in his arm[s?].

I could do other updates, but then I wouldn't get anything else done-- if interested, you now have a link.

UPDATE: NavyJack – Three Officers at RNC Hit with Mysterious Sticker and Suspected Syringe Attack. One Officer Hospitalized.

'Outrage' Follow-Up

Remember this from the other day?

Injustice is served...

Government: Securing the Blessings of Liberty since... uh...

We're the Only Ones Unknowing Enough

"And I'm saying, 'Sir, why did you shoot me?' and his words to me were, 'I don't know.''' [More]
See, that's the difference between a trained professional and the rest of us.

A 'Progressive' Champion of the Little People

“These people, they’re insignificant gnats, they’re losers, they have no lives of their own, they can probably barely pay for the wifi they’re using”... [More]
One of the "progressive" Hollywood elites disparages the worth of people for, among other things, not being as rich as he is.

And what's with the putdown for obesity...?

Burn, Baby, Burn

KING: America has reached a breaking point, and unless Philando Castile and Alton Sterling’s killers are indicted, it could explode [More]
Give us what we want or we'll riot, loot and burn -- in our own Democrat cities and neighborhoods.

Forget evidence. Forget juries. Forget rule of law. Forget presumption of innocence. No justice no peace!

You know, extortion. And a lynch mob.

New York Daily News again, eh? I'm starting to think it's not that publisher Mort Zuckerman is genuinely anti-gun, it's that he knows if he trolls on them, he'll increase eyeballs and revenues.

So it figures this hive insect quee... uh, King has been given a place to mix his poison at that tanking subversive birdcage liner. And it figures he wants you disarmed.

[Via Bluesgal]

What, No Blood in the Streets?

What happened to all the hysterical predictions about the threat of armed "right wing extremists"? [More]

Jeez, you'd almost think it's not the gun, it's the man or something...

[Via Jack]

We're the Only Ones Suffering a Blow to Our Career Enough

“A male Secret Service Agent assigned to Puerto Rico had his issued firearm stolen by a male prostitute who he solicited online”...  [More]
Gotta watch those internet "transfers," and that holds true for more than guns...

Stuff like this among supposed tactical elites really does cast doubts on the whole "Resistance is futile" expectation we're supposed to have.

'When I Give My Word'

I pledged at the outset I will support the Republican nominee, whoever it is ... I'm a very simple man and when I give my word for something, I follow through and do what I said.
I'm seeing criticism that Trump allowing Cruz to speak last night without an endorsement commitment shows terrible "deal-making" skills. I've got to disagree.  This looks more like a case of giving enough rope.

And c'mon, Newt. That's a pretty lame "save."

Never been one for crystal balls, but it sure looks from here like Ted not only destroyed his chances for 2020, but for 2018.