Friday, August 26, 2016

Muster Call

Your NRA-ILA Campaign Field Representative is recruiting volunteers to:  register voters, make phone calls, knock on doors, generate letters to the editor, distribute candidate information, attend events and turn out the pro-gun vote on Election Day. [More]
Lt. Col. Robert K. Brown, NRA Director and Publisher, Soldier of Fortune, called me last night about this effort, to sound me out and solicit inputs. It's no secret I have my differences with Fairfax  -- in this case, if the effort is to keep Hillary from getting to remake the Supreme Court, I can put those aside.

In terms of lesser offices, I'd make sure candidates I worked for could pass muster themselves in terms of complete support for that "single issue,"

If you've never done any of the above activities, I've always had fun participating, and you meet some good people. As an aside, if gun owners won't show up to do this, what are the chances they'd answer a call requiring hardship and sacrifice?

The Right Consistency

I have consistently fought against foreign and domestic threats to the liberties we enjoy as Americans. Ballot Initiative One is one of those threats. [More]
Kudos to Nevada Assemblyman John Ellison.

Dance, Puppets, Dance!

The test consisted of six large balloons popping consecutively, followed by a fire alarm.  This caused people to go into panic mode and run. [More]
Next we're going to ring a bell and get them to salivate.

[Via Bluesgal]

Mexico Repeats Call for U.S. Gun Ban while Ignoring the Obvious

Note Massieu’s call for U.S. citizen disarmament acknowledged neither Operation Fast and Furious “gunwalking” nor the porous border. [More]
What difference does it make if the enemy who wants you disarmed is foreign or domestic?

The Cajun Army

Stewart Rhodes puts out a call to action to help flood victims in Louisiana, in a tandem effort with the Cajun Navy. [More]

It's what Good Samaritans do, even if there are orders to stand down that shouldn't be obeyed.

Firearms Friday

I'll be joining Michael Dukes at 11:40 Eastern to talk about whatever the heck he wants to bring up. [Listen]

'A Car to Die For'

A rendezvous to make a late night car purchase goes bad when the seller's intent is to keep the cash and the car. [More]
This week on "Stop the Threat"...

Anyone Who Can't Be Trusted with a Gun...

...can't be trusted with WD-40 and fishing tackle. [More]

[Via bondmen]

In a Pickle

Tells me all I need to know about the guy right there... [Watch]

That it's a prop has no bearing on the example he's setting for millions, most of whom have probably never heard of Cooper.

If he invites Trump on, don't be surprised if the jar is rigged to not open.