Tuesday, August 30, 2016

As the Story Changes

Clinton previously had said she withheld and deleted only personal emails not related to her duties as secretary of state. [More]
At some point one becomes numb from all the lies, and expects nothing else.  It's like this woman consists of pure, concentrated dishonesty.

What a diseased soul.

From Your Lips to God's Ears

Streisand: I’ll Leave The Country If Trump Wins [More]
Egotistical to the point of delusional much?


Kelli Ward is not a choice at all! Besides her “Chem Trail” conspiracy, she changes her position on issues on almost a daily basis. [More]
You mean this?
The "chemtrails" Twitter conversation started after Politico quoted Ward publicly spurning the conspiracy theory. In March, Ward had told The Republic she was responding to constituent concerns and only arranged a forum for them to ask questions to state environmental experts.
Nice try, though.

Be interesting to see what your real interests are in all this.

It Takes a Village

All your kid are belong to us. [More]

I've always chafed at the term "human resources," and at companies claiming  "human capital" as "our most important asset."

"Our children" deserves special hatred.  Yes, hatred.

Guess I'm just not very "progressive."  Because the plan is well underway.

[Via Florida Guy]   

It's Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow!

Although unlikely, taxation, regulation, cronyism, and/or public hostility to wealth creation could greatly undermine or even eviscerate the ability and willingness of businesses to deliver life-enhancing innovations to the marketplace. [More]
Any of you cheap labor "immigration" geniuses care to address this without equivocation, weasel-wording or subject-changing?:

Produce credible data – not opinion, not anecdotes – something that can be independently validated, that “amnesty” and a “pathway to citizenship” for MILLIONS of foreign nationals in this country illegally (and legally, with CURRENT culturally suicidal policies) WILL NOT overwhelmingly favor Democrats and anti-gunners. Show us your sources and methodologies for determining this WILL NOT result in supermajorities in state and federal legislatures that will be able to pass all kinds of anti-gun edicts.

Show us how this WILL NOT result in nominations and confirmations of judges to the Supreme and federal courts who will uphold those edicts, and reverse gains made to date.

Do it.

And Now, the Rest of the Story

Sure, it's worth mentioning Hillary. [More]

That said, is the problem really with how the phenomenon is described?

As for the young idealist being so moved, he maybe ought to take a look at some other "discrimination" and explain why his outrage is reserved for those who have given him nothing but opportunities and privilege.

[Via bondmen]

'Expert' Predictions

It's like these guys have a crystal ball or something... [More]

[Via Jeet]

Obama’s VA Cemetery Confederate Flag Ban Intended to Further Divide and Inflame

Why is the administration bringing this up now? The same reason it was brought up earlier: For cynical political gain. That and to paint anyone opposing “progressive” subversion as a racist. [More]
This isn't about reducing hate. It's about stirring up more of it, and about historical revisionism. It's about control.

Kangaroo Commission

Gary Marbut, president of the Montana Shooting Sports Association (MSSA) sent a letter Friday to Jonathan Motl, the controversial Commissioner of Political Practices (COPP), asking how the Commissioner could justify using wrong facts in a Decision derogatory to Montana Shooting Sports Association ( MSSA ). [More]
Nothing like someone in power screwing up and then blaming it on someone he opposes. Especially if you can attach a threat of prosecution.

You can hear more about this here.

Disclosure compliance "violations" seized on by "progressives" can result in vindictive legal and financial consequences leveled against citizens whose "crime" is defending their rights against those who would see them destroyed. Read what happened to a good friend of mine at the hands of California's Orwellian-named California Fair Political Practices Commission.

[Via Elisa D]

Domestic Terror Threat Averted!

Because nobody would read it if it just read "Low-Hanging Fruit Picked"... [More]

Besides, this helps with the narrative that the real threat comes from us "rightwing extremist haters," as opposed to those welcome additions to diversity who've received "rigorous security screening."

A Ruger 10-22 with a scope and 100 rounds?

I can hear Count Floyd saying "Really scary, kids!"

And a "homemade suppressor"? It wasn't an empty 2-liter soda bottle and a roll of duct tape, was it?

Will I be incriminating myself if I mention the Clorox and the gallon of Pure Bright stored under the laundry tub?

Not to over-trivialize, this guy sounds like a good person to remove from general circulation -- one who fits the criteria. What I'm questioning  here is the over-sensationalizing, and who benefits from it.

[Via WNT]

A California Republican

Sounds nicer than "goddamn traitor," doesn't it? [More]

She sucks as a CEO, too.  But she's got the preferred plumbing so everyone can feel good about how "progressive" the leadership is.

More H1Bs, please...

And her huge "but" should come as no surprise. Besides, she brings her bodyguard along to the buffet line.

Meg'll live in her mansion above it all, regardless...