Friday, September 02, 2016

It’s on Dwyane Wade to Explain What He Means By ‘Tougher Gun Laws’

What “changes” does Wade want? He shouldn’t be allowed to get away with just saying “Something must be done.”  All the gun-grabbers say that. Hillary says that. What do they mean by “something”?  And when will “something” be “enough”? [More]
If he's going to say we need more laws, it's on him to tell us what he has in mind and why he has reason to believe that will work.

I've Been Through the Desert on Some Whores with No Name.

Welcome to Burning Gland. [More]

This'll show you how perverted and unnatural they are.

Naturally, that attracts all kinds of unsavory characters.

The Times They are a-Changin'

So the few hardy surviving gun owners in this hostile environment used the internet changelog technology of to make a page tracking Healey’s ever-evolving position. [More]
The real changes happen after they get the guns.

[Via Keith B]

We're the Only Ones Alternative Enough

Poole suggests alternative methods of self-defense other than weapons.[More]
Spoken like a true career Only One ruling over a giant "gun free zone."

[Via Michael G]


Swiss tell EU: Hands off veterans' assault rifles [More]
They mean "defense rifles," but the underlying motive is clear.

And naturally, their biggest enemies against defense are the domestic kind.  You know, "progressives."

[Via Michael G]

Grassroots vs. Gun-Grabbers

Tell us about how the majority of Americans want more disarmament edicts again... [More]

Not that it should be a popularity contest, but why not take a moment to make the cud-chewers choke on their own bile? Take the poll and share the link.

[Via Keith B]

That Damned Hateful Xenophobe Trump

Oh, wait.... [Watch]

[Via Keith B]

UPDATE: Slick sounds just like this guy. I really do recommend you carve out the time to watch the whole thing. As someone who has given speeches, I'm amazed at how this guy can pull out facts without notes or teleprompter. I think it more than understandably explains how he occasionally gets a detail wrong, which is then pounced on as if it's a mark of ridicule-worthy ignorance.

Ronnie Green, Cultural Marxist Tool

Calling the University of Nebraska Lincoln a place that “values acceptance,” the institution kicked off the fall semester with its newly installed chancellor essentially telling new students they should not say or do things that might be offensive or cause people to feel disrespected, calling the stance “nonnegotiable.” [More]
Hey, I find that offensive.

The damn school is a public university chartered by the legislature, and I'm seeing a "Republican" supermajority in the "nonpartisan" unicameral legislature. They're going to "tolerate" this?

If they're this gutless when they outnumber the Prozis three to one, what the hell good are they?

Of Course You Realize This Means War

Screw you, Jack Ma, and your thinly-veiled threats. [More]

No one is talking about cutting off trade -- we're talking about negotiating deals to our best advantage, just like all deals.

"Pull down all barriers"?  Have one great big happy global Cultural Revolution?

How about you and your masters start with freedom of expression barriers?

The Good Activism Seal of Approval

Something I've harped on for years has been gun owner apathy, the tendency to do nothing while others carry the burden of defending rights. I probably first became sensitive to that when I participated in a protest that drew a few hundred gun owners out of a region where the week before had seen 40,000 of them attend a gun show.

I've seen friends step forward to try to do something about protecting RKBA -- from running for office, to conducting campaigns at great personal cost, to trying to counter media bias -- and seen all those efforts wither and die on the vine from lack of support.  Most recently, I've seen the vast majority of Mike Vanderboegh's regular readers look the other way when asked to make a gratitude offering for value received from his work.

I've termed the phenomenon "Profiles in Apathy."  And if there's a secret to turning that around and upping participation, it beats the hell out of me.

Not intending to sound like Eeyore, I nonetheless doubt what follows will make any difference. That said, a thought struck and I'm going to present it. It's a no-cost way for activists to establish credentials, at least as far as being able to demonstrate personal commitment and involvement: It's a way to prove contributions to "the cause" are more than just posting anonymous "Molon Labe" comments," a "Good Activism Seal of Approval" for lack of a better term  -- and it probably should have a better term.

I'm thinking of a point system here -- but then, this is all in the rough sketch pad stage. Maybe give one point for each category.

Within the last year have you:

  1. Written/called a representative or government body to oppose an infringement or encourage an improvement (it doesn't have to be YOUR rep if you live in gun-grabber territory)?
  2. Attended a freedom-promoting event/rally/protest (gun shows don't count unless you participate in advocacy efforts)?
  3. Shared information/links and encouraged other activists to use it?
  4. Contacted the media to correct the record?
  5. Been a contributing member of a national/state gun/freedom group?
  6. Continued your own education and helped to educate others on RKBA?
  7. Supported a worthy political effort/campaign/representative or a lawsuit?
  8. Kept up on local government/attended council meetings, etc.?
  9. Voted? [last election/registered for next]
  10. Put your money where your mouth is?
Basically, the highest score you can earn is a "10," which you can claim and display as your "credential." And lower numbers are nothing to sneeze at either, but the point is to be honest -- anyone claiming a score should have each point documented to prove it.

Like I said,this is all in the draft stage. Candidly, I don't expect it will ever evolve beyond that, because my expectation is most either won't lift a finger and others will argue over the criteria or dismiss the whole thing as a stupid idea.  If you're already in the deep end, my only counter-argument is people get there by first dipping their toes in the water and then wading out and splashing around. And the activists doing all this stuff are, at a minimum, buying you time.

So I put it out here on my own blog where it does't hurt anybody and people can do with it what they like -- or not. If any gun group wants to adopt / customize / modify it, be my guest.

Well I'll Be...

Looks like I somehow slipped through the blockade... [More]

'That Green Grass Blinds Them to the Slaughterhouse that Awaits Them'

Ain't it the truth. [More]

Pretty good assessment.

There's one causal factor that allows all the others to happen.

[Via Garrett A]