Among the Many Unanswered Questions

Among the many unanswered questions about the condition are what causes it, how best to treat it and how long the paralysis lasts. [More]
I can think of one question that doesn't even look like it's being asked, at least, publicly.

What a Sick @#!*

Disgraced former lawmaker Anthony Weiner had a months-long online relationship with a 15-year-old girl whom he asked to dress up in school uniforms and be part of “rape fantasies,” according to an explosive report Wednesday. [More]
And this guy doesn't think you and I can be trusted to exercise self-control.

No Excuse

The moron's name ought to be published. [More]

Is YOUR Republican Congressman an Establishment Sellout?

And they say there are no stupid questions. [More]

Y'know, it would help if they printed the names on these things. Some signatures are so illegible I can't tell who they are.

Here's hoping I end up owing my guy an apology, rather than vice versa:

UPDATE: Looks like I didn't scroll down far enough.  Guess I'm used to seeing names under the sig line. And nope, my guy has some 'splainin' to do.

What Goes Around Comes Around

Some in Alaska's establishment GOP not so secretly worked against Joe Miller in 2010 to back Murkowski.  And now they expect everyone to eat it and like it in 2016.

Some won't play that game.

[Via Mack H]

End of an Era

Sipsey Street Irregulars is closing down. [More]

It's sad news, but not unexpected, and unavoidable, really. Without going into details I am not at liberty to share, I support Matthew in his decision to pull the plug.

I was not only there for the birth of the blog, I'm the one who badgered Mike into starting it. We collaborated closely throughout on stories and developments that only time will tell how much of a difference was made. My opinion is he did great work there that deserves a place in the national memory as long as the nation exists to remember.

For the present, the archive should remain.  I do not know how long Blogspot will allow it to remain with no update activity -- perhaps as long as visitors come.

UPDATE: Several of you contacting me are, as Mike used to say, "leaping to illusions." This much I can tell you: Matt's decision was not because he was being pressured or intimidated. And don't buy into the creeping disinformation, posted by people who flat out don't know what they're talking about, for reasons only they can say.

'We Out Like the Taliban!

What, you mean hostile to and destructive of civilization...? And might that have anything to do with your particular station in life, or is it all because of "racism"? [More]

Curious how, as a voting bloc, the demographic overwhelmingly favors the party of "Only Ones"...

Years in the Making

"The vetting process, while not perfect, is a very, very stringent, and it can take almost up to two years for a single refugee to make it into the country," he said. [More]
So you'd say it's rigorous...?

I see that "two years" claim parroted a lot.  I wonder if there's much of a difference between "can take" and "generally does take." And in any case, do you know who was admitted into this country "almost up to two years" prior to acting out?

Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi.