Monday, September 26, 2016

NFL Gutlessness on National Anthem and Guns is Divisive and Dangerous

Sure as individuals, on their own time and dime, they’re free to make the case for just about anything they want ... But they’re not on their own time and dime. They are wearing uniforms with team names and logos. They are representing a team and an organization. The forum they are privileged to participate in is not about them and what they want. [More]
When you cede control you lose control. It's as simple as that. Which is why we dare not surrender self control of our rights.

The Debate

Just got done watching. First impressions, which I'll revisit in detail tomorrow:

  • Hillary did not appear as ill as some were expecting.
  • Trump raised two points of due process concern I've covered before and will elaborate on: Stop and frisk and the "terror watchlist."
I've never claimed Trump is any kind of savior, and have not shied away from including the bad with the good in my commentary on him, as any comprehensive reading of past concerns will bear out. What I state with certainty (barring one or both not being able to continue) is that if Trump is not elected, Hillary will be. Nothing I can do about that, it's just the way it is.

Now I have to get to work on something I need to finish before my day is over. 

Taken to the Woodshed

Basing a blatant hit piece on an unverified forum thread started by someone hiding behind a code name is not remotely responsible, let alone respectful. It's a cheap shot.  [More]
Oh, I don't know. In case you didn't know, that's how Fast and Furious initially got exposed, along with plenty more threads to be pulled. What I will admit to -- and apologize for up front -- is my title should have ended with a question mark. I regret now that I did not think of that at the time I posted.

Still, you know for a fact 'Gunwritr,' with over 10,000 posts to check for consistency, and who is apparently well-known enough, is lying in this one? Especially when he indicates there were witnesses? Does anyone have proof he's making it up? If so, I'd be happy to find out the allegations are false and issue a retraction and apology, because proving one writer is lying about another might actually be a bigger scoop. If it is a lie, I'd think Mr. Amselle's lawyer would be demanding one from 'Gunwritr,' because that his livelihood that's being impacted.

And just to be clear: You're saying if something of interest to gun owner rights advocates comes across the transom, I can't call the link to reader attention with a disclaimer that your post and thread are conveniently ignoring?
With the caveat that I have not personally verified this, if true, I can't think of any reason why gun owners would continue to associate with someone betraying them so completely and profoundly. 
If it's true, can you?

And it's not like this and this don't strongly suggest corroboration. Let's see -- a gun writer makes claims of interest to gun owners -- which I present under a caveat, and I provide further links that strongly suggest there's something to those claims ... so what exactly did I write that you can prove is false?

If anyone here thinks immigration as practiced by Hillary is not a direct threat to RKBA, feel free to actually directly and unequivocally answer these questions.

UPDATE: Looks like I was right. And the professional trainer class is going full Fudd on me.

UPDATE: The Thin $Green$ Line

Sign of the Times

Just don't expect Trevor Noah to be intellectually honest enough to admit the equivalency. [More]

[Via Michael G]

'A Quiet Family Man'

I guess "Gentle Giant" was taken... [More]

[Via Florida Guy]   

We're the Only Ones Misplacing Enough

Police might not know where their guns are, and the law says that's OK [More]
Well sure. Because when they end up getting used, that only increases the demand for us to be even more "Only."

[Via Bluesgal]

But Shannon Says This Never Happens...

Woman With Concealed Carry Permit Saves Multiple Lives After Stopping Department Store Shooter [More]
Gungrabbers would rather she and they had been slaughtered than armed.

[Via Keith B]

UPDATE:  Looks like I fell for it.  Thanks, Mark L.

The Question on My Mind about Houston Strip Mall Attacker

What did the ex-assistant DA believe in, or can this rampage really all be explained by his being "disgruntled," nuts and evil? [More]

So far, backstory facts are from complete -- his social media presence appears limited to LinkedIn, and if he's active in political advocacy, for a guy who drove a Porsche he doesn't appear to have had money to spare for campaign contributions, at least that a quick search on Open Secrets reveals.

You Don't Have to Live Like a Refugee

Well, you do, at least until it's time for the masks to come off after you've lived the good life courtesy of your tax mule victims for a while. [More]


The Pajama Boy Effect

Who among us doesn't look to male models as the ideal for what it means to be a man? [More]

Speaking of Deception

We can't let reality interfere with the illusions. It's the law. [More]

Racism Against Whites Only: Is That Eugene Robinson's Agenda?

Gun rights for whites only: Is that the NRA's agenda? [More]
Oh look -- more "progressive" talking points that ignore racist roots and Deacons, while disparaging courageous blacks who embrace RKBA as sellouts and Uncle Toms. And if you disagree, you're the racist.

Nope, no projection and nothing  Opposite Day about that.

And there's a reason this tool self-identifies as a "reporter" rather than an editorialist and propagandist. Deception is what these people do..

Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuehrer!

'Britain can NOT stop the march' Furious Martin Schultz hits back at UK over EU army [More]
Just like the good old days!

Subhumans to Be Eliminated in Germany, Opposite Day 'Progressive'-Style

Parenting magazine Baby & Family has told readers to beware of families who are “inconspicuous” and “cheerful”, as these warning signs indicate they are right wing and thus “dangerous”. Depicted with illustrations featuring solely blonde women and children, the report says ordinary parents must take action against right-wing families and make clear that their ideology has no place in the world. [More]
Please tell me the source for this is the German equivalent of The Onion.

Anti-Freedom, Anti-Life ‘Progressive’ Continues Democrat Tactics of Obstruction and Subversion

You know how the Democrats are always telling us “Nobody wants to take your guns”? Schakowsky does, and wants “everything on the table.” And she not only has our “assault weapons”[sic]  in her sights, she’s also “against handguns. [More]
Nobody wants to take your guns? Sure they do. And then they want to kill you. But don't take my word for it -- take theirs.

It's what totalitarians do.