Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Couldn't Happen in a Nicer Place

Louisiana's chief legal officer said Tuesday that crime has increased in so-called "sanctuary cities" that pledge not to pursue or prosecute illegal immigrants. [More]
What did they think was going to happen?

Keep voting in "progressives," idiots.

Name That Device

Hillary is concealing something.  [More]

Who'da thunk?

After careful consideration, here's my best guess.

[Via Florida Guy]   

Good Question

Shouldn’t the Presidential Debate Ask About Guns We Already Have? [More]
Yes, they should. But they won't unless thousands of voices mobilize to demand it. I'd start by sending the link to this guy, but if it's just me and a handful doing it, nothing will happen.

One point I did not understand, or if I did, I don't agree with:
Some pundits trifle with what a packed Supreme Court might concoct, and the nefarious quakes the new boss might initiate in the halls of bureaucracy, now more influential and certainly quicker than Congress. Those gnats hardly matter... 
While I don't consider myself a "pundit," I don't see that as trifling or a gnat at all. It's the whole reason immigration / amnesty / pathway to citizenship is the single greatest threat we face, not only as gun owners, but as Americans who believe in the Constitution. So what did I misread?


That took all of five seconds.

Guess He Didn't Get the Memo

Gunman kills Starbucks patron after credit card was rejected [More]
Jeez, and Howard asked "respectfully" and everything.

[Via Michael G]

Meanwhile, Over at the BLM Protest...

I guess nobody clued Rayquan in on the reasons for the event... [More]

Sure glad to see those "prohibited persons" laws working!

[Via Keith B]

Tracking Trolls

The media bridge is just packed with them. [More]

The Thin $Green$ Line

This is an archive of a conversation, saved here for posterity (in case someone tries to cover his tracks by deleting the thread.) [More]
Why would I want to do that?  Turns out I was right.

All you, Grant Cunningham, and you, Rob Pincus, did was praise a Hillary supporter who earns his living off gun owners, ignore facts, insult me and then slam the door on "reasoned discourse."

Pretty transparent ad hominem diversion there, Grant, but go ahead, run away. I presume you've also attacked all lobbying groups, including NRA, for using candidate questionnaires? Unlike NRA political position questions, which you must view as McCarthyist in order to remain consistent, mine merely ask if anyone can produce sourced data to conclude the Democrat platform on Jorge's stated main issue (over RKBA), immigration is not a direct threat to gun ownership and carry laws, despite all credible polls and real world experience saying different. You won't answer the questions because you know you can't.

No I'm not. That's the major danger supporting Hillary presents, and I see you're avoiding answering the questions, too.  First, Jorge himself admitted "For the record the article is almost entirely accurate," and you responded by praising him and continuing your "sensationalist" devoid-of-fact speculation.  If you knew what you were talking about, you'd know I did no writing for SSI and I provided venues to publicize Mike's work.

You both fight like "progressives."