Monday, October 03, 2016

Giving Them the Rundown

When is it legally OK to apply the wheels of justice? [More]

I don't suppose there are too many scenarios where backing up to make sure would still be "lawful"...?

[Via Florida Guy]  

Science is Sexist

Does Laura Parson know Newton's law of universal gravitation was discovered and articulated by a male in a culture that oppressed women and minorities? [More] 

Social justice, poststructuralist feminist theory and striking back against the patriarchal hegemony demand that she loudly defy such an oppressive, misogynistic restriction. And do it topless, as a show of sisterhood and solidarity.

That'll show us.

But could she get us a beer first?

[Via Steve T

Hardly the Right Reason

“Essentially, Proposition 63 complicates current law with one that is costlier and seriously flawed,” Corney wrote. [More]
Said with all the principled conviction of John Kasich...

[Via Mike H]

Minority Report

WA Goes After Pre-Crime: Gun Confiscation Proposed For Those "Likely To Commit Violence In The Near Future" [More]
Hey, who needs "due process" when you've got magic?

[Via Florida Guy]  

Who Was That Masked Man?

I guess the other questions I'd like to ask him are "Why this tactic?" and "Do you think you achieved your goal?" [More]

All Thanks to the Make-Work Kabuki Hires with the Latex Gloves

In the past 5½ years, 42 air travelers have been detected bringing various firearms into Richmond’s passenger terminal. A record nine weapons have been confiscated this year, or an average of one every month. [More]
Statistically, so we can get a feel for the real scope of the issue we're being scared with, how does that work out? How many have then gone on to initiate force or resist? And how does confiscation and other punishment help, especially if the claim is that the "problem" is "on the rise"?

And all said, yeah, I can't imagine being that oblivious.

[Via Mack H]

What's in a Name?

Federal officials say they won't evict the Oceti Sakowin, or Seven Council Fires camp, due to free speech reasons ... [More]
Huh.  What if the group instead called itself "the Bundys"?

[Via Geordan]

Every 2nd Matters

Basically, do something for the 2nd of each month. And network. And more.  [More]

Yeah, I know, I missed yesterday's event on the 2nd. I wasn't around yesterday when the email was forwarded to me.

Why not sign up to participate and keep apprised?

I just did.

[Via Sean Caranna]

Tuesday Evening With Lord Monckton in Kalispell

Dan Happel and friends have produced Lord Christopher Monckton, The Rt. Hon. Christopher Walter Monckton, Third Viscount Monckton of Brenchley, UK, for several appearances in Montana. [More]
Don't let the titles throw you. Learn about the man.

He'll be talking about agendas behind "Global Climate Change and Brexit."

How does this impact that "single issue"?

Well, first you need to grok that the "single issue" is Liberty.

Think of It as an Opportunity

Volunteers are needed to help man the GRNC table at the upcoming MK Shows Gun Show, in Asheville, on October 8th and 9th, 2016. [More]
Could be fun, and once you start down the path, you never know what other avenues and traveling companions can appear...

A Few Bonhommes

Our enemies must be trembling now... [More]

It's almost like someone wants it that way...

[Via Florida Guy]   

Worse than Yelling 'Fire!'

A fan disrupted the Bears/Lions game on Sunday when he ran out on the field wearing a full gorilla costume and a shirt that read "All Lives Matter" on the front and "Put The Guns Down" on the back. [More]
How very Opposite Day "progressive." So how will this do anything but stoke the embers and fan the flames?

I say give the guy his 15 minutes of fame. Don't just tell us about some masked and anonymous "fan." Tell us everything about him, including where he lives.  And do the same for everyone who wants to incite and inflame.

Let them receive the first response to the reactions they're drawing all of us into.

Well, As Long as the Simulation Says It's OK...

In practice, both bodies acted much like sober legislative chambers. [More]
So nobody held sit-ins on the floor when they didn't get their way with infringements, or abetted misdirection and stonewalling over deadly crimes, or were willing participants in subversive activities, or were blatant, in-your-face oath-breakers transparently committed to cultural "cleansing," or..

The domestic enemies in those "sober" chambers don't follow the clear bright lines that exist now. What makes you think you're clever enough to come up with just the right incantation to tame the demons?

You "drafted the rules"?

How cute. How many guns do you have backing you up?

Did you run your rules by the embedded Marxists for a microaggression and white privilege check? How about Hollywood and the editorial boards? And all those politically-appointed federal judges?

Computer: End program. Exit holodeck.

God save me from "smart" people.

[Via Michael G]

Mystery to Me

“He’s smart, and he understands the [political] process,” Fitzgerald told the Daily News-Record of Spieles. “Who the hell knows what his motivations were?” [More]
Yeah, what did Yul Brynner sing in "The King and I"?

Is a puzzlement.

Signs of the Times

The first video shows a woman being beaten on the front lawn of a home while she tries to protect a Trump sign. [More]
I wish those Trump supporters would stop instigating violence. Didn't the hater know better than to provoke like that?

Once Hillary's elected, we'll all be able to look forward to a lot more reasoned political discourse like this. Add a dash of "common sense gun safety laws," and it's easy to see why this has nothing at all to do with that "single issue."


We're the Fauxnly Ones Keeping Up with the Kardashians Enough

US reality TV star Kim Kardashian was robbed at gunpoint at a luxury residence in Paris by at least two men dressed as police officers, her publicist and police say.  [More]
Assuming this isn't an insurance scam, this is a pretty good illustration of why there are no safe spaces where bad things like this can't happen. That's why even homes in the best of neighborhoods have fire extinguishers.

Gee, Kim, they have all the "gun control" you demand be imposed here. What happened? And where was Shengo?

I wonder if she'll develop MLS (Mugged Liberal Syndrome)...?

Licensing and Registration in Action

Gun-Show Customers’ License Plates Come Under Scrutiny [More]
Mandatory records get (ab)used by government for more than stated purposes.

Who'da thunk?

And just because the fishing expedition net has caught no fish yet, don't think there has been no haul.

I wonder at what point lawful activity activates watchlist eligibility.  Without more details and oversight, all we'll be able to do is wonder.