
Why do we need Oathkeepers. Our current military, police, all took the oath. Don’t we trust them like civilians trusted us when we took the oath?
Why is the government, whom we elect, the enemy?
Jim, former Marine, not an Oathkeepers. Once was good enough for me.
Relax guys. The Republic is in good hands. To say otherwise shows disrespect to all who now serve.
Jim (not an Oathkeeper, , and I think this is all a bit wacky). [More]
So is "Jim" just an idiot or a troll? Or both?

Rush Limbaugh Recognizes Buried Truth Behind Fast and Furious ‘Gunwalking’

Those guns ended up in the hands of Mexican drug cartels,” Limbaugh explained.
“So the way they do it is to try to create a mass hysteria,” he elaborated. “The program backfired because it was discovered.” [More]
Meanwhile, Soros-funded apparatchiks dismiss that as "wild conspiracy theory," and the mainstream press dutifully spreads the "botched gun sting" misdirection.

One Question...

In order to protect gun rights in our state, GRNC-PVF is seeking volunteers to distribute the remaining voter guides, so that as many voters as possible will be armed with information on pro-gun, pro-liberty candidates, as well as information about their anti-gun opponents.  [More]
If you're a North Carolina gun owner, why wouldn't you help?

Call to Action...

...to Spot, Document, and Report Vote Fraud or Intimidation on Election Day, 2016 [More]
Your help is needed. At the very least, please share the link and spread the word.


The gun rights group has spent more than $26.8 million on ads boosting Donald Trump's campaign or to defeat Hillary Clinton... [More]
I'm quick to point out when they fail.  I'd be remiss not to also point out when they do good.


Garcia, who pleaded guilty last month and faces 13 months in prison, had only recently been released from the Kern County Jail. He likely would have been deported again, but local authorities were unable to report him to immigration authorities because of California’s new sanctuary city law, which prohibited the sheriff from communicating with federal agents. [More]
That one hits close to home away from home. I know that area well, and was just there in August visiting a property my wife and I have been partners in for over 25 years,

Fire danger is compounded by bark beetles, responsible for killing millions of trees in the area, and creating plenty of fuel. Add in the near-death through hostile legislation of the California logging industry (the property I mentioned used to be a logging town) and federal and state EPAs creating near-impossible pesticide approval "standards," and is it any wonder Mother Jones ties in "global warming" to advance Rahm Emanuel's tactic to never let a crisis go to waste?


They'll be the death of us if we let them.

We're the Only Ones Preaching Abstinence Enough

I don't suppose it occurs to Elkhart PD spokesflack Chris Snyder that at 14, what the kid really needs is development-appropriate training... [More]