Thursday, October 27, 2016


So naturally, assault and arrest the attorney... [More]

Oregon Judicial Commission Predictably Gives Judge Prejudiced against Guns a Pass

The short version: We’re not going to do anything about a clear case of judicial bias and there’s nothing you can do about it. [More]
This is where I typically link to Gomer Pyle saying "Surprise, surprise, surprise!"

'Foiled Robbery'

A storekeeper is warned of suspicious activity in the back alley and takes her handgun to confront the threat. She finds two men and holds them up at gun point while waiting for the police to arrive. The suspects are non-compliant, provoking the armed storekeeper to wield her gun and fire a "warning" shot. [More]
I can hear the panelists ripping into that now... This week on "Stop the Threat"...

Something Must Be Done!

But you don't know what, do you, Mel? [More]*

Join the club.

*This is one of those Fox News links that sometimes results in an "access denied" message. I can't do anything about that, so just search for Mel Gibson and gun and the story ought to show up in the list of returns.

Hillary Strategist behind Trump Supporter Attacks is Prohibited Person Married to Gun-Banning Politician

What’s tough to believe is that there is actually a pool of constituents dumb, dependent and corrupt enough to continue giving such loathsome parasites political power over their lives.  [More]
It's true. Criminals are all for "gun control."

SPLC Lies about Oath Keepers' Operation Sabot 2016

Why would we expect anything else? [More]

They certainly have the usual mob of useful idiots riled up.

Here's the real plan: Discreetly observe in accordance with all laws and report suspected irregularities.

Who could be against that?

And they say there are no stupid questions...

Empress of the North

You could have been a meat-eater, kid. [More]
Oh, look: Life imitates art.

That's Establishment RINOs for ya-- they spend more on steak dinners than principled conservatives have on their entire campaign.

Is it any wonder they think they're above the rules and will throw you off the train first chance they get?

I Don't Know What's More Insidious and Pathetic

The easily disprovable lies in this transparent hit piece masquerading as "news," or the ignorant idiot drones swallowing them hook, line and sinker. [More]

Back by Popular Demand

Or not... [More]

Considering all the Astroturfer noise being amplified by the media, that's pretty good.  It also shows why attempts to control social media are so insidious.

Margin of Premeditated Error

Clinton now leads Trump within the margin-of-error--by three points, 44 to 41 percent among likely voters ...  Third-party candidates play a role here, as Gary Johnson (14 percent) and Jill Stein (7 percent) receive the combined support of more than one-in-five independents. [More]
No rationale Libertarians, Never Trump Republicans and gun owners who won't vote can offer will negate the observable reality that if Trump doesn't win, Hillary will.