Be Very, Very Careful with This

As unsurprising as this would be, my first thought is "progressives" putting disinfo out there to get conservatives screaming and gloating, then "prove" it's a planted story to discredit them and dismiss the real concerns. [More]

So please-- if there's anything to this and it's reached this stage, there are people in the know with incentive to come out -- our function is to be observant, to test claims where we can, and above all, to not fall into a trap if one is being set.

[Via Keith B]

Daisy, Daisy, Give Me Your Answer Do

I see you haven't outgrown your childish mentality any since 1964, have you, Monique? [More]

And Johnson then proceeded to escalate the war, implement the unprecedented welfare state, destroy immigration controls, and let's not forget GCA '68.

If there's one thing that threatens the "progressive" agenda, it's adults.

If the Object is True Security, ADMs ‘Not the Droids You’re Looking For’

Evidently, what the Founders deemed “necessary to the security of a free State” must no longer apply now that venture capitalists and technoweenies have decided an R2D2 clone is just the ticket. [More]
In the annals of stupid products that do nothing but deny reality and create a false sense of security, this one rates right up (down?) there.

Fairfax-Approved Intolerable Acts

This is as offensive and unconstitutional as the NRA’s Project Exile which promotes the enforcement of unconstitutional federal gun laws when state and local authorities make an arrest over which involves a firearm. [More]
Agreed. Some of us were saying that 15 years ago. And warning against accepting "success stories" as gospel ever since.

A Creative New Argument

Appropriating Truman Capote?
It’s a creative new argument, and also one that’s very wrong. [More]
What, the one that was included by the Founders in the Bill of Rights?

Your argument is very wrong, SE Smith. But it's hardly new or creative.

Totalitarians have been using it for years. Along with the evil lie that rights are bestowed by governments, and are what the rulers -- or stupid subversives -- say they are.

Civil Unrest: Post Election Scenarios & Preparation

Are You Ready? [More]
Oath Keepers is offering a free webinar Thursday at 8 p.m. Central.

Mo' Betta Blues

The ever-propagandizing WaPo gives space to an Opposite Day  "progressive feminist" to justify why she felt compelled to steal Trump signs and deny free political expression to citizens with different views. Or something. [More]

So what else do we know about her?

Per her WaPo bio line, she's a "a writer and publicist living in Falmouth, Maine."

What do you think?

Looks like Betta shut down her Twitter account so people can't tell her what they think of her. But not to worry, the same picture appears here, along with a messaging utility.  I took a screenshot in case that page gets pulled.

Here's the thing about that Maine Public Relations Council -- they claim to have ethics standards:
As members of this organization, we: Operate in the public interest ... Deal fairly with everyone ... Neither create nor operate under a conflict of interest ... Report any unethical or unprofessional practice by another MPRC member to the MPRC Governing Board for potential disciplinary action ... Act in a manner consistent with the letter and spirit of this code and reject counsel to do otherwise.
So if someone contacts them here or here or here, they'll do what, exactly?

Eve of Destruction?

The fact that Comey is taking this action indicates that his hand is being forced and that he [and Obama] have accepted the terms offered by the insurrectionists in exchange for the face saving terms offered. [More]
I agree that he wouldn't have done this had his head not been on the line. If they throw Hillary under the bus and arrest her, we had better all be prepared for violent backlash. I'm not one for specific predictions, but no level of catastrophic disruption will surprise me.

[Via Florida Guy]   

Frigging the Election

Oh, I'm sorry, I meant "rigging." [More]

There is a difference, isn't there?

[Via Michael G]

Distinguished Actors, Guide Us!

There's plenty of equal talent out there that will never win fame and fortune. A lot of the ones who do are essentially lottery winners. What did Dionne Warwick sing?
And all the stars that never were
Are parking cars and pumping gas

And what did Marilyn Monroe say after she hit the big time?
“It means I’ll never have to suck another **** again!”
Even for the exhibitionists and narcissists who won't go that far, there's generally no role they won't take and throw themselves into if it means getting attention and climbing another rung up the ladder. If this guy ever "makes it," look for the media and his "fans" to hang on his every political pronouncement just because he's famous:

[Via Dan]

A Record Year!

Agents Accuse Feds of Covering Up Record Border Detainee Numbers for 2016 Election [More]
Guess who's counting on it?

Thank goodness none of this has anything to do with that "single issue."

Right, Wayne, Alan, Grover, Ted... ?