Thursday, November 10, 2016

State Ballot Measures Temper Trump Victory for Gun Owners

The other thing we saw Tuesday is that Astroturf-funded state measures are the wave of the near future. The formula: Pick a “blue” state; throw in a ton of money from New York City and Silicon Valley; hire the best propagandists money can buy; rely on media allies to amplify the signal and demonize gun owners; spook the useful idiot herd; and steamroll over grassroots volunteers who enjoy neither the money, the media savvy, the contacts nor the reach. [More]
Lather, rinse, repeat.

Soft and Impotent

Just the way flaccid, resentful "progressives" who smear traditional men as "toxic" dream of rendering them... [More]
“I hope that this work, that appears playful at first, will allow viewers with differing opinions a space where they can share thoughts on gun control, gun violence and gender identity.”
Well, I guess you can hope in one hand and...

Men and women whose convictions actually matter have no time for infantile delusions, or in sharing opinions with Trigglypuffs and manginas. The only thing we want with your "space" is for you to keep your lunatic ass in there and stay the hell out of ours.

The thought strikes -- there's gotta be someplace where those stupid assault quilts are verboten. Maybe get a kid suspended from school, or have TSA confiscate one...

Set up a "When 'progressives' collide" kind'a moment...

[Via Florida Guy

The Immigrant Secessionist

If a non-"progressive" Southerner suggested that, he'd be called a "hater." [More]

I guess my question for "American by Choice" Shervin is "How does that not revoke the oath you freely took?"

What's in a Name?

American Outdoor Brands ... ? [More]

Because nothing inspires us to "guard with jealous attention the public liberty" like "sporting purposes"?

Leave it to a foreigner with no prior gun culture experience to teach us that lesson.

Los Un Por Ciento

The 10 Mexican billionaires on the index dropped a combined $6.5 billion in early trading. [More]
Gosh, that's too bad.  We need to help these people.

After all, their coffers are half empty.

And if for no other reason than appreciation for the cultural remaking opportunities their self-enrichment policies send our way.

Clean the Goddam Wax Out of Your Ears

"Donald Trump heard a voice in this country that no one else heard," he said. [More]
Oh bull.

Practically everyone I know that matters heard it. We've been the ones screaming it. At you.  Pleading with you to listen.

I guess when you don't have to live in the muck you create, the smell doesn't bother you.

These insulated bubble people, who act like they're more sophisticated than everyone else, really do come off like provincials. And the chattering class talking heads are all going full Pauline Kaehl...

I was watching the crew at PBS on election night when it looked like Trump was heading for the top and they kept saying how just four hours earlier, none of them could have imagined the night would turn the way it had.  They were like cows in the chute, knees buckling as the bolt walloped the skull.


Another Bit of Election Cheer

Mark Kirk is out. [More]

That "Republican" loss is a victory.

True, Duckworth is an enemy. But she's an outside-the-gates enemy. He's not only been inside, he's been in-your-face about it.

Republicans need to instinctively grok that unless and until they give us acceptable candidates, they can feel our pain. Accepting betrayers is what got us into the mess in the first place.

They Can't Just Say 'Rose to All-Time High'?

They have to put their major emphasis on the "falter" part. [More]

"Authorzed Journalists"...


The Parasites are Restless

Dang -- and they were all bent out of shape over a candidate saying he might contest results. [More]

On the plus side, these frustrated infant sociopaths are pretty much sh*****g where they eat, in Democrat strongholds. And the more they show their true ugly natures, the more normal people wake up and notice.

Thank You

Happy birthday. [More]

Thank you, Dad. Thank you, Uncle George. Thank you, other Uncle George. Thank you, brother John.

Damage to Our Foundation Remains

You don’t heal over a cultural cancer. [More]
So we can't go back to sleep now...?

[Via WRSA]

My Kind of Town

For the second weekend in a row, more than 50 people were shot in Chicago as the number of homicides this year rose to more than 50 percent above the same period last year. [More]
If only they would disarm you and me.

Take it away, Frankie.

Forget it Jake, it's Chi-Town.

Enlightened Self-Interest?

And here we thought Bezos' primary motivation was to stand up for the underprivileged and downtrodden of the world. [More]

I guess most useful idiot Occupiers don't have a clue they're being manipulated by the One Percent...