Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Oath Keepers Racism/Terror Smear Raises Unavoidable Questions as to Which News is Really Fake

We’ve seen it before, all the time, from the lies promulgated by the Southern Poverty Law Center, to having that lie acted upon by politically-motivated “law enforcement” groups. And if you want to see how complicit the media has been in spreading those lies, simply do a Google news feed search for the terms “'anti-government’ + ‘Oath Keepers’.” [More]
If it’s not “authorized journalism,” it must be “fake news.” Right?

The THING that Would Not DIE!

Nancy Pelosi chosen again as House Democratic leader — but tally suggests deep division [More]
That's really undemocratic, allowing these proxies to speak for all Democrats. Why don't they demand a popular vote?


During a demonstration on the Tulane University campus, protesters largely from social justice organizations demanded white students be held accountable for perceived racism on campus. [More]
Or else what?

GOA: Tell Trump Petraeus Wrong Secretary of State Choice for Gun Owners

That’s because Petraeus broke his oath to the Constitution and joined with retired Gen. Stanley McChrystal and other veterans to form the Second Amendment-infringing Veterans Coalition for Common Sense. The group is part of retired Captain Mark Kelly’s and Gabby Gifford’s Americans for Responsible Solutions. As with all things Opposite Day “progressive,” there’s nothing “common sense” or “responsible” about it. [More]
What, you don't think it's a good idea to put a globalist gun-grabber in charge of the UN Arms Trade Treaty or ITAR...?

There's Some...Thing on the Wing

Police said when the plane arrived at the airport, a woman pulled the overwing emergency exit on the plane, got onto the plane's wing and then jumped to the ground. [More]
WarOnGuns has obtained exclusive footage:

[Via Steve T

Your Tax Dollars at Work

Sanctuary Francisco wants to use tax dollars to defend illegal aliens from beinging [sic] deported.  [Watch]
I was just thinking what this country really needs is more "pathway to citizenship" travelers suffering from panic attacks and suicide attempts while blaming others for bad check charges. That and their "birthright citizen" offspring.

Thank goodness the resulting overwheming Democrat majority will have nothing to do with that "single issue."  Right, NRA?

Rick Oltman gets a word in toward the end. He tells me "O’Reilly is going to lead with it on Wednesday night."

Ask the Experts

Masters at deception explain how it's done. [More]

Or at least they try to make us think that via conflation.

A New Take on the Old Shell Game

Is Recounting the Vote Really the Goal? [More]
Keep your eye on the pea...

Go Hoosiers!

"To me it’s immoral and even it is criminal ... to force an innocent person to jump through hoops and pay money to the state to prove their innocence and exercise a constitutional right," Lucas said. [More]

I still don't call it "Constitutional carry" because there are plenty of "gun-free zone" infringements. The other consideration: How will this be incorporated into "national reciprocity," or is that a trap of sorts to keep the "permit"/gun owner registration scam going?

[Via Paul G]

A Member of Our Family

#BuckeyeStrong, Opposite Day "progressive"-style. [More]

Why is it in the interests of taxpayers to feed this retarded parasite again?

The New Normal

I'd be more inclined to express solidarity if what I'm being urged to endorse were not coerced. Have we Opposite Day "progressives" told you lately how intolerant and backward you violent and xenophobic Christians are?

Milking 'em 'til They Bleed

Sounds like it's time for a dump truck full of manure to visit the Statehouse. [More]

And for a farmer strike. And for a lot more, but that requires a bit more awakening.

Who'd have ever thought jockeying for subsidies and special legislative considerations would lead to a senior "partner"?  Who among livestock raisers could have imagined the hand that feeds might have motives other than filling recipient bellies? Or that "giveth" can turn into "taketh away"?

Thirsty yet?  Don't worry, preferred constituents have plenty.

What is it about "progressives" and agriculture?

And official media co-conspirators...?