Monday, December 05, 2016

School ‘Gun Violence’ PSA Overlooks the Most Obvious Warning Sign

“Gun violence is preventable when you know the signs,” Sandy Hook Promise assures us. Not all is. Not as long as “progressive” policies in addition to a citizen disarmament agenda are still in play. Not as long as the biggest bullies public schoolchildren generally face are activist teachers and administrators forcing an agenda on them. Not as long as a significant number of boys are drugged for being boys.  And not as long as the one thing that will protect children from predators is ridiculed and prohibited. Especially since the only thing that will stop the killer in the PSA will be when armed men show up. [More]
Oh look. Another astroturf gun-grabber "PSA" that won't allow for feedback and that ignores the biggest warning sign of all -- the one with the slashed red circle over a gun.  No wonder the media is giving it all kinds of publicity masked as news.

The Sue Me State?

Bill would let disarmed Missourians sue businesses if injured in gun-free zones [More]
Born on a mountaintop in Tennessee, until they switched it at birth with a changeling...

[Via Keith B]

And They Say There are No Stupid Questions

Will Dems Pick Gun Hater As DNC Chair? [More]
Of course they will. Encourage them.

Then there's this:
As NRA-ILA pointed out in a weekend update, gun-banners in the Democratic party apparently haven’t learned anything from the devastating loss of Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential race.
Point of order -- with every damn one of them supporting the "pathway to citizenship" agenda, they're all "gun-banners," even the ones pretending they're not due to where they find themselves vying for power.

And even those ones let slip their true colors on occasion...

One Big Point in His Favor

Gillibrand is against Mattis, evidently because he doesn't treat the militay like a "progressive" women's issue. [More]

You know, like guns are.  Or like they became after she decided to rub it in the faces of her "pragmatic" guncucks.

Like Jacob.

[Via Mack H]

Teach Your Children Well

What we're seeing here is an environment under total "progressive" government control into which the results of parenting skills incubated in a "progressive" government-fostered victimhood/entitlement community are introduced. [More]

[Via Florida Guy]   

We're the Only Ones Simulating Enough

“If the log fully documents all usage of the device since it was acquired, each of the 12 uses cost almost $50,000, and only 4 of them resulted in an arrest” [More]
Hey, it's not their money and there's more where that came from.

[Via William T]

OK, I Guess

I typically don't support special privileges as a matter of equal protection principle, but in this case it looks like a regular citizen can obtain the same outcome via a different route. [More]

That said, it's past time this whole business of "permits" was seen for the fraudulent usurpation that it is.

Follow the Money

And there's obviously a lot of it. [More]

Enemies foreign and domestic...

You Don't Say

In it, officials did not say how many people, if any, may have entered the United States illegally with documentation from the fake embassy or how the crime ring got hold of what the state department called “fraudulently obtained, legitimate U.S. visas.” [More]
So why doesn't the "Republican" Congress compel them to say, including what controls are actually in place and whether or not any higher-level intent was a factor?


[Via Roger J]

Speeding Diversity

Basically, put such burdens on the former and transitioning majority of the productive sector, which by nature is responsible and does not produce more children than they can support, and bring in the cultural-terraforming multitudes to "save" the Social Security Ponzi scheme... [More]

Except given time, even that mask can come off, especially when the manipulators have ginned up enough resentments and hatred. At that point, the people who had their incomes and ability to invest diminished can be safely recast as not just burdens and parasites, but as white racist useless eaters.

Feed Bag Barbie and Fisting Ken Dolls Sold Separately

Right, the joke is the miscasting. [More]

Everybody gets a beauty trophy! You keep telling yourself norms are mere sexist social constructs, Amy, if that's what keeps you from downing a bottle of pills. Especially with "progressives" trying to reconstruct those norms, including what's to be expected of males.

Fathers and mothers of substance: If you want to raise a SJW snowflakette, encourage your daughter to embrace crap like this, instead of, I don't know, buying her a BB gun or a microscope or something...

Coming Soon to a Caliphate Near You

They blow up so fast these days. [More]

Good thing we're rigorous here.

Speaking of 'Fake News'...

I pointed out on my blog and social media that the lead climate reporter at the New York Times, Justin Gillis, had mischaracterized the relationship of climate change and food shortages, and the relationship of climate change and disasters. His reporting wasn’t consistent with most expert views, or the evidence. In response he promptly blocked me from his Twitter feed. Other reporters did the same. [More]
Hey, they're just carrying on the "Authorized Journalist" tradition.

Kind of like "British naval tradition," but without the rum...


The Jokes Just Write Themselves

Why do clever pygmies come to mind? [More]

Heaven forbid young, athletic males "sometimes rat[e] appearances and mak[e] lewd comments."  And the current team didn't even do anything!

"Progressives" truly are Cultural Marxists. Except if you say that, they accuse you of being a Nazi, which is curious but understandable coming from national socialists who don't want to be recognized as such.

The Most Bad-Ass 'Progressive' of Them All?

One of the links in my recent Levis piece went to a "Raw Story" hit piece attempting to conflate a market response by gun owners with anti-Semitism. As we've seen before, the site is much like "Think Progress" and "Media Matters," that is, it's agitprop written by Alinskyites for snowflakes.

Curious, how the only readers taking them up on their invitation to "join the discussion" agree with them... Not much of a discussion...

One in particular caught my eye, if for no other reason than it is so obviously complete BS, and for multiple reasons.  That others have congratulated him makes me wonder if he's really just trolling them to see how kneejerk gullible to lies "Raw Story" believers are: