Friday, December 30, 2016

Taken to Task

There's a fundamental flaw in your argument (that I pointed out here, a year and a half ago when you first raised the alarm), namely that you don't seem to understand the "arbitrary" criteria that would land someone on SSAs reporting to NICS. [More]
This came at a bad time for me but it merits being addressed.  Bear with me, it'll be a few days, probably after the weekend.

Have I Got a Gal for You!

Mexican man charged with rape had 19 deportations, removals [More]
Tomas, meet Sara.

What? She's too old for you?

Don't worry, she's enabling your ability to meet someone younger, and feeling very good about herself in the process.

Best in Tech?

Smart guns? [More]

Why, seeing as how they still haven't come up with a workaround to insurmountable challenges some of us have been making for years.

What Would Podesta Do?

Hmm, looks important, I'd better click on that.

And then blame the Russians.

I still don't know what that guy from Ghana wanted with my PIN, but when that pans out it's so long, suckers!

Money Can't Buy Me Love

Per Don Turner via email on the latest Question 1 development:
Bloomberg background check law in Nevada. Money doesn’t buy competency, thank goodness.  Per NV Constitution, the legislature can’t touch the new law for three years.  Happy New Year!

There's a Scratch for That Itch

However, other militants are itching for a new battle... [More]
I'm assuming they've done a better job this time vetting provocateurs and CIs, seeing how outnumbered defendants were by snitches at Malheur...?

Obama Takes Parting Shot at Gun Owners with Social Security Disarmament Ruling

Americans who have not been adjudicated as posing a danger to themselves and others are being denied a fundamental right without the due process that would be afforded criminal suspects. Nor is it clear how rights could be restored, and how anyone in need of financial affairs assistance would even be able to afford a challenge or be in a position to try.  [More]
Those in power positions representing themselves as “the government” want to disarm the citizenry and this is one way to make incremental gains toward that goal using a divide-and-conquer strategy.

We're the Only Ones Two for One Enough

A Weatherford police officer is on administrative leave after shooting another officer and the man he was trying to arrest during a traffic stop Thursday night. [More]
Bag one get one free...?

[Via William T]

The Trappings of Authority

We already saw how people are conditioned.

What do you do when men wearing high-visibility jackets knock on your door, as per this incident in Piers Morgan Paradise?

[Via Jeet]

You'll Shoot Your Eye Out Kid

He put the gun up to his eye, looked down the barrel, and pulled the trigger to see what would happen... [More]
Who better to instruct The WaPo readership on gun politics than someone who can't even touch a confetti gun without a disastrous and wholly unnecessary and idiotic negligent mishap?

[Via Michael G]

Think How Much Time We'd Save if Juries Could Do This

Van Doninck is convinced the eagle was poisoned after eating the remains of wildlife killed with lead ammunition. [More]
And after jumping to such a conclusion based on agendized inference that ignores other potential sources, rather than on actual evidence, it's probably also safe to say it was Russian lead ammunition.

[Via Florida Guy]   

Controlling the Narrative

"EU countries should set up independent bodies — co-ordinated by Brussels and modeled on the system of antitrust agencies — which could quickly label fake news, remove it from circulation and impose fines if necessary." [More]
Not just "authorized journalism," but enforced "authorized journalism"...

Coming soon, to a global partner near you.

Captain's Log Supplemental

* I've had people contact me over the years with the F&F/cartel alliance connection, but when I tried pursuing it never had one of my sources able to offer confirmation or even basic awareness. I'm not saying it never happened -- I'm just saying I have not been able to get any kind of corroboration, and the amount of traffic and the comparative handful of semiauto guns in question seem hardly enough to effect what is being claimed. Mike shared my opinion and my concern that this is used by some to discount what we do have sources for-- that F&F was intended to have U.S. guns found next to bodies to exploit for a new"assault weapon" ban. 

Do I believe U.S. agencies are covertly working with cartels and that all the manipulation being discussed is likely? Sure, that seems more than plausible.  And do I believe many of the same players could be involved in overlapping activities? Of course. 

As for a Hillary connection, regulars here know who the ones formally pressing for more information on the State/ITAR nexus have been been.

Run Adam Run

Adam Laxalt's conclusion that Question 1 is unenforeceable has made him some new friends. [More]

He's good on guns and he's good on the biggest longterm threat to continued "legal" recognition of RKBA.

[Via Mike C]

We're the Only Ones Practiced Enough

Fired Miami cops joked about using black neighborhoods for target practice [More]
Hey, they're just "young kids."  Who better to have life and death control over you as they issue orders you'd better not argue with?

'Authorized Journalist' Malpractice Takes Its Toll

Uber driver fired in ‘self defense,’ police say, as Stand Your Ground takes toll [More]
So evidently Chalres Rabin has a huge problem with self-defense. Huge enough to repeat the lie that the Zimmerman case was about SYG. And to introduce hand-wringing judgmental hysterics like "a nation besieged by guns" in what he's representing as a straight news piece.

And his Miami Herald editors not only let hm get away with it, they encourage it.

Like the zealots they are, they'll be damned it they change their ways -- no matter the cost. They're convinced it's our fault we don't trust them.

Uber would also rather its driver had been killed. I expect to see him canned soon.

[Via Steve T

Those Who Do Not Learn History

This is all a matter of destroying our culture and heritage. [More]
And yes, it's full-blown cultural Marxism.

'Jeff, Just How Did the Russians Do This?'

Nice assumption set-up in the video, even though the evidence they then provide is anything but conclusive -- and doesn't claim to be. In other words, CBS and the other majors are perpetrating fake news. [More]

And who's the "U.S. official making the "hands up" statement?  Why the anonymity, if not to hide a demonstrable allegiance?

The real story here is Democrat incompetence safeguarding information and special interests trying to change the subject. Clicking on a phishing link and changing your password for the perp is the kind of thing I'd expect from a novice or a moron.

It's kind of interesting to watch the "progressives," the media and the Republican elites all doubling down on the kind of self-serving and deceptive crap that alienated so many from them in the first place. It's like they don't know what else to do but continue sabotaging, in the hopes that something will finally restore their "leadership."

UPDATE: Bear has more.

Killing Him with Kindness

And with that one statement, Obama lost the diplomatic war with Russia.  [More]
Putin just told him he's not worth bitch-slapping because he doesn't consider him a man.

The childish exit tantrums and denial of rejection pretty much confirm that.