Wednesday, June 07, 2017

Areola Grande

It's a madhouse. A MADHOUUSE!!!

[Via Jeet]


  1. Keep in mind where pop stars come from. American legend would have us think they are “found talent,” like Lana Turner in the drugstore, but by and large for the last several decades they have been manufactured out of whole cloth by multinational entertainment concerns like Disney (creators of Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, and Justin Timberlake) or Screen Gems (creators of The Monkees). Like George W. Bush, the stars themselves have next to no actual independence, playing parts and living lives scripted by handlers behind the scenes. (In fact, it’s when they reject those corporate handlers that many of them, like Spears, prove how devastatingly incompetent they are to run their own lives, much less others, on their own.

  2. Pass me the popcorn...


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