Monday, March 20, 2017

Interstate Legal Attack on Range Leaves More Questions than Answers

Someone knows their taxpayer privacy restriction workarounds. They know how to harass. And they also know how to make resistance drawn out and expensive... [More]
Rural "progressives" with a California Democrat mouthpiece demand every place be like "everytown"  -- especially if firearms traditions run strong. I connect some of the dots. It will be interesting to see the picture develop further as others start looking into things.

Welcome to the WoGroll

More Than Just Surviving is a survival blog that concentrates on wilderness survival, preparedness, and gear. Run by a two-person husband and wife team, Thomas & Elise Xavier, this blog's mission is to offer a down to earth resource for both survivalists and preppers alike. [More]
Added to the list on the left.  And noting their photo, I'm wondering if they plan on any tutorials for what to do when the cigar websites are down until civilization is restored...

Good Thing This Has Nothing to Do with That 'Single Issue'

Gorsuch Not a Sure Vote for Trump in Immigration Crackdown [More]
Gee, that was another question I'd had:
What Constitutional basis is there to “secure the blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity” by exercising protective measures over who may enter the country and who may become a citizen?
Ain't it something when it's Bloomberg News pointing out what all our "friends" are deliberately ignoring in their headlong rush for a rubber stamp?

[Via Matt F]

Money, Meet Mouth

Kansas Governor Requests President Trump Pardon These Two People Due To Obama Admin's Violation Of Second Amendment [More]
That is, if you're not too busy enforcing existing gun laws at NRA's urging...

More considerations...

[Via Michael G]

Don't Bring a Belt to a Knife Fight

Well that was totally unnecessary.  [Watch]

If all you have is a belt, at least learn the basics of how to use it. The guy who took first swing is lucky the guy with the knife wasn't eager for more, because he really didn't have a clue.

Better still, stay out of fights, and if you can't, have better means to end them.

[Via Florida Guy]   

We're the Only Ones Losing Enough

Laptop With "Highly Sensitive" Trump Data, Clinton Email Probe Info Stolen From Secret Service Agent [More]
Between that, taking 17 minutes to detect a White House intruder, known hostile agents and a professional assessment that "Trump is no longer safe in the Whitehouse," and nothing so much as a Goldfinger quote comes to mind.

[Via Henry Bowman]

The Enemy Within

California Republican Wants Warning Labels on Guns [More]
No in-your-face harassment is too intolerable. She's a traitor on cultural terraforming, too.

And oh, looky here:
Baker has raised more than $3 million, about $1 million of that is from the GOP.
But...but..but... otherwise a Democrat would win!!!

Who cares?  Evidently this party pimp:
Matt Shupe is a Republican strategist and he says it’s all about stopping Democrats from becoming too powerful in Sacramento. With Baker in office, it helps keep Democrats from a needed 2/3 majority to pass tax increases and change election laws.
That first part's gotta be a joke. As for the second, yeah, well, feel our pain.

This is why you should never give to the party, but only to the candidate.

[Via TheFakePundit]

Strobing Kurt

When the journalist Kurt Eichenwald opened an animated image sent to him on Twitter in December, the message “You deserve a seizure for your posts” appeared in capital letters along with a blinding strobe light. Mr. Eichenwald, who has epilepsy, immediately suffered a seizure. [More]
So he says. If you can believe him.

He's said a lot of things that I'm not buying.

I guess we also need to prosecute Google and Hollywood.

Either that, or if he knows he's got a dangerous condition, he ought to take protective measures and disable such files from playing on his machine.

But Kurt's all about blaming everybody else and making them pay.

[Via Keith B]

A Disastrous Pick

It looks like Indiana Sen. Dan Coats will be confirmed by the Senate for the national intelligence director slot. On Wednesday, the Senate voted 88-11 to confirm Coats. [More]
So the Fourth Amendment means as little to him as the Second?

Did anybody, you know, ask him anything specific about the Constitution?

Life Imitates Art

It's been done.

"Very SmartBrothers." Gee, with"progressives, every day IS Opposite Day.

Oh, and look he also writes for GQ.

I understand that appeals to the same demographic as Teen Vogue.

Making History

"Making History" star Adam Pally not only lumped Donald Trump in the Adolf Hitler bucket ... he said if he had the chance to go back in time he'd kill one of them. [More]
Hey, if we can't believe in overprivileged lottery winners, who can we believe in?

Racist, Xenophobic Intolerance and Anti-Muslim Bigotry

ICE sends man back to Ethiopia over female genital mutilation [More]
Hey, whatever happened to "Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion"?

Besides, hadn't he undergone rigorous vetting to make sure he'd be a welcome addition to the melting pot?

Curious-- I didn't see any figures for the costs to bring him here, set him and his family up, prosecute and then jail him for years, support the family, and send him back.  If our diversity is our strength, it ought to be quantifiable.

Do we at least know mean cost per new Democrat vote?

Opposite Day 'Progressive' Doctor/Patient Confidentiality

Over 85,000 Secret Reports Made by Doctors to NYS Police Without Patients Notice [More]
Gosh, who but an extremists would be against "medical professionals" asking patients about guns?

[Via Greg K]

Extremist Hate Group

SPLC? [More]

And they're only in it for the money?

Will no bubbles remain unburst?

[Via Michael G]

Kow Klux Klan

Milk is racist. [More]

And mad cow Lara Halfwitt says white people are evil.

Teen Vogue, eh?

Racism combined with disarmament, eh?

Brainwashing tomorrow's useful idiots today!

One Vote Away

Any day now the Senate could vote on the Omnibus Gun Bill. When they vote there are three potential outcomes: Pass HF517 as is, Pass HF517 with an amendment, or Vote down HF517. [More]
Would you like to make what you want known?


Hey, if he wasn't doing anything wrong, what's the problem?

[Via Felix B]

Get Shortey

Another case for "extreme vetting" ... [More]

[Via Michael G]

AzCDL Legislative Update

The coming week marks a critical deadline for legislation. [More]
Action by Arizona gun owners is needed.

Seems Like Everybody's Getting in on the Act

The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence sent out a press release today with four proposed questions for Judge Gorsuch’s confirmation hearing. [More]
Ramesh Ponnuru's answers hardly shed any more light on where the nominee actually stands on RKBA, but it does provide neocon cover from answering any questions that would.

The same kind of deflection kept most from grokking the point on Grover, too. That's what happens when smaller voices are drowned out.

Unclear on the Concept

It would appear some comment posters don't have a problem with NRA/Republican brand "gun control." [More]

Obviously a Sexist and Racist Xenophobe

UNMASKED: Brigitte Gabriel Exposes The Muslim Brotherhood [Watch]
What? She's not a rightwing extremist or a white supremacist?

What other explanation could there be for spreading such "hate"?

[Via Randy M]

We're the Only Ones Licensed to Kill Enough

[I]t’s a case in which judges held that an officer was immune from even possibly paying compensation to the family of the man he wrongly killed. [More]
No, of course such "immunity" doesn't work both ways. That's why it's "qualified."


[Via Michael G]

'You are Being Lied to and Intentionally Misinformed'

[W]hy can’t Law Enforcement Officers pull over, detain and search anyone that they see on the road to check and make sure that they have a license and that they are not under the influence? Because you have the right to be free from unreasonable search and seizure as recognized in the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution as well as Article 1, Section 7 of the Connecticut constitution. [More]
The antis don't much like those, either.

Chicken George, is that You?

Authorities raid cockfighting operation in southwest Detroit [More]
I mean, I know it's Detroit and all, but the presence of Border Patrol and ICE suggests Pollo Jorge was running things.

I guess "progressive animal rights" people prefer to embrace the cultural diversity, just like the environmentalcases who warn us about the migratory disruptions of a wall are pretty much silent about trash and hazardous waste impacts.