Friday, June 09, 2017

We're the Only Ones Groping Enough

900 High School Students in Georgia Groped by Officers During Warrantless Drug Sweep, Lawsuit Says [More]
No wonder they get a bit older and join Antifa.

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Switching Enough

Man Free After Serving 25 Years for Murder Linked to Switched Bullets - The Detroit Crime Lab, shut down in 2008 for negligence, switched test bullets with autopsy bullets in order to convict Desmond Ricks. [More]
So what kind of time will those who did this to him get? And if he just killed the bastards, could the argument be made it was justifiable? Morally, if not legally?

[Via George Pace]

Reburning Waco

The screenplay was written by Mark Boal ... [More]
What, the guy who has written for The Village Voice, Salon, Rolling Stone and Playboy?

[Via Steve T

FOIA Response Confirms NFRTR Data Unreliable for Prosecutions

In their own words, some of the inspectors say they know “the register will be incomplete or inaccurate,” that “discrepancies in the NFRTR make it impossible to verify the onsite inventory,” and that they will “encounter discrepancies on a daily basis.”  Yet despite that, per Hardy, “felony prosecutions are undertaken relying on the NFRTR to establish that a gun is not registered, and with evidence consisting of an affidavit from the custodian of records for the NFRTR certifying that no record of registration could be found.” [More]
They know it's wrong yet they do it anyway.

We're the Only Ones Punchy Enough

When being assaulted, it's hardwired into us to try to shield ourselves from blows. Continuing the attack and not factoring that in, especially in instances when the "Only Ones" tack on resisting arrest and obstruction charges for human reflexes, is the province of tyranny-enforcing thugs.  [Watch]

Where was Moses when the Lights Went Out? Redux

JIM ROGERS: The worst crash in our lifetime is coming [More]
Yes, and won't that be politically convenient. The establishment understands how to exploit the short term to advance the long.

And the human devastation?

First, what an opportunity to tighten our grip, plus the herd will be so spooked they'll demand it! They're (intentionally) replaceable anyway, and at some point we'll be showing our optimum numbers hand.


Enter: Alaska, Arizona, and Wyoming. Each state enacted permitless carry in 2003, 2010, and 2011, respectively. And according to data from the FBI’s “Crime in the United States” report, it’s clear that none of the aforementioned states experienced an increase in the number of murders — including handgun murders — after enacting permitless carry. [More]

Where was Moses when the Lights Went Out?

Pyongyang doesn’t need a perfect missile. Detonating a nuke above Seoul—or L.A.—would sow chaos. [More]
Every once in a while Angelenos get reminders of what it means to be disarmed when the gates of hell are opened. They just never seem to learn from the experience.

[Via Matthew L]

Mother, May I?

Theresa May to ask The Queen for permission to form a government with the DUP today [More]
Mr. Paine has a relevant observation:
[T]he idea of hereditary legislators is as inconsistent as that of hereditary judges or hereditary juries; and as absurd as an hereditary mathematician, or an hereditary wise man; and as ridiculous as an hereditary poet-laureate. 
On the plus side, at least they, unlike Greenwoodistanans, know they're subjects.

[Via Matthew L]

Training the Trainer

Anti-gun Comedy Central takes full advantage of a tactitard and a handful of cherry-picked useful idiots who thinks registration enabling and delayed rights due process denials are no problem. [Watch]

And yeah, real "moderate," Jordan Klepper.

[Via Matt F]

UPDATE: Watched about 2 minutes of prefatory excuse-making bullshit from whoever the dj is and just have no time to suffer fools. If he really believes "absolutism is a bigger threat" and that we have to unify with quislings, he's irrelevant to freedom. The same weasel words are used all the time by politicians to swindle gun owners. Besides which, even if this involved a total mea culpa and apology, look at the number of podcast views and don't expect it to do a thing to mitigate the damage done via mass media.

The thin green line...

Safe Spaces

So the one that started "Constitutional carry" tops the list? How can this be? [More]

[Via Mike M]

The Reality is There's a Difference

Based on evidence seized from her home, federal prosecutors detailed Winner's alleged plans to burn down the White House and travel to Afghanistan, pledging her allegiance to the Taliban.  [More]
Wait a second-- in order to get a top secret clearance, didn't she need to undergo a rigorous security screening...?

Assange needs to shut up and sit down on this one lest more join those who want to see him dragged out and destroyed.  There's a huge difference between a courageous whistleblower and a treasonous domestic enemy.

Hence the Sustained Effort Toward Coup d'état.

Seeking a rationale for its rejection, this city has seized upon that old standby. We didn’t lose! The election was stolen in a vast conspiracy, an “act of war” against America, an assault upon “our democracy,” criminal collusion between the Kremlin and the Trumpites. [More]
Of course they hate and want to destroy the guy. So what does that say about intentions toward recognizing the people he's an avatar for?

Kamala the Red for President

It will either prove a repeat of how tuned out the Dems are to flyover concerns, or it will mark the start of true "resistance" like they can't imagine. [More]

Loving Courtney

Courtney Love Rips Linda Sarsour: ‘Vile Disgrace to Women and All Mankind’ [More]
That's actually a rational and, all things considered, courageous thing to say.

Does this mean there's hope for her?

Gone with the Windbag

And leave it to the projecting reality manipulators at Newsweek to suggest hypocritical finger-pointing and promulgating manufactured allegations to advance her agenda shows a move to "the right."

Two U.S. Citizens

Two naturalized U.S. citizens have been arrested on charges related to activities on behalf of Hezbollah, a designated terrorist organization based in Lebanon. [More]

I wonder who they voted for...?

The Stupid Awards

[Click to enlarge]
Sure guys.

I'll be giving up the requested entry form information -- that includes my name, email address, phone number, user name and password -- to strangers who repeat spam me with a url for a website that looks like the English comes from Google Translate and hides the identity of those behind it via a foreign proxy. And then I'll post your click-through badge and see how many readers I can get to give you their data, too.

And adding that the award ceremony will be at Harvard University made me believe you even more.

I wonder if this is Mr. Franky Samora's new gig.

UPDATE -- And it's official: