Wednesday, July 12, 2017

This Fudd's for You

A search of the helicopter turned up several weapons.  Police discovered a loaded Ruger LCR 22 LR revolver, a Ruger SP101 .357 Magnum revolver with four live rounds, and a loaded Glock Austria .357 with one round in the chamber.  Investigators also found several bottles of prescription drugs; Letrozole prescribed for his wife and Alprazoiam, Clonazepam prescribed for Busch.  A large bag of prescription drugs that his wife said were to assist with fertility was also found. [More]
Gosh, that's too bad.

[Via Florida Guy]   

Don't You Wish YOU Could Do That?

LA school board raises salaries by 174 percent ... Lupita Sanchez Cornejo, who chairs the LA Board of Education compensation review committee that approved the raises, said the decision was unanimous. [More]
"[T]hey spend, easily over 40, 50, 60 hours in school district business"...?

And here's some of the important "school district business" they're spending time on.

But don't think of them as Marxist pigs at the trough. Think of them as "progressives" for the little guy.

Cloward-Piven, anyone?

You're gonna need a bigger wall.

[Via Florida Guy]   

One Chip, One Vote

Robots debate future of humans at Hong Kong tech show [More]
If you're not familiar with the work of David Hanson, you should be, as his goal and that of others is to build true AI to the point of sentience and beyond.

Add von Neumann's universal constructor replication with virtually unlimited capacity (including the unintended consequences of mutations) and it creates an interesting dilemma, especially since the "soul" of the machine will essentially be a chip. And once it is self-aware and intelligent, how can it not have rights, including political?

Assuming a reason for the pretext of voting still exists.

True, current simulation is not the same as consciousness. But who among us can predict what will be developed a year from now, or 10 years, or 50...?

We, and our children, certainly are living in interesting times.


A Salvadoran immigrant living in the U.S. illegally has been awarded $12,000 by Virginia to settle a federal lawsuit he filed against Henrico County’s sheriff after he was held for immigration authorities beyond his scheduled release from jail. [More]
And you'll notice he's still here.

Any Democrat anchor babies yet?

Meanwhile, here's what happens in his native land to "undocumented" foreigners. At least "officially."

[Via Mack H]

We're the Only Ones Doctrinal Enough

Florida Jury: Fired Muslim Deputy Made Up Anti-Muslim Claims [More]

[Via Michael G]

We're the Only Ones Getting Around to It Enough

For a comic book theft at Kansas City’s historic Clint’s Comics in May to turn into a robbery and a homicide only took a few seconds. But it took nearly 14 minutes for a police officer to get there after someone called 911. [More]
When seconds count...

For the record, KC is a Bloomberg Town.

Anybody want to say "Thank you"?

[Via bondmen]

Let the Punishment Fit the Crime?

The bill specifically reduces drug convictions for possession of trace quantities of methadone, oxycodone, heroin, MDMA, cocaine, and methamphetamine from felonies to misdemeanors. [More]
In addition to the corrupting incentives on "law enforcement," I've long argued that the point at which a crime is committed is when someone else is victimized. Otherwise, we're talking about an issue that is medical, psychological, spiritual, moral... and you can't really get anywhere "treating" effects instead of causes.

That said, I've also long argued that anyone who can't be trusted with a gun can't be trusted without a custodian, and I sure wouldn't trust some lost soul on brain scramblers with a gun.

I'd also be interested in seeing what "property crimes" are being "defelonized."

My prediction, since this is being overseen by Opposite Day "progressives" also bent on citizen disarmament: Things are gonna get a lot worse on all counts, and the community that will suffer the most is the one outraged over "racial disparities."

[Via Mack H]

We're the Only Ones Forensic Enough

There is a crisis in America's government-run crime labs -- and it's not just the result of a few rogue operators. The problem is long-festering and systemic. [More]
So it looks like Marg and Ted were perfect casting...

[Via Michael G]

Your Worst Nightmare?

When Linda preaches rage, non-assimilation and jihad, how dare you white supremacist Islamophobes construe that to signify she's talking about more than social justice! [More] 

Figures WaPo would be the megaphone and platform provider.

‘Run the Rock 2020’ Campaign Counting on Citizenship Malpractice

If The Rock ever does get serious about running for public office, it will be incumbent on him to explain his understanding of limited powers and unalienable rights, and to make known what he hopes to accomplish and where such authority is delegated. [More]
Give unparalleled power to an illusion. It's the "progressive" thing to do.