Monday, August 07, 2017

Well That Was Fast

Being away from communications access for most of my 10-day absence sure can be interesting. Just found out about Scaramucci.

Could'a told Trump the guy was trouble.

We're the Only Ones Mourning Enough

Indianapolis police say a gunshot that grazed an officer near the end of a police funeral at Bankers Life Fieldhouse appears to have been accidentally discharged from another officer's holstered weapon. [More]
Fortunately, their prohibited items policy limits weapons possession only to such highly trained professionals.

Third Time's a Charm

It was everyone else who was confused, not me. [More]

Last Chance

Trump is not our last chance. He's your last chance. [More]
Reminds me of something Mike said:
If we no longer have the GOP (I refuse to call them "Republicans," for they are not) to protect our rights and liberties anymore, you no longer have them to protect you either. You are now getting a taste of what it is like to talk to our side directly, unfiltered and you do not like it nor do you understand it. One other thing -- if the rule of law no longer protects us from "gangster government," it no longer protects gangster government and its minions from us, either. And remember this has NOTHING to do with the GOP, the NRA, the talk show circuit or any of the rest of your convenient, comfortable boogeymen which you blame. You no longer have them to protect you. You have us surrounded, you poor bastards. 
[Via Len Savage]

We're the Only Ones Strongly Supportive Enough

Brand, like Dyer, is a strong Second Amendment supporter. [More]
Not that I think much of an "Only Ones" expansion proposal limited to city employees, but characterizing the mayor and chief that way really is further proof that for "progressives," every day is Opposite Day. And that makes anyone opposed to infringements and permission denials an "extremist," which, of course, is part of the plan.

I also like how the Bee "editorial board" claims "City Hall already has a sound policy in place."

Remind you of anyone or anything...?

[Via League Barclay]

We're the Only Ones Drawn Out Enough

Realizing who you're dealing with and what they are capable of getting away with, I would not be arguing or moving my hands. All other considerations aside, the object here is to survive the moment.

[Via Florida Guy

And Here's a List of Our Vulnerabilities...

For some reason, the title "Tojo Tours Manhattan Project" comes to mind... [More]

[Via Fresch Fisch]

Must Read

I haven't yet, but the faith Matt Bracken has earned from me is strong. [More]

Here's why.

Exclusive: The Long March

The Long March was a retreat by the Red Army trying to evade Chinese Nationalist forces that nonetheless served to enhance the prestige of Mao Tse-tung, enabling his ascension to unchallengeable power, the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution. The analogies to “progressivism” and “fundamental transformation” seem almost eerie. [More]
My latest GUNS Magazine "Rights Watch" column was posted during my absence.

Well, I'm Back

It's kind of nice disconnecting for a while. And now I've got more work in front of me than Carter has little liver pills, so please factor that in to expected responsiveness over the next few days.