Friday, August 11, 2017

The New Säuberung

"Don't be evil," Opposite Day "progressive"-style... [Watch]

[Via Jeet]

Not a Day Care?

“There’s a huge difference between good education and ‘safe’ education,” the university president added. “I’d rather have the first and not the second.” [More]
So how come you treat your adult students like dependent children?

Don't worry, your policy -- the same as Larry Hincker's -- makes sure you won't have the second.

[Via Mack H]

We're the Only Ones Takin' Over Enough

Highway Patrol tells troopers to write 2 tickets an hour, but ‘this is not a quota’ [More]
Ah, Jojo Krako logic!

[Via Florida Guy]   

Stossel Enables NYC Government to Traumatize Gun Owners

Yeah, John, we know they're monopoly of violence fascists. [More]

So why are you actively abetting the cultural and political terraforming that will enable them to take over the entire Republic?

In addition to explaining the California experience, produce credible data – something that can be independently validated – that “amnesty” and a “pathway to citizenship” for MILLIONS of foreign nationals in this country illegally (and even legally, with current culturally suicidal policies) WILL NOT overwhelmingly favor Democrats and anti-gunners. Show us your sources and methodologies for determining this WILL NOT result in supermajorities in state and federal legislatures that will be able to pass all kinds of anti-gun edicts.

Show us how this WILL NOT result in nominations and confirmations of judges to the Supreme and federal courts who will uphold those edicts, and reverse gains made to date. The sudden passing of Justice Scalia, and the precarious balances of the Heller and McDonald decisions, ought to drive home for all how dangerously critical that is.

Notice I didn’t ask you for platitudes, or for anecdotes about exceptions to the rule, or about who is turning up in increasing numbers at gun stores and ranges – that doesn’t matter if you can’t point to a corresponding overriding shift in voting trends. I didn’t ask for wishful speculation about how education and outreach programs MIGHT help bring more over to the NRA side.

I asked you to show how all credible estimates putting the disparity at over 70% Democrat and anti-gun are wrong (and how the needle barely moves in the right direction after 20 years). If you think that can be changed, you’re going to need to be specific about how (assuming it can be done, which you’ll also need to spell out), and how by then the damage won’t be irreversible, beyond any kind of beltway insider political “solution.”

Like Grover Norquist, NRA and everyone else I've issued this challenge to, you won't directly and unequivocally answer it either, because you can't.

Chaos Theory

Monument Avenue Commission's first public hearing borders on chaotic [More]
Bringing chaos and destruction is what Opposite Day "progressives" do. To go any deeper into that involves spiritual matters they deny in their obsessed rebellion against the way things are.

[Via Mack H]

A Cold Day in Hell

On Tuesday and Wednesday, more than 1,000 law enforcement officers fanned out across San Francisco and San Mateo counties to serve warrants and conduct probation searches as part of Operation Cold Day ... Authorities declined to say if certain gangs were targeted, citing the ongoing nature of the investigation. [More]
Yeah, none of the reports seem to want to give out any identifying information. I guess if a threat is still out there, they want us to be surprised.

Y'know, 90 guns out of 75 arrests does not a "pipeline" make, not that I want to cast any clouds over their moment in the sun. Still, that's a hell of a lot of resources for such a pissant historic haul, not that any "Authorized Journalist" would broach such an impolite observation during the media victory event.

[Via Dave Licht]

Without a Trace

For calendar year 2016, ATF’s NTC traced more than 364,000 firearms.  In the Caribbean countries of the Bahamas, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Jamaica, and Trinidad and Tobago a total of 2,340 firearms were traced.  In the Central American countries of Belize, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Panama, a total of 5,728 guns were traced.  Pistols again topped the list as the most recovered type of firearm, except for Haiti, where shotguns were the most traced firearm. During that same time, the NTC traced 13,452 firearms recovered in Mexico, and 1,549 firearms recovered in Canada.  [More]
Find any, you know, guns you let "walk," or are those still out there?

Do You Come from a Land Down Under?

The Federal Government’s gun amnesty has turned up some incredible historical finds across WA, with owners handing in rare weapons dating to before the Boer War. [More]
You better run, you better take cover.

[Via Michael G]

Blind Justice?

Impartiality, Opposite Day "progressive"-style...

[Via Michael G]

Mueller Backers Should Be Confronted with His Past Hedging on Government Killing American Citizens on U.S. Soil

“Does that only apply to a U.S. citizen that’s overseas, or does that apply to a U.S. citizen that’s here?” Rep. Kevin Yoder asked then FBI Director Mueller about an order from Attorney General Eric holder authorizing the assassination of Americans fighting on the side of “terrorists.”
“I’d have to go back, I’m not certain whether that was addressed or not,” Mueller replied. [More]
This is the guy determining the fitness of others to govern? Not that the power interests and their wholly-owned creatures like Thom Tillis and Lindsey Graham want this exchange remembered...

I Want My MTV

After posting yesterday's memorial for the anniversary of Mike Vanderboegh's passing, WarOnGuns Correspondent Christopher P sent me a video of one of Mike's speeches. It was almost like he was still with us.

Here are some more (not all posted by friends) that you can view at your leisure.

And more.