Friday, August 25, 2017

The Few,the Proud...

Well if you need a villain and you have a "progressive" agenda...

[Via Steve T

We're the Only Ones Explosive Enough

Engaged in instances of threatened retaliatory behavior, including telling one woman she better do damage control, and "if you don't side with me, grenades are going to go off, and you'll get hit." [More]
Jeez, if you or I said that to him we'd be lucky if the worst that happened was being prosecuted for a terrorist threat.

[Via Neil W]

Know Your Enemy

Young Chinese are 'too fat and masturbate too much to pass army fitness tests' [More]
Before we get too confident, didn't a fella by the name of Sun Tzu tell us "All warfare is based upon deception"?

[Via Florida Guy]   

Darkening Skies

Participation in EARTH EX is by invitation only.  [More]
Well, yeah.  Seeing as how what we're talking about affects everybody, we want to keep a low profile.

Think of it as insider trading on survival and profit opportunities.

Kind'a makes you wonder who's planning what and when.

[Via Matthew L]

A Convincing Argument

"We are convinced, looking at the recent attacks that where a large number of poorly integrated Muslims live, it is [also] a natural base for terrorism,” said Pawel Soloch, the head of Poland’s National Security Bureau (BBN). [More]

[Via Michael G]

Immigrant Song

Clemson prof: 'All Republicans are racist scum' [More]
He chose to come here.

I don't know what ever happened to "When in Rome," but were I in another country, the last thing I'd be doing is insulting and undermining their values and traditions.  If nothing else, it's just plain rude. Taken to his level, it's subversive.

Who benefits from taking in and enabling this kind of foreign garbage?

And You Can Take That to the En Banc

D.C. Asks Full Federal Appeals Court to Review Gun-Carry Law in Wake of July Ruling Declaring it Unconstitutional [More]
They have to be dragged kicking and screaming, don't they?

It ain't there money.

Wish there was a way to make them personally accountable for obstruction.

[Via Mack H]

Embedded Assets

The Muslim Brotherhood has penetrated every one of our national security agencies, including our intelligence agencies, according to retired Navy admiral James "Ace" Lyons, former commander of the U.S. Pacific fleet. [More]
Quick-- send some provocateurs over to rile up domestic Nazis!

[Via Mack H]

With Pie Charts 'n Everything

Produced at
ATF releases 2017 Report on Firearm Commerce in the United States [More]
My chart above seems like an overly generous representation of attendees vs. protestors at NRA Annual Meetings, plus there never seem to be any anti-gun shows to attend throughout the Republic...

Back to the point of the post and report it links to, it can be useful data. I just wish it wasn't the Feds compiling it.

[Via William T]

Ignition Sequence Start ... We Have Liftoff!

Per the Sangre de Cristo Sentinel's George Gramlich, "Just got word the county clerk has certified all three petitions. The recall is on for November 7."

What's in a Name?

You mean "Andrea"?

And is Luther stranger?

That's some professional Authorized Jounalizin' you "real reporters" at CNN got going on there. Is a "news" organization taking Alinsky Rule 5 swipes at a populist outsider to benefit a Republican establishment favorite what's meant by "bipartisanship"?

Survey SAYS...

Because nothing shapes exploitable public policy decisions better than uninformed opinions. [More]

[Via Jess]

We're the Only Ones Privileged Enough

St. Louis sheriff's deputy claims he was passed over for promotion because he's white [More]
The sheriff says he's "committed to progressive reform."

I'd be inclined to take him at his word.

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Introspective Enough

Cops are investigating cops in Vandalia, Mo. [More]
So just get rid of the disloyal troublemakers. What's the problem?

[Via bondmen]

Let the Punishment Fit the Crime?

Florida man gets 30 months for stealing over 100 firearms from gun shops [More]
Just the two B&Es are separate felonies under Florida law. Each stolen gun is its own felony.

How nice to know Wayne Fincher got six-and-a-half years and wasn't granted supervised furlough for his wife's funeral for the grave crime of believing the Second Amendment means what it says.

I guess the rulers fear challenges to their authority more than cultured excuses to maintain and increase it.

[Via Dave Licht]


The Trump speech in Phoenix was “an astounding chain of lies tied together by lunatic aside by a man who obviously is mentally unstable,” Republican strategist Rick Wilson told CNN. [More]
He also says:
So does that concession make him an Antifa moderate?
Like his namesake, he seems to have an inflated ego.  And is it any wonder he's the darling of "progressives" that can trot him out as a useful "Republican"?

He was doing everything he could to make sure Hillary won. So naturally he's pals with the Bush dynasty, Rubio, et al, none of whom have seen an advantage in distancing themselves from his promulgating the Antifa "Nazi" meme or his continued use of vulgar seventh grade slams as a distracting substitute for reason.

This is the enemy within and an enabler of Republican betrayal. Any candidate who uses his "services" in the future will have demonstrated who he gives aid and comfort to.

Meanwhile, Over at the Religion of Peace

ISIS Calls Jihadists to Philippines, Threatens Pope Francis [More]
Disputed stories or not, Blackjack knew how to deal with them.

As for the talking mule, he's too busy making sure there'll be black smoke everywhere before we see a wisp of white.

We're the Only Ones Fearful Enough

War on police? Many officers fear growing tensions [More]
All traceable back to increasingly coercive "progressivism" being unworkable, economically, sociologically and otherwise. And unenforceable.

When those tensions finally burst out, I wouldn't want to be anywhere near all those Democrat-"controlled" urban Ground Zeros.

That's One Way of Dealing with It

Mayor of Venice says ANYONE who shouts 'Allahu Akbar' in his city will be shot by snipers [More]
One problem with that is, what with Italian disarmament edicts 'n all, when seconds count, the polizia are minutes away.

The larger problem is, that gondola has long since poled away.

Truths of Inclusion

T.L. Davis will be joining Michael Dukes this morning at 10:20 a.m. Eastern to discuss "Lies of Omission."

Assuming most of you live outside the broadcast range of Anchorage's KBYR 700 AM, you can click here to select "Listen Live."