Friday, September 22, 2017

Sheeping Up with the Kardashians

Deputies, with the help of a police helicopter, conducted a “thorough search” to locate the woman, described as about 5-foot-10 and 170 pounds, with blond hair and a bandanna tied around her forehead. They couldn’t find her ... About two hours after her first visit, the woman returned to the shop wielding a 14-inch machete [More]
So much for the police being able to protect their customers.

But no worries. Kim's taken care of.

Ms. Mxyzptlk

The letter also asks that students use “Mx.," (pronounced 'Mix') when addressing the teacher rather than Mr. or Ms. [More]
Ms.ery loves company? So because she's mixed up, she's gotta take it out on the world by mixing up kids?

They won't"be comfortable" and they can't "be themselves." The whole point is to make "them" comfortable and for "them" to be "themself." With "progressives, every day is Opposite Day. That "classroom" is a reality-free zone that contradicts everything else they encounter in their daily lives.

If you trick her into saying her name backwards, any chance she'll disappear to the 5th Dimension?

Maybe somebody did...

Y'know, this is really gonna screw up the Romance languages...good thing she doesn't teach French or Spanish.

Wake Up and Smell the Coffee

Former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz sure sounds like a 2020 presidential candidate [More]
As long as he only ASKS us not to have guns...

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise

ILLUMINATI-THEMED FASHION SHOW HELD AT LONDON CATHOLIC CHURCH -- St. Andrews Church used as location for black mass fashion show [More]
As if the Islamists don't feel justified enough...

The Big Bang

S&W 500 Explodes In Shooter’s Hand [More]
Glad I was nowhere near this... 

Circlejerk K

A gas station worker has been suspended for two weeks for shooting a robbery suspect. [More]
Why would you work for people who offer no protection and would rather see you  dead? Why would you patronize them?

[Via Neil W]

An Intentional Glitch

Glitch let ineligible immigrants vote in Philly elections, officials say [More]
You'll forgive me if I suspect "hundreds" are being admitted to avoid a closer look, or to wonder if the system designers knew exactly what this would make inevitable.

And going ahead and casting a ballot is hardly a "glitch," so it's fair to wonder why legal status is not revoked and the abusers deported for such a flagrant criminal act.

[Via several of you]

We're the Only Ones Hard of Hearing Enough

Deaf man shot and killed by police despite cries of ‘He can’t hear you!’ [More]

[Via Jess]


Ramsey Range Withdraws Application: Where were ANJRPC and NRA? [More]
It probably wasn't their idea and they were waiting for someone else to make it happen so they could enter in the 11th hour and claim credit.

I mean if one were to make an educated guess...

Either that or they're afraid to enter a battle where it will be made to look them look weak if they lose, plus they stand to gain more by not jeopardizing access. I've run into that before too, hence the Lairds of Fairfax monicker.

[Via William T]

We're the Only Ones Highly Motivated Enough

A Camden County police detective is accused of sexually assaulting a juvenile girl who allegedly had his child...the department described Martinez as "a highly motivated officer with a positive attitude who truly loves his job." [More]
So Happy Meal, right...?

[Via Jess]

Survey SAYS...

47% Say St. Louis Protests Are Filled with Criminals [More]
Actually, if you factor in the 32% who say the protesters are legitimate and the enforcers act criminally, the consensus is overwhelming.

[Via bondmen]

We're the Fauxnly Ones Posing Enough

The victims contacted police after they said Thompson alleged a traffic violation and made several threatening statements. [More]
After looking at this mug's mug, I'd say the person he was posing as was Stumbo.

As always, be aware of the Fauxnly One Files. You never know when they might offer a body of defense evidence for why you didn't automatically comply with an inappropriately-acting enforcer.

[Via bondmen]

The Riddle of Steele

The article claimed that the FBI was aware Mr. Steele was creating these memos as part of work for an opposition research firm connected to Hillary Clinton. [More]
Who's workin' for who here, anyway?

Anti-Bloomberg View

4 Ways to Cut Violent Crime in America -- There are specific reforms that will make the U.S. safer. Gun control isn't one of them. [More]
That's great, but don't tell us -- tell your boss.