Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Jackboot Appreciation Day

I believe that you must compliment instead of continually criticizing. [More]
Proper technique demonstrated below:

[Via Len Savage]

@Twitter Continues Enabling Genocide Advocate and Trump Assassination-Endorsing Racist

Remember the Hero of the Revolution who directed murderous, racist and obscene hatred at me? At the time I asked Twitter how they could boot Milo and leave this psychotic alone.

They still did not take away the keys after he called for the execution of the president and his family.

And he's still there after he called for genocide.

The "leniency" they will not extend to "alt-right" figures challenging subversive actions of protected groups has encouraged our Hero to continue. And he's getting bolder, posting two more presidential death wishes that I'd be looking into were I in the Secret Service, and several more calls for white genocide:

[Click to enlarge and see for yourself while they're still up]
The only conclusion? "Progressive"-sympathizing Twitter moderators don't mind. And since the buck stops at the top and they must have a handle on how enforcers ensure the will of the top brass is done, that must mean virtue-oozing @Jack is cool with it, too.

Morality Play

Discussion over whether to arm British police represents not just a policy debate, but a moral one [More]
I don't suppose the discussion will get around to the morality of general disarmament with exempted "Only Ones"... ?

[Via Fred L]


Suicide and Guns: Maryland Study Debunks itself [More]
You have to pay to read it

I wonder if they say anything about criminals and "Only Ones" having much higher rates than the general population?

We're the Only Ones Responding Enough

Charlottesville police spent $70K responding to Aug. 12 white nationalist rally [More]
Hey, it costs money to show up and stand down.

[Via Mack H]

There's an App for That

This Company Wants to Pay Your Fellow Drivers to Snitch on You [More]
And the Confrontation Clause...?

You can see the Master Snitches hoping to cash in here.

Curious. From the California Secretary of State's business entity posting, the operation looks like it's being run from a studio apartment.

[Via Michael G]

If Only That Usher Had Listened to Shannon

Think of how much more glorious blood there could have been to dance in! [More]

[Via Michael G]

The New Normal

Militant normality is growing as normals awaken to the indisputable truth of our enemy’s implacable hatred for us and everything we hold dear – like America.  [More]
Dead elephants need not apply.

[Via Mack H]

We're the Only Ones Stressing Safety Enough

But police stress that there is no highway shooter this time, that the highways are safe and most people hit were unintended victims of random gunshots or caught in crossfire. [More]
It depends upon what the meaning of the word "safe" is.

[Via Steve T

We're the Only Ones Protected Enough

More importantly, however, Yocher had a history of domestic violence. He lived in Naugatuck, the town next to Waterbury, and his neighbors there had reportedly called police about disturbances at the home where Yocher lived with his wife and children. Yet it appears that Yocher’s status as a policeman protected him from being arrested. And under a Connecticut law, passed just two months before the murder of Tommy Stuart, police were required to seize any firearms in the possession of a domestic abuse suspect. Yocher still had his guns, however, including the semiautomatic pistol he used to kill Tommy Stuart before killing himself. [More]
I guess I'm perplexed as to why the author finds the Hartford Courant being police state apologist punks "startling."  Winning the Pulitzer is hardly the final word on integrity.  Just ask Stalin's PR flack or WaPo's award-winning plagiarist.

[Via Michael G]

We're the Only Ones Double-Dipping Enough

The St. Clair County State’s Attorney’s Office charged a sheriff’s deputy for allegedly sexually assaulting a Cahokia woman twice this year. [More]
I know Hillary says we ought to give the benefit of the doubt to every woman except those victimized by her husband, but from the information given here, it sure sounds like there's more to be learned about the dynamics of the interactions...

[Via bondmen]

Tennessee Church Shooting Suspect Left Facebook Clues to Possible Rage Triggers

Checking social media, Samson had a Twitter account, which now indicates “Sorry, that page doesn’t exist!” Samson’s Facebook page has not been taken down at this writing, but in anticipation of its possible removal, several screenshots have been taken of posts he has made that may give further insights into what might have influenced his action. [More]
How can a guy who calls Robert Mugabe "Bossman Bobby" be all bad...?

Enemy Action

"The voter rolls are so bad in some states that election officials would have a hard time telling the difference between sabotage and negligence.” [More]
What did Goldfinger say?

New Hires

1.2 MILLION migrants arrived in Germany in two years: just 34,000 or 2.8% have found a job [More]
Oh, they all have a job to do.

As an aside, I wonder how much longer before Express feels compelled to remove and repudiate its mascot logo.

The Mark of Cain

Activist in Seminar: All White People Are Racist and Always Will Be [More]
Sorry, got distracted.  All I could think was "You're gonna need a bigger flour sack."