Wednesday, October 04, 2017


Is Hillary lying or does she just not know what the hell she's talking about? [More]

Does it matter?

And you know who that guy is, right?

[Via Michael G]


However, if we are to effectively remind Republicans about you… we need YOU there. [More]
Sounds reasonable.

It's the alternative that doesn't.

GRNC regrets to inform you that the "Rally Against Gun Control," which was to take place, in Raleigh, on October 11, has been cancelled. Unfortunately, as we thought might happen, the General Assembly has altered its schedule, and will not be in session on that day. 

As Much as Some Would Have Us Believe Otherwise

There's No Correlation Between Gun Ownership, Mass Shootings, and Murder Rates [More]
Besides which, there's a difference between lawful gun ownership and mere gun possession which the antis never take into account.

[Via Sam L]

A Solemn Obligation

I wasn't the only one to suggest that maybe, just maybe, private establishments such as the Orlando nightclub and the Aurora Theater may share some responsibility in preventing violence on their own premises.  [More]
And putting it in writing.

If someone is invited into my home, I not only honor all of their rights, but have a  moral obligation to consider them under my protection.

[Via Sam L]

Without Question

I used to think gun control was the answer. My research told me otherwise. [More]
There's still some vestigial denial with her "I don't want a gun in my home, as I think the risk outweighs the benefits" assertion, but she's definitely moving in the right direction.

[Via several of you]

The Fundamental Things Apply... time goes by... [More]

Remember that if you don't want those who stood by you to stand down as the mob closes in.

Be the Victor

You can't be in the contest if you're not in the arena. [More]

Balmy, That One

Here’s why British firearms licensing law stops nutters getting guns [More]
Actually, it doesn't, "sport shooter":

You lot just haven't had your Charlie Hebdo moment yet. 

Give it time.

You ain't seen nothin' yet.

[Via Mike H]

It Depends Upon What the Meaning of the Word 'Studying' Is

Join me in calling on Congress and the CDC to resume studying the causes and impacts of gun violence. [More]
The mandate is that "none of the public funds appropriated to the CDC may be used to advocate or promote gun control."

Two very different things...

[Via bondmen]

Meanwhile, Over in the Skin Flute Section

A teacher in southern California is being investigated over claims he contaminated thousands of children's flutes with his semen. The unidentified man has been placed under arrest and is being questioned amid a larger sexual misconduct investigation... [More]

Arrests aren't public records?

Come on, we want to find out if he was a Trump supporter or an NRA member...

[Via Florida Guy]   

The Rest of the Story?

Johnson City man arrested after loaded pistols, two machine guns, 900 rounds found during traffic stop [More]
No clues here that he's a bad guy...?

[Via Mack H]


The Pentagon has officially severed all ties to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) after previously relying on the group’s training materials on extremism. [More]
That's a good first step.  Now it's time to turn up the heat on exposing the ADL for what they are.

[Via Michael G]

Feet of Clay

‘Unite the Right’ Organizer Jason Kessler Indicted on Felony Perjury Charge [More]
Who would have ever guessed he wasn't genuine?

[Via Michael G]

Unclear on the Concept

The obvious gun controller answer to the question of ‘What law would have prevented this?” is “A law that bans AR-15s, AK-47s, and the like.” [More]
Like in France?

The Rage of White Men

You want to see rage from men, Sugarburqa, try going back to where your family originally came from without that head covering. [More]

[Via William T]

Shameless Ain't the Half of It

Editorial: Silencers. Armor-piercing bullets. The shameless GOP agenda [More]
I agree.

[Via Dave Licht]

Blast from the Past

With increased chatter speculating about more "gun" attacks from the left, I was reminded of a book I once reviewed without reading more than the back cover... [More]

In re Vegas, not to start any wild rumors or anything, but I sure hope whoever had the integrity to leak the photos finds someone who can help him share more information and find protection from those who don't want him to.

Because the ol' spider-sense is tingling like crazy.

Only Makes Sense

If You Think Trump Is a Fascist, You Should Oppose Gun Control [More]
The misunderstanding here is they don't "think," they "believe."

And in truth, all who would rule have a fascist streak.

[Via bondmen]

One Question About Las Vegas Evaded by Prominent ‘Gun Controllers’

“Something must be done!” they scream in unison whenever a blood dance opportunity presents itself. [More]

Torn Between Two Lovers, Feeling Like a Fool

Loving you both was breaking all the rules... [More]

Stupid song, by the way. But illustrative of the mindset that made it popular.

Speaking of the Feedback Loop of Crazy

In other words, Moore is exactly the kind of fringe candidate that caused the Republicans to fail to win the Senate back in 2010 and 2012 after running kooks like Todd "legitimate rape" Akin  and Sharron "Second Amendment remedies" Angle. [More]
The first was a case of media apparatchiks seizing on and defining him from a gaffe, like can't all say something in a way that can be misconstrued, and the second, well, let's just say I don't think her loss was attributable to that. Right, Lairds of Fairfax...?

Besides, it's not like Digby and Salon haven't said plenty of crazy premeditated sh!+ over the years.

There I Go Projecting Again

The projections are based on Census 2000 results and assumptions about future childbearing, mortality rates and net international migration, the bureau said. [More]
I found this old report in my wanderings looking for something else and thought it would be relevant here if it had anything to do with that "single issue."

I wonder how soon it will be before those who have fallen for the deception that this is needed to keep the social security scam from collapsing will realize it has another ultimate purpose altogether.

Not Another Teen Movie

Woman Attacked After Asking Teens To ‘Be Quiet’ In Movie [More]
She should have known better than to "disrespect" them!  Plus, unless our intrepid crusading reporters have been ordered to use code words, they look like a pretty tame bunch.

Still, where else can you go to pay $4.50 for a quarter's worth of nachos, all in a "gun-free" zone?