Thursday, December 07, 2017

But Keeping a Low Profile and at Arm's Length

NRA makes an anti-Jones postcard buy.  [More]

Aside from that, being discovered in a Twitter post by a Center for Public Integrity reporter who kept an eye out for FEC records, we'd never know.

I'd hardly characterize that as "jumping in with both feet."

This is what that looks like:

[Click to enlarge]
They're not even saying "allegedly."

Time for a Divorce

While you still can. [More]

Out of one Warsaw Pact, into another...

On the Side of the Angels

PELOSI: ‘GOD IS WITH US ON THIS’ DEMOCRATS ON ADDING DACA TO A BUDGET DEAL - ‘We are not going to turn this country into a reign of terror’ [More]
And remember, with "progressives," every day is OppositeDay.

[Via Jess]

They Just Can't Resist Taking a Shot to Prove Their Creds

"Well I hope to represent the people of the United States, not the president," Vonn told CNN's Alpine Edge. [More]
Including this guy?

I only know for sure she's not representing me.

With Reciprocity/FixNICS Bill, NRA Makes Concession on ‘Background Checks’ It Can’t Walk Back

If they really believe “just one record” is all it takes, how can they turn around with a straight face and oppose “universal background checks”? [More]
There's a basic question being overlooked in all the back and forth over pros and cons.

You Can't Have Your Cake and Eat It Too

He says some charges against him are untrue and that he remembers other differently than his accusers do. But he says women "deserve to be heard and their experiences taken seriously." [More]
Typical for his type.

We're the Only Ones Watching Your Six Enough

Off-duty Ventura CHP officer arrested after reported shooting... [More]
Californians must feel a lot safer, knowing the "Only Ones" are exempt from all those "gun laws" and have their backs...

[Via TheFakePundit]

A Protected Class

"I'm not saying, oh you got stopped and you're illegal go to jail, or go back to your country, no, I'm saying you had a knife, you tried to get somebody, molested somebody, big crimes, then yeah you should be deported," Soto said. [More]
Well then she's enabling more of the same.

[Via Mack H]

Not to Look a Gift Horse in the Mouth, But...

Shouldn't "we" have fully vetted these concerns first?

No worries. Fairfax says critics are liars.

I know who I give credence to, based on experience, of course.

 [Via Jeffersonian]

The Definition of Insanity

The Montreal Massacre was, predictably, used to tighten Canada’s already tight firearm ownership laws. [More]
And don't forget this!

[Via Michael G]

Sic Semper Tyrannis, Indeed

That must be why one of McAwful's goals beyond covering up for incompetence and corruption is to eviscerate preemption:

[Via Mack H]

Meet John Doe

Wisconsin AG Report: Govt election officials were “on a mission to bring down the Walker campaign and the Governor himself” [More]
This is all new to me and I have not (and probably won't) have time to get fully up to speed. So "John Doe" is an investigation, not a person? And these several attempts to destroy were filthy Democrat witch hunts?

Anybody going to jail?

Feel free to leave a comment.

[Via Michael G]

Less than Impressed

Herschel differentiates himself from all the prag gushers on yesterday's Kongressional Kabuki over guns. [More]

In re bump stocks, I heard them talking about that as an addition in yesterday's CSPAN coverage, but so far have come up empty searching for such language in what passed.  Anybody able to advise on that?

UPDATE-- It's in "Fix NICS":

[Click to enlarge]


Former Lamonte McIntyre prosecutor accused in new case of threatening a witness, misconduct ... Morehead, who works in the U.S. attorney’s office in Kansas, previously faced allegations of witness intimidation and prosecutorial misconduct ... [More]
Gee, that's so unlike them...

[Via bondmen]

Look Past the Headline and the Lede

“The suspect was contacted and stated that he was asleep in his bedroom when he heard someone breaking into his residence. He pulled his gun out from under his bed and as soon as he saw someone coming into his room, he shot his gun.” [More]
It sounds to me like he was the victim. Not that you'd know it from the way that little factoid is buried in this agenda piece.

Ordering him disarmed under those circumstances and based on the accusations of his "troubled" attacker would have been a death sentence.

[Via bondmen]

Maybe It's a Different General Michael V. Hayden...

From the Standing Army Against the Militia letter:

Comment poster MJ points out:
"BTW, he is USAF, not USA, if he’s the same Mike Hayden who was affiliated with the national security apparatus of this country."
It's him. The guy's quite the insider, working for Bender 'n all...

The Microaffections Rubric

 To fight microaggressions, hug a person of color [More]
Sounds like a good way to get accused of sexual abuse.  Or your @$$ kicked.

Too bad there's a race qualifier (with these types there always is) or Al Franken would have an "out."

The Heir Apparent

John Conyers’s Son Was Arrested This Year, Accused of Stabbing His Girlfriend ... "The authorities did not see any need to proceed further.” [More]
I'll bet.

And if she "gave a starkly different account of the episode," I thought the Democrat (and Romneyan) default was to believe the woman (unless she's Juanita Broaddrick).

Sounds like a chip off the old block.

Dec. 7, 1941

That was one hell of a 21st birthday surprise for this young man.

It's inarguable that there was great privilege in having a father who lived as an example worth following.

That ethic came from the inside.