Friday, December 15, 2017

Rough Justice

“For me, that means a vindictive, terminated employee’s false allegations are enough for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) to decide not to support our promising campaign. We are in a national moment where rough justice stands in place of careful analysis, nuance and due process.” [More]
Jeez, imagine a male Republican blaming female "victims" like that.

No one likes finding out they're expendable, and worse, they've been used.

Point of View

If you think about it, every entry on the "Hate Hoax Map" does represent a "hate crime." [More]

How good must wannabe "victims" have it if they need to resort to this?

[Via Michael G]

Only One Question

State Rep. Lori Saine not charged after being caught with loaded handgun at DIA [More]
Would you or I be afforded the same determination?

This guy going to Denver wasn't so connec...uh... lucky.

[Via cydl]

Opposite Day 'Progressive' Democracy

MSNBC Analyst Says It’s ‘Unfortunate’ Voters Shape Public Policy [More]
Add an "ignorant" qualifier and I'm with her.

[Via Michael G]

Another Enemy Within

‘RESIGN’: Outrage At Paul Ryan Ally Who Threatened To ‘Blow Up’ Anti-Amnesty Group’s Office [More]
But...but...but he's great on that "single issue"!


[Via Mack H]

The Enemy Within

Except the turncoat is now without...

Former Breitbart/Daily Caller contributor Kurt Bardella on:

He belongs at Gannett.

[Via Mack H]

Puss in Jackboots

Even the specter of communism has been replaced. As karmic retribution for Karl Marx's known penchant to sexually harass his female subordinates, the world is now being haunted by the specter of Pussy™, with all the progressive powers entering into a holy alliance to enable this haunting and protect it from exorcism, even as it's fixing to swallow the entire progressive movement, chew it up, and spit out the bones. [More]
Forget about the Gelgameks???

I don't get the shock. This is what always happens when useful idiots become useless eaters.

[Via Mack H]

An Affirmative Defense

Sounds like Freeman's banking on his excuses being what get press and most never seeing this critique. [More]

Not that his legal rope-a-dope would work with different demographics all around...

[Via Michael G]

Schnucks for Schmucks

"My message is simple: Mom, Grandma, Uncle, Dad, give us the guns," he says. "Give us the guns, because that same gun that is in your house may be a weapon used to hurt someone very badly." [More]
Better hand over those matches, too. They might be used to burn someone.

Of course this won't make a dent in the underlying problem except to make things more dangerous for anyone stupid enough to listen to him. The important thing is, "officials" got lots of press for "doing something."

And Jimmie's political future could not look more promising.

[Via Jess]

We're the Only Ones Diluted Enough

Later that day, his 22-year-old son, who sometimes stays in the basement of this home, drank the vodka and replaced it with water. After a shouting match over the liquor, Leuser allegedly shot his son in the stomach, shoulders and thigh. [More]
I can't tell you how many times I've done the exact same thing with my boys.

[Via bondmen]

Wishful Thinking

And an attempt by "progressives" to steer Republican choices... [More]

So  expect the GOP to swallow it and disregard that Roy Moore didn't lose on issues, he lost due to a unique set of exploitable circumstances.

Not Much of a Threat

ISIS Threatens National Cathedral in Fiery Propaganda Image [More]
This National Cathedral?

Tommy Lee...?

Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night

If he does, you'll know the coup was by extortion.

President Trump Urged to Remember Pledge on Anniversary of Brian Terry’s Death

Sadly, Bill of Rights Day is also the anniversary of the day Border Patrol agent Brian Terry died, killed by Mexican cartel criminals on U.S. soil. Recovered at the scene of Terry’s murder were firearms linked to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’ Operation Fast and Furious and a lethal practice known as “gunwalking.” [More]
Sure, the president is busy, but if he has time to tweet he has time for what's being asked of him here.