Monday, January 08, 2018

Armed American Radio Redux

Guest Lineup: Mark opens up and shares his family’s personal struggle in what is probably the most powerful opening segment in the show’s nearly ten-year run. Afterwards, he was joined by Second Amendment Foundation founder, Alan Gottlieb, Breitbart News 2A columnist and editor, AWR Hawkins, and a classic AAR legacy roundtable discussion with the original panelists Neil McCabe, David Codrea and fan favorite, George “The Mad Ogre” Hill. [Listen]
We were Hour Three.

Charges Dismissed, Cliven Bundy Ordered Freed from Prison

Judge Gloria Navarro dismissed the charges against the men “with prejudice,” meaning they can't be put on trial again. [More]
That alleviates a fear I had about this case. Now let the lawsuits begin, based on intolerable jackbooted thug crap like this:
‘Kick Cliven Bundy in the mouth and take his cattle’
Remember the name Dan Love. For the rest of his life.

Some Like It Hot

Six firefighters accused of gang sex with 'highly intoxicated' 17-year-old girl which they filmed in their firehouse are only facing misdemeanor charges and a FINE of $2,500 despite her claims she did not consent [More]
Feel the burn.

[Via Neil W]

On the Shores of Gimme Wampum

Jack Abramoff and Jon Tester show Fauxcahontas has nothin' on them when it comes to exploiting Native American connections to the advantage of themselves and tribal cronies. [More]

May Also Means 'May Not'

3-D Printed Guns May Be Headed to the Supreme Court: An Update [More]
Sorry, fellas:

An Unqualified Opinion

Gunquack Joseph Iser abuses his credentials and standing in the medical community to commit malpractice by asserting expertise in a field for which he has no certification or formal training, offering a diagnosis and then prescribing treatment. [More] 

Looks like a potential case of reportable professional incompetence to me...

Kind'a Late for a Wake-Up Call

But civil officials say many pistol permit holders remain unaware of the requirement.  [More]
Which in many cases probably means they didn't lift a finger educating themselves on and fighting the threat when it was developing.

I wonder how many are Democrats.

You Mean One Size Doesn't Fit All?

And since the data doesn’t illustrate the difference in violence between those two jurisdictions, how could any law be effective which applies equally to both? [More]
It can't be.

Equalizing Down

Hey, HuffPost: WHO exactly is determined to keep the black populace unarmed? [More]
Don't worry -- being "egalitarians" in all but practice, they intend us to be equally disabled before the selection process begins in earnest.

[Via Michael G]

The Obvious Solution

The study said reuniting refugees with their families by allowing them to come to Germany too could help to reduce violence. [More]
And who can resist such a humanitarian appeal?

[Via Jess]

We're the Only Ones Beloved Enough

He was a beloved small-town police chief. Now he’s accused of trying to have sex with a child. [More]
Hey, who are we to judge?

Give it 20 years and KuteCop4You will be a civil rights icon.

[Via several of you]

We're the Only Ones Well within Our Rights Enough

Controversy swirls in Texas as the San Antonio Police Department has been criticized for its judgement in a human smuggling incident, after a case involving 12 alleged illegal aliens was not turned over to U.S. Immigration and Custom Enforcement. Instead, SAPD opted to handle the case locally and allow these individuals free without so much as a fingerprint or background check. However, SAPD Chief William McManus maintains that his decision to not contact the federal agency was well within his rights as police chief. [More]
And your rights?

Allow us to demonstate.

And stop with all the hating.

[Via Michael G]

Altering the Deal

Philadelphia’s new Soros-sponsored DA dismisses 31 from staff in first week [More]
WarOnGuns has obtained exclusive footage of the teleconference that immediately followed:

[Via Michael G and Jess]

Do You Come from a Land Down Under Redux

Although the man had a firearms license, it is alleged 109 of the guns were not registered and not stored safely. [More]
Everybody sees what his mistake was, right?

[Via Jess]

We're the Only Ones Fragmented Enough

The shot missed the dog, the round broke into fragments when it hit a hard floor, and a piece of fragment ricocheted and hit a 9-year-old girl in the forehead just above her right eye. [More]
Thank goodness he made it home at the end of his shift without any bite wounds. Say, why didn't it press on with its "attack"...?

Coming Soon to a Caliphate Near You

The same reporters and commentators who insist that it is absurd to worry about sharia coming to the West are, in fact, ideologically arm-in-arm with those in authority who are aggressively introducing sharia-style laws in the West, prosecuting speech that violates those laws, and issuing dark warnings -- in tones unbefitting public officials in a free country -- that you had better learn to be sharia-compliant or you will be sorry.  [More]
Sounds like the ICSC is just begging for the Streisand effect.

It also sounds like XAVIER BECERRA, ROBERT MORGESTER and NATASHA HOWARD are those domestic enemies the Founders warned us about.

[Via Michael G]

We're the Only Ones Mostly Trustworthy Enough

I know that most cops are straight arrows.  [More]
Really?  How can anyone "know"?

And define "most."

What percentage places their oath above their orders? And how many, even if not directly involved in abuse or corruption, nonetheless look the other way and maintain a code of silence?

[Via Jeet]

O, Canada

Canada's Motion M-103 puts Islam above all other religions in that any other religion can be discussed openly, criticized openly and even be mocked openly without punishment or state penalty. [More]
We're gonna need a bigger wall.

[Via Michael G]

We're the Only Ones Returnable Enough

Fired Missouri trooper in Lake of the Ozarks drowning case wants his job back [More]
Scroll down to his photo. They don't have a fitness requirement?

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Cheap Enough

Mark Taylor was indicted Wednesday on two felonies: bribery and conspiracy to commit bribery. He was accused of taking $7 for each nonpublic accident report he supplied to the wife of a St. Louis chiropractor. [More]
In light of the old “We've already established what you are. Now we're just haggling over the price” story, this sounds like basically the "Only Ones" equivalent of a crack whore.

[Via bondmen]

Supply and Demand

Severe flu brings medicine shortages, packed ERs and a rising death toll in California [More]
Be a shame if citizens were left short because of sanctuary needs...

We're Number One!

Exponential increase in horrific crime [More]
In other words, it used to be "underrepresented"...?

Uptown Girl

She's been living in her white bread world ... [More]

Milking it for All It's Worth

Michigan dairy farmer gets prison time for hiring undocumented immigrants [More]
Do it in California and I'll be impressed.

The New Blackface

Fury as Disney 'browns up' white actors to star in Aladdin despite filming next to one million-strong Asian community [More]
What did you think this was, a two-way street?

I love it when "progressives" eat their own.

Yumpin' Yimini!

Think it might have been yihadis...? [More]

Oh, thank goodness:
Police told ABC News the incident has "nothing to do with terrorism."
So if they're that certain, why has "the station and the surrounding area ... been blocked off as officials investigate the incident"?

The BFF Microaggression

[C]hild and family psychologist Dr. Barbara Greenberg says “there is something dreadfully exclusionary” about the concept of a “best friend,” and notes some American and European schools already forbid kids from having them. [More]
Nilsson speech is not free speech.

Dorothy demonstrates the irreparable harm that can be done to those left out:

I guess this means any kind of marriage is out.

Oh, and Trump is bad for kids, too.

Curious -- I just spent a few minutes looking at whatever online bios came up for Babs on the first few Google search pages and can't find any cites for her own children and how they turned out...