Monday, January 15, 2018

Now with Extra-Large Crap Capacity

The event in San Diego is one of more than 160 events across the country... [More]
Looks like they kept it close to the vest, like the Bus Tour, to keep from being outnumbered -- especially in places where open carry is 'legal."

We're the Only Ones Unidentified Enough

...Andy Finch, 28, emerged from the front door and was fatally shot by an officer. [More]
Yeah, we know.

Why do we still not know his name?

[Via Neil W]

Blast from the Past

Out of nowhere I recalled a 45 single my older brother had when I was a kid, and can't believe I found it.

I got the bright idea to play it at 33-1⁄3 LP speed and we kids laughed like hell. And no, at that age (and in that day and age) we had no idea there could be anything beyond that we thought it was funny.

Physician Heal Thyself

Physician suicide is a public health crisis. One million Americans lose their doctors to suicide each year. [More]
Considering all the anti-gun proselytizing their "leaders" engage in, I'd be interested to see how their rate compares with NRA members.

We're the Only Ones Fast-Learning Enough

According to reports, frequent, habitual and sometimes criminal misconduct by Berlin's police cadets, especially those with a migrant background, is rampant in the Berlin-Spandau police academy. [More]
And here I've been worried cultural assmilation might be a problem...

[Via Michael G]

One Question

Why haven't these people been arrested? [More]

Hell, at a minimum, using job time, facilities and resources for private political endeavors is a gross ethics violation that would get a private sector employee terminated in any place I've ever worked.

[Via Jess]

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise

So all the talk about more policing, stop and search and liaising with youth groups notwithstanding, it boils down in the end to "demographics"...? [Watch]

So is "the source of the problem" really "institutional racism at the heart of this government," and if so, who is it really being directed against?
[Via Jeet]

Squirreling Away

Mayor Cited For Shooting Squirrels At Airport From His Truck [More]
While it was moving.

A folksy saying comes to mind.

[Via William T]

On Civil Disobedience

On Feb. 1, it appears there will be tens of thousands of handgun owners in the region who will have violated a state law that required them to “recertify” their pistol permits. [More]
You wonder how much is obliviousness and how much is determined "I will not comply" activism.

I don't look for mass raids. I do look for individuals discovered via other police interventions to be made severe examples of, so make sure bipolar or otherwise vengeful significant others aren't in the loop. And remember the truism about loose lips.

Some words of warning:  The "enforce existing Intolerable Acts" prags will not be supportive, and many will complain how those getting caught "make us all look bad." After all, what do "good, honest Americans" do?

If you don't comply, understand that leaving such property to your heirs will of necessity be "off the books," meaning they will be "complicit" and at risk.

[Via Jess]

To Infinity and Beyond

In another example of academics’ politically bigoted hubris regarding our current president, two Harvard law professors claim President Trump exhibits all four of their “dangerous authoritarian” criteria. [More]
Peewee has the final word in his most cogent rebuttal.

[Via Michael G]

'A Chicago Man'

A Chicago man who allegedly had a gun on a Greyhound bus and led police on a chase along Interstate 94 from the Racine, Wis., area to Route 173 in northern Lake County, was being held without bail Sunday in the Lake County jail. [More] 
There's something missing from this story.

But what?

And why?

Ah well, who is "just a blogger" to question the editorial decisions of News-Sun Contact Reporter Jim Newton after noting "Madeline Buckley, Deanese Williams-Harris and Katherine Rosenberg-Douglas of the Chicago Tribune contributed to this report"?

[Via Wynn A]

The Plea Bargain Trap

...a criminal justice system that penalizes people who want their day in court... [More]
Plenty of prosecutors qualify as domestic enemies.

[Via Michael G]

'Until' is Open-Ended

Americans’ trust in the FBI and Justice Department will not be restored until those agencies are compelled to obey the law and the Constitution. [More]
Unless "compelled" means holding individual swarmers and their chains of command criminally liable for abuses, take that as a "never."

[Via Michael G]

Deliberate Indifference

“By their failure to intervene or employ reasonable tactical methods to ensure the safety of the Plaintiffs and the public, government actors conducted their official duties with deliberate indifference to the Plaintiffs’ safety, permitting hordes of violent rioters to swarm the university campus in a violent rage. By their failure, government actors are thus responsible for creating and exposing Plaintiffs to known and obvious danger,” the lawsuit states. [More]
Nice to see some recognizing the potential usefulness of the term.

[Via Michael G]

So It's Not Trump's Fault?

Imagine that.

[Via Michael G]

It Depends Upon What the Spelling of the Name 'Muhammad' Is

Ain't too many alternatives for "Noah," are there? [More]

Bear in mind the deception is deliberate and purposeful.

[Via George Pace]

Oh Thank Heaven?


Two issues:

I can't tell if it really is a 7-Eleven, but note competitors like Circlejerk K  impose the same "Give them what they  want even if it's your life" policies. And you shouldn't need a magic arm patch on your jacket -- chances are the guy who has one --as admirable as his takedown was -- would not take kindly to an armed citizen.
[Via George Pace]

To Each According to His Needs

In a real crisis situation, society's resources will first go to the most vulnerable. [More]
And guess who qualifies among the most needy?

[Via Matthew L]

Safety First

Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook's CEO, wrote about making Facebook a "safe space" for Muslims. He has made no similar supportive statements in favor of Jews or Christians. [More]
Safe to do what?

[Via Michael G]

A Time-Tested Formula

The move has brought endorsements from Afican-American leaders and could help Kennedy earn support in the March primary from black voters, who’ve disproportionately hurt [sic] by gun violence. [More]
Works every time.

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Intelligent Enough

The grant calls for police and prosecutors to work together on the Gun Crime Intelligence Model and provides funding for a prosecutor dedicated to the Gun Crime Intelligence Center. [More]
And of course it won't prevent one "gun crime." No wonder the dutifully parroting reporterette in the video assures viewers "they are confident that this will work."

[Via bondmen]

A Safe Place

Knife-wielding patient fatally shot at Center for Advanced Medicine [More]
Does no one read rules any more?

[Via bondmen]

Force to the Wall

“They can pay for it indirectly through NAFTA,” Trump said Thursday in an interview with the Wall Street Journal.  [More]
I actually prefer L. Neil Smith's idea:
How to pay for it initially? Two words: Wall Bonds. A tax on money being sent south by immigrants, illegal and otherwise, could begin paying them off. Millions of tourists from all over the world eager to enjoy one aspect or another of the Wall (including one hell of a train ride) will keep the money flowing. I don’t know about you, but I’d invest.