Tuesday, February 20, 2018

A Set-Up?

Last weekend, while doing what seemed to be a regular interview, I discovered that a movie is being made with the intent to discredit gun-rights leaders across the country. [More]
I'm passing this on with the caveat that I have not personally done a thing to verify the allegations. Nor will I have time-- I'm simply posting this becuase I've been asked to share it. Here's the suspect group's web and Facebook pages. Who.is shows a proxy.

And this is the email received by another group from the alleged "scam contact":

[Click to enlarge]
I'll send them the link and invite them to comment.

UPDATE: AmmoLand has more.

Kasich’s Renewed Betrayal Foreshadows Establishment GOP Retreat on Guns

In Kasich’s case, it was no surprise.  As a congressman, he was one of 46 Republican members who helped pass the 1994 semi-auto ban by a narrow 216-214 vote margin, putting him on a first-name basis with Bill Clinton.  Then, when running for governor and needing the votes, he “convinced” (a more than willing) NRA to change his “F” to an “A,” paying them back with “good” gun actions as long as he felt pandering to Ohio gun owners was in his political interests. [More]
Once a betrayer always a betrayer.

A Bump in the Polls

Presidential Memorandum on the Application of the Definition of Machinegun to “Bump Fire” Stocks and Other Similar Devices [More]
Well look who told him it was OK.

Asking you was just a formality.

Then Again You're Not Hollywood Royalty, Are You?

George Clooney continues his charitable giving– now half a million dollars to the March for Our Lives. He and wife Amal will make an appearance at the gun control rally. [More]
No worries. No expense will be spared to ensure the twins will be protected by "their own bodyguards" while George and Amal are out there trying to get laws passed to make the rest of us criminals for having the means to protect our children.

Just a Woke Mom

Her being a CNN producer, just like Shannon was a PR pro, has nothing to do with it. [More]

What do you mean the news stories are incomplete without telling people that?

Feel the Bern

That must be why his pants are on fire. [More]

The Orphan Amendment

Our continued refusal to hear Second Amendment cases only enables this kind of defiance. We have not heard argument in a Second Amendment case for nearly eight years. Peruta v. California, 582 U. S. ___, ___ (2017) (THOMAS, J., dissenting from denial of certiorari) (slip op., at 7).  And we have not clarified the standard for assessing Second Amendment claims for almost 10.  Meanwhile, in this Term alone, we have granted review in at least five cases involving the First Amendment and four cases involving the Fourth Amendment—even though our jurisprudence is much more developed for those rights. [More]
So naturally a demand must be made viral to impeach Clarence Thomas.

Don't worry about discrimination charges for booting the only justice of color off the court. It's not like he's a real black person.

[Via Michael G]

If You See Something Say Something

It won't do any good, but having a catchy slogan makes us look authoritative. [More

[Via Florida Guy]   

The Road to Dystopia

Democrats seized the White House and majorities in both houses of Congress and promised major changes to come—including on guns. [More]
As with all things Reason, a key danger is not even being considered.

[Via Michael G]

Since They Asked

Should the U.S. ban AR-15 rifles? [More]

Your move.

[Via Roger J]

Can There Be No Peace Between Our Peoples?

What do you think?

5M members? There's a word for that.

Which Nancy Sinatra, of all people, is on board with.

Who wants to surrender their firearms?

[Via Florida Guy]   

You'd Have to Be Crazy to Shoot Up a School?

What are you, nuts? [More]

Forget those millions capable of peaceably owning guns all their lives. Every good witch doctor knows the cursed fetish is what's brings the bad juju.

[Via Jess]

You Don't Need a Terrorist Rifle to Hunt Deer

Dagestan shooting: ISIS gunman in Russia kills four with hunting rifle at Lent festival [More]
Yo, Fudds and other dickmenn: Remember when Polyphemus said he'd eat you last?

He's still gonna eat you.

[Via Dave Licht]

Your Kind Not Welcome Here

Dallas Mayor Pro Tem urges NRA to find a new home for their convention [More]
So much for tolerance and inclusiveness. Coming soon, to a Democrat-controlled city near you.

[Via Dave Licht]

The Children's Crusade

She said gun control is "just the first thing." [More]
Yes. We know.

It's telling, all the gushing "progressives" who want children to define the social order.

I remember that movie.

[Via several of you]

A Woman's Place?

More women die when domestic abusers own guns. [More]
I'm calling BS on this Gungrabby Gabby press release rewrite. Especially after seeing the "federal law ... already prohibits people convicted of domestic violence misdemeanors and those who are subject to certain protective orders" admission that "gun control" doesn't work. So naturally, they want more of it.

And especially especially after seeing the old "developed countries" deception pulled out of the gungrab bag of tricks...

Also note you won't see the difference between gun ownership and gun possession acknowledged. There's a reason for that.

Bottom line: Opposite Day "progressive" champions of "womyn's rights" disparage equalizers and would rather see them slaughtered like sows than armed.

[Via bondmen]

A Work in 'Progress'

Responding to concerns of riders like Williams, local elected leaders say they have made dealing with crime on MetroLink a priority. But nine months after announcing a “memorandum of understanding” aimed at boosting security on the transit system, that effort remains a work in progress. [More]
Destined never to be completed, at this rate:

Just look at all the  Opposite Day "progressive" progress that's been made since last we looked in...

[Via bondmen]

There's an App for That

Normandy Police are investigating multiple cases where people responded to apps and links to buy items but then were robbed and in one instance shot. [More]
Now those intent on being stupid have choices besides Craigslist.

[Via bondmen]

I Forgot an Important Democrat Anniversary Yesterday

On February 19, 1942 — seventy-four years ago today — Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066. With the stroke of his pen, the man who had earlier snubbed Jesse Owens after the Berlin Olympics used his executive powers to order the imprisonment of over 100,000 persons of Japanese ancestry (as well as thousands of German and Italian ancestry) for the duration of World War II. [More]
Where were the activist federal judges and the outraged media and celebrities?

[Via Michael G]

Project Bombrunner

Improvised Explosive Device Found at Border Bridge to Texas [More]
Sounds like the feds ought to set up some kind of "sting" where they can let IEDs "walk" across the border...

[Via Wynn A

What's in a Name?

"I am a responsible, highly trained gun owner," Ben Dickmann, from Broward County, Florida, wrote in a post that has been shared more than 180,000 times as of Saturday night. "I do not need this rifle. No one without a law enforcement badge needs this rifle." [More]
Oh look, a self-righteous gunkapo.

Not the first time we've seen an attention-seeker take one for Team Totalitarian.

Or the last.

And that "k"-word is why some of us will never accept their monopoly of violence apologia.

Maybe such as these should be called "dickmenn."

[Via several of you]

More Gun Laws Violated

Keep up with what's unfolding here.

Blame apportioning in 3...2...1...

Seeing is Believing

Fake videos are on the rise. As they become more realistic, seeing shouldn't always be believing [More]
Like any technology, virtual face-swapping can be used for good or ill. And while the topic can be fascinating, a few of the writer's observations show some biases, and thus manipulation, that is also damaging.
"Truth, already diminished by Russia's misinformation campaign and President Trump's proclivity to label uncomplimentary journalism "fake news," would be more subjective than ever...That means the onus is on those who read the news and those who report it to verify footage the best they can. Students at a young age also need to be taught how to wade through news sources critically..."
What do we see happening to the "Russian collusion" accusations as more and more details are revealed?  Trump's use of the term "fake news" has proven appropriate many times, so portraying that as mere butthurt return fire again advances an ad hominem political narrative.

As for the onus being on those who report news to verify it, Bingo! And ditto for citizens learning to discern truth.  That's hardly the current state of the union, and the DSM bears much of the culpability.

So what should "we" do with a technology potentially capable of starting a war?
"What's different now is it becomes very easy to do these things and it can get into the hands of anyone. The important thing is to educate people. People will get used to it..."
What, no demands to repeal the First Amendment?