Tuesday, March 06, 2018

I Didn't Hear THIS on CNN

I don't know about blaming Obama/Holder, but it certainly warrants corroboration along with loads of questions about what was done about it, why, who made the decisions, and why we're just hearing of this now, and not from any LE or media sources.

[Via Michael D]

New Anti-Gun ‘Study’ a Rehash of Same Old Lies

This is “huge”?  This is “bad news for the NRA”? It looks more like wishful thinking peppered with graphics designed to make it look like they’re dealing with facts. And when they get to facts we can check, claims start to fall apart. [More]
Told ya some stuff was in the works. This is my first article for Firearms News. Hopefully it will be the first of many.

Do feel free to go over there and leave a comment -- and to share the link.

Duel of the Questionnaire Answerers

Former tea party darling Sharron Angle filed her bid to unseat U.S. Rep. Mark Amodei in June’s Republican primary... [More]
They both answered my questionnaire back when they were vying for the Republican Senate nomination in a race NRA ultimately cheesed out on, enabling Democrat Harry Reid to return to power. Even though Angle got the higher grade.

Here was my post at the time on Amodei, and here were his answers.

Here's what Angle told me.

They both had good answers. Frankly, with Amodei's, I'd expect his real world record to earn better than a "B" from GOA. And his poor Numbers USA score tells me he's not being very forward thinking on long term consequences.

Oh, the Humanity!

A review? This needs to be the last time the district uses gun sales as a fundraising vehicle. Never again. [More]
Why? Because you un-American pussies say so?

[Via Mack H]

A Real Downer

Australian diplomat whose tip prompted FBI’s Russia-probe has tie to Clintons [More]
Of course he does.

Dicking with Dick's Redux

Oregon: 20-Year-Old Sues Dick’s Sporting Goods for Refusing to Sell Rifle [More]

Teeing with the Enemy

Wahlberg, Rock to Play in Legends of Golf Skins Match [More]
Anti-gun prohibited person Pokey Poke?

Fraternizing with guys who sell these and these?

Somebody shanked that shot.

[Via Hayden]

You Mean She Stole More than His Heart?

Nashville Mayor Megan Barry Resigns After Pleading Guilty To Theft [More]
Now who's going to lead the city on not trusting citizens?

The question now: Is Cuckboy still in denial?

The Surge

And doesn't the "Acquí" sign just say it all? [More]


¿No hay problema?

Yeah, this is a judgment on Trump, alright.

A Work in 'Progress'

The country’s murder rate remains low, by American standards... [More]
Give it time.

[Via Michael G]

So Long and Thanks for the A+ Rating

Sounds like a governor problem.

What'sYour Best Defense Against a Rock-Throwing Mob Again?

California students turn violent during anti-gun rally [More]
Because nothing says Opposite Day "progressive" social order like rule of ignorant, feral brutes.

NRA Cover for Trump Unconvincing in Light of Its Own Support for Infringements

What Cox is doing is reining Trump back in, getting him to “walk back” preemptive surrender-signaling and stick to NRA talking points. The thing is, those points bear very little relationship to “shall not be infringed,” and in fact represent “gun control” no matter how Fairfax wants to parse it and pretend otherwise. [More]
That's the problem when you green-light some infringements and the guy starts  thinking "compromises" must be OK and goes off script.

We're the Only Ones Securing the Perimeter Enough

Capt. Jan Jordan, commander of BSO’s Parkland district, gave the order, the log shows, identifying her by her police call sign. [More]
So naturally everyone has formed a protective perimeter around her.

[Via Jess]

If Not Us, Who?

Thank you Captain Obvious. Still, all in all it's a pretty good statement and worthy of being shared.

My main concern is the claim at the end that "enforcing existing laws as they relate to addressing troubled individuals might have prevented the Parkland tragedy, and can likely prevent others." If such individuals are known and proven to be dangers to others after being afforded full due process, allowing them to stalk freely among us is irresponsibly dangerous.

I'm always suspicious of efforts like this because too often they've turned out to be fronts for the RNC, giving the rubes the rah-rah they want to hear and then including backstabbing RINOs in divvying up the take. If that's the case here, I don't see it.

And I also see they recognize the dangers of "amnesty," unlike the Lairds of Fairfax.

Speaking of which, I notice no one from NRA signed on to this. Why the hell not?

If I had to bet, I'd say the conclusion that "teachers who want to be trained to possess firearms in the classroom should be given the support to do so" scared Wayne and Chris away.

[Via Felix B]

For the Children

If we miss 'em in the womb or the "gun-free school zones," our fallback position is the needle. [More]

It's the "progressive" thing to do.

Plus think of the trendsetter potential.

[Via Michael G]

The Lady Doth Protest Too Much, Methinks

After Democrats settled down, Del. Joseph Lindsey (D-Norfolk) told the House that “today, I have been offended as I can never recall since being a part of this body. And I have seen many of my colleagues emotionally shaken and bothered..." [More]
Good. To paraphrase Rhett Butler, you should be offended, shaken and bothered, and often, and by someone who knows how.

You don't think good Americans who will have their lives destroyed for defying your tyrannical disarmament edicts will be emotionally shaken, you piece of sh!+ traitor?

By the way -- good speech. I posted a copy to my Facebook feed over the weekend.

[Via Mack H]

Jose Can You See?

"I feel proud, but I still have not understood what happened today: how they have all managed to be heard. We will see if they can help the welfare of all, "said his father Jose Gonzalez, who arrived from Cuba to New York in 1968. [More]
Didn't learn a f***ing thing, did you, Jose? Why are you here again?

Why don't you get back on the raft, take that "birthright" creature you inflicted on the rest of us with you and see how they welcome you back, you goddamned subversive ingrate?

Can We All Get Along?

'Kill all white people'... [More]
Gee, sounds like Trump's rhetoric of hate is inspiring meatspace repercussions again, the damned racist.

Tell me this doesn't point to a critical need for "commonsense gun safety laws."

The Shape of Things to Come

California Dems’ hard-left turn could be the whole party’s future [More]
Count on it.

And in a fitting bit of karma, count on more and more cultural terraforming old guard enablers with names like "Feinstein" being replaced by young Turks with names like "de León."

Who thinks it's because of anything other than the obvious?

Just an Observation

What an agenda-pushing piece of crap "Nightline"anchor David Wright is. [More]

And what a perfect response for someone who realizes her function is to be an entertainer to give. The kids'll be happy to know we won't need to boycott the museum.