Monday, April 09, 2018

Dummying Down

She said her son hopes to register and educate new voters... [More]
That implies he's qualified to be more than a ventriloquist dummy.

[Via cydl]

A Question for All Gungrabbers

How many are you willing to see killed to force your will on everyone? [Watch]

I've been asking it myself for a while.

[Via Wynn A

A Man of la Gente

Con el duro trabajo de los floridanos hemos avanzado mucho desde ese día, pero aún tenemos mucho por hacer y es por eso que he decidido aspirar al Senado de los Estados Unidos.  [More]
Yeah, well uck-fay oo-yay.

[Via Mack H]


My name is David Hogg and I’m not from Parkland, Fla. I first found out about the other David Hogg from my grandfather. He called and asked my parents to turn on the TV because there was a David Hogg who looked similar to me and was close to my age—I’m 16, he’s 17. [More]
I never assume a name I find on the internet is the same as the person I am trying to find out more about until I can verify they are. And I've always felt a bit guilty about the very few people who share my name, because I'm sure Google search results have complicated their lives.

We saw a similar situation a while back with a gun dealer being blamed for the actions of a quisling with essentially the same handle.

[Via Mack H]

Counseled Counselors

Virginia law students push state panel to scrap mental health question on bar application [More]
I wonder how many of those would insist for consistent treatment on guns, and my guess is probably not a one.

[Via Mack H]

Persons of Interest

The Department of Homeland Security wants to track the comings and goings of journalists, bloggers and other “media influencers” through a database. [More]
Dare I hope...?

What I'm interested in are the economic fascist technowhores who'll win the bid.

I want to find out what they eat for breakfast.

The ernie Chronicles

Fishing without a license... [More]
If we let him get away with that, why, who knows what he'll want next?

I do question how anyone can make a claim to freely take game when we're not talking about the primordial state of nature anymore, but managed and stocked ecosystems which require funded resources and custodial care in order to coexist in a modern world with competing interests.  I also question making yourself the subject of the hurt -- a "Patton" quote comes to mind.

That said, we could use a few more colorful characters, and if you get passed the initial urge to dismiss "a kook" and go down his rabbithole for a bit, the guy really has amassed an amazing amount of information.

Feel Free to Ask Questions

Not those questions:

Seeking recommendations will result in banishment -- in this case for 30 days.

The Keeper explains:

Proposed Boulder Semi-Auto Ban Repeats Lie Upheld by Faithless Federal Courts

“She added that the proposed ordinance does not strip residents of their Second Amendment rights — which was a fear expressed throughout the public hearing on Thursday — because the Second Amendment doesn’t guarantee the right to an assault rifle.” [More]
What options are left after the truth is denied and the ultimatums are issued?

Yeah, Uh, No

The gun solution [More]
Licensing and other prior restraints ain't gonna fly.

Besides, he doesn't really think the "reducing gun deaths" misdirection is what drives the violence monopolists, does he, or that those who want it all will give anything back without a credible "or else" behind a demand?

[Via Jim S]

Oregon Alert

Come out and learn about the new gun-control initiatives targeted for the November 2018 ballot, including IP43 and IP44. [More]
Kevin Starrett will be speaking. It's tomorrow and free e-tickets are needed due to limited seating, so get them now if you want to attend.

A Good First Step

The proposed legislation, dubbed "Stop Soros" by the government before the vote, is part of Orban's strident anti-immigration campaign targeting Hungarian born U.S. financier George Soros, whose philanthropy aims to bolster liberal and open-border values. [More]
There's a reason they call interests run by the string-pullers "NGOs."

[Via Jess]

So What Are They Doing Out?

Gun owners and NRA members will be the first to admit that there are some people who should not even own a BB gun! [More]
Absolutely. We call such people "inmates."

Oh, the "conservative" site run by Clinton's BFF had something else in mind...?

[Via Felix B]

A Point That Bears Repeating

If the federal government were to repeal the Second Amendment, it would have no effect whatsoever on my RKBA, or yours. [More]
The outrage is that anyone can reach adulthood in this country and need to have that explained to them. The principalities and powers like it like that.

Male Call

A letter to the boys & young men of America. [More]
If you know any who haven't been ruined, let them know they're not alone and that there is a place for them among the just and the brave.

[Via Florida Guy]   

Rule of Lawlessness

There’s no good reason to stop felons from voting [More]
Establishment-approved "conservative" George Will again-- figures he'd wants to give the Democrats even more of an electoral advantage.

If they're going to be set free among the rest of us, there's no good reason to stop felons from owning guns, either. The relevant question is: Can they be trusted without a custodian?

[Via Mack H]

An Idea Whose Time Has Come

[A] 2nd Amendment Restoration Act must be called for, the repeal of ALL Federal gun control laws from 1934 up.  Since Prohibition was repealed in 1933, then it would also seem prudent to save the American tax payer money and call for a disbanding of the BATFE, since chasing moonshiners doesn't really justify their budget, and their other functions could be handled by other agencies. Infringements to the 2nd Amendment on the whims of a bureaucrat, would be the despotic actions of a tyrant. -- WarOnGuns Correspondent Jeffrey D, via email
I agree in principle. I wish I knew how to make it happen. I learned long ago how limited my capabilities to affect political outcomes are.

All I can really control is my will.

I can't stop others from surrendering their birthrights. I will defy and resist their claiming mine to my dying breath.

Back to the Future

California Is The Future [More]
Especially its demographics.

Good thing that has nothing to do with that "single issue."

If it did, ... what's the term they always use? "Rest assured" Fairfax would be screaming from the rooftops. And so would all the "gun bloggers."

I mean, it would only make sense.

Rest assured!

[Via Dave Licht]

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise

London's Mayor Declares Intense New 'Knife Control' Policies To Stop Epidemic Of Stabbings [More]
No wonder their government doesn't trust those violent Anglo-Saxons with guns.

[Via Jess]

Do As We Say

De Blasio aide busted with gun in car [More]
$90K? For protecting criminals from consequences to make the "law-abiding" even more vulnerable to their predations?

Hey, it's a New York tradition. Along with connections-based patronage jobs.

But it looks like -- now that it's no longer concealable -- that snout may not be long for the trough.

They sure were quick in taking her name off the city website.

Still, who wants to bet the punishment for the judge's daughter won't be anywhere near what you or I would get?

[Via several of you]

In the Old Days, We Used to Call 'em 'Domestic Enemies'

Progressive Illinois Rep. Declares Constitution Means Nothing [More]
Neither do your rights to him, meaning neither does your life.

We're the Only Ones Touching Enough

NYPD chief’s son keeps job as cop despite getting busted for groping woman at Atlantic City casino [More]
Give the kid a break. He's had a lifetime of observing the way things work and seems like a natural.

[Via Michael G]

Above the Law

According to public records, David Brock’s Media Matters group has ignored important legal requirements for tax-exempt charities. [More]
Hell, that's nothin'. Serve the right interests and you can be exempt from gun laws, too.

[Via Michael G]

Who Wants to Start a Civil War?

H.R. 5410: SAFER Now Act ... To improve public safety through sensible reforms to firearms regulations ... Prognosis: 19% chance of being enacted... It shall be unlawful for a person to import, sell, manufacture, transfer, or possess, in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce, a semiautomatic assault weapon... [More]
And the sick thing is, our A-rated "Republican" governor agrees with her.

[Via Roger J]

We're the Only Ones Taxing Enough

US tax agent 'raped intern at gunpoint' [More]
This must be the difference between the pros and us mere amateurs...

[Via Florida Guy]   

And When I Say 'Fight,' I Don't Mean with Shots Fired

Then what's to ultimately stop them? [Watch]

He already said he'd turn his in.

[Via bondmen]

You Can't Have One without the Other

US interest in concealed carry permit training jumps 100 per cent after Parkland [More]
How about interest in defending the right?

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Until Death Do Us Part Enough

He was never charged in Schauman’s death but last year lost a $2 million civil lawsuit accusing him of killing her. [More]
I seem to remember a case with a lot of similarities...

That said, with what's here I see plenty of room for reasonable doubt.

[Via bondmen]

A Good First Step

If DOJ implements the new rule to change the definition, it seems like that'll include "bump stocks."

The Ministry of Truth

This bill would require any person who operates a social media, as defined, Internet Web site with a physical presence in California to develop a strategic plan to verify news stories shared on its Web site. The bill would require the plan to include, among other things, a plan to mitigate the spread of false information through news stories, the utilization of fact-checkers to verify news stories, providing outreach to social media users, and placing a warning on a news story containing false information. [More]
And the same "progressive" mob complaints that can get you kicked off social media sites will be used to cause a world of hurt for anyone wandering outside the bounds of state-approved thought.

Totalitarians gonna totalitarianize.

Where Credit is Due?

"Bass Pro just switched credit card processors to Citi/FirstData," a reader who has previously provided reliable tips informed me.  "I don't have to tell you, this is not good.  I don't know if Bass Pro will cave."

I could not verify that claim with a link and note the Bass Pro Shops credit card provider is Bank of America. I replied with that and was told:
There wasn't any public announcement.  The header on the credit card transaction reports say 'Citi Merchant Services provided by First Data Merchant Services Corporation.'  I'm talking about the back end merchant services. When a merchant accepts a credit card for payment, all those transactions go to a processor. The processor clears all the transactions with the issuing banks and takes a percentage called a discount, and deposits the balance in their checking account. Previously, Commerce Bank was the processor, but now it's Citi /First Data.
That prompted me to send an inquiry:

Nothing in the email would have triggered their spam filter and I did not get an undeliverable message, so my presumption is the email was received and the PR folks have unstated reasons to ignore it.

A week ago I sent this follow-up;

I gave them more time. As of this writing, almost two weeks after my initial inquiry and a week after my follow-up, there has been no response. I think I've waited long enough and have tried to be fair. In my experience, the only department more anal than risk management about not saying anything to rock the boat is corporate communications. In this case, their apparent unwillingness to engage and address the query in any form has not served their employer well as it just fuels the feeling that there's something they'd rather their customers don't know.

We go on "presumption of innocence" around here, so I'll ask you to keep that in mind. That said, I tried to get to the bottom of a potential matter of economic interest to gun owners quietly and in the background, and that did not work. That means it looks like to get an answer -- for whatever reason -- they won't respond to me alone.

What Can Brown Do to You?

With a little help from George... [More]

Not that the "moderate Republican" challenger will stoke a fire in gun owners' bellies...