Thursday, April 19, 2018

We're the Only Ones Permitted Enough

Former NYPD Sgt. David Villanueva, a longtime supervisor in the department’s License Division, testified Tuesday that he accepted greenbacks and goodies from Former Assistant Brooklyn District Attorney John Chambers and other gun expediters, to speed up the permitting process. Villanueva — who in February 2017 pleaded guilty to accepting illicit gifts — took the stand against Chambers in Manhattan Federal Court, where the self-described “top firearms licensing attorney in New York” is now on trial facing bribery charges. [More]
Or as I recall from the old NatLamp "Radio Dinner" album:
"So take a tip from a cop who does."
So one of these corrupt bastards would have arrested you for having a gun and the other would have prosecuted you?

I swear, sometimes I think the Romans were on to something with public crucifixion for certain crimes.

One Last Stab in the Back

Paul Ryan’s Parting Gift To America: Amnesty For Illegal Aliens [More]
You wanna know why elephants are dying off?

[Via Felix B]

The Elephants' Graveyard

GOP House members lack insulation: They will crawl out from the smoking rubble of a 40- to 50-seat pounding to find they have lost their majority. [More]
If they do, they'll have only their fecklessness to blame.

Assuming this guy's crystal ball works better than most, I wonder how many who lose will  be those who stood by the stated principles that put Trump in power, as opposed to those who mouthed platitudes while selling out the core.

And I gotta admit, his assessment of the man rings true with me.

[Via Mack H]

Firearms News 2A Roundup

WarOnGuns regulars know about my growing list of columns there. Here are some recent RKBA articles by other contributors I want to call to your attention:

Yeah, that's a lot of reading and you'ver got plenty of other places to go. Why not bookmark this post so you can look these over as time frees up? And as always, it's not like the DSM is interested in promoting any of this -- so if you get value from these, sharing links is essential to help spread the word.

Capture the Flag and Send a Message to Your Representative

This is a project I did several years ago that I’ve written about a few times over the years–I resurrect it from time to time because I believe it makes a good statement of defiance, plus most of you have probably never seen it. [More]
One good way to celebrate Patriots' Day is to put gun-grabbers on the spot to promote your message of defiance.

Things Must Be Pretty Bad if This is 'Better'

The Deschutes County sheriff would decide whether any local, state or federal gun law is unconstitutional under the measure’s broader interpretations of those rights. And if the sheriff thinks a law is unconstitutional, the measure would forbid the county from enforcing it. Individual violations could result in a fine of up to $2,000. [More]
Do you really want to give that kind of power to one man?

Midnight Revelation

I guess this midnight was 11 hours ago, and now we have until midnight on the 28th to watch.  [More]

The Stroke of Midnight

Cinderella wasn't watching the clock and is in a hurry. [View]

Here's why.

And the Devil Smiled

Todd Starnes shares his assessment of cultural degradation. [Watch]

Let the Alinsky Rule 5 ridicule commence!

[Via Andrew S]

How Much More Proof Do You Need?

The local CA26 representative does not need to worry about the gun owners in her district because she is insulated by having a large population of illegals who vote to preserve their state and local benefits and to avoid deportation. [More]
Absolutely and without a doubt.

Now name ONE state "gun rights" group that has made illegal immigration and "pathway to citizenship" amnesty a fundamental part of their messaging and political grading, as opposed to ignoring it or dismissing it with the fraudulent "single issue" excuse.

Ditto and especially for NRA, which sets the tone for the others.

For that matter, where the hell are most "gun bloggers"?

Why would anyone send money to a group that denies this, thereby abetting the ongoing political and "legal" subversion and ultimate destruction of the recognized right?

Any of you Grover-supporting prags ready to step up to the plate -- and stay on point?

The lack of leadership on this from the professional "gun lobby" is either madness or calculated.

The Party of the People

Supporters of Boulder's proposed ban on assault weapons, bump stocks and high-capacity magazines are imploring the City Council not to put the proposal to a public vote in November, and rather to pass the ban at the council level as soon as possible. [More]
No one thought Opposite Day "progressives" actually believe in "democracy" when it doesn't suit their purposes and rule can better be established by diktat, did they...?

[Via cydl]

The Last Word

Final Comments On Bump Stock Device Rulemaking... [More]
Herschel notes political decisions don't have to concern themselves with mere reality.

Dial 911 and Die

She was accused of “systematically” hanging up the phone "thousands" of times when people were seeking emergency assistance in the Houston area. [More]
When seconds count, the police won't even know about it.

[Via Felix B]

For the Children

Three gun-rights organizations filed suit against the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services over its requirement that bans home day-care operators from keeping guns in their home. [More]
The "rationale" behind such an edict would need to be applied to all homes with children in order to be "logically" consistent -- which, of course, will be an incremental goal when the time is right.

Once you cross a property line, everything changes. If having guns cannot be permitted there, it cannot be permitted anywhere. That's the "thought" behind "gun-free zones."

[Via Jess]

An Open Invitation

No teachers will be armed at the Clayton School District.  The ruling comes after members at a recent Board of Education meeting unanimously opposed it. [More]
Yet if anyone evil takes advantage of that, it will be the NRA that has blood on its hands?

[Via bondmen]

We're Number One!

Missouri yet again has highest black homicide rate [More]
We clearly need more "commonsense gun safety laws" that only the law-abiding will obey.

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Not Telling Enough

Independence police shot a man on Jan. 30 but won't say who he was or when he died [More]
Because... then you'd know...

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Trilateral Enough

Sharp acknowledged that he, Lynde and his now ex-wife had sex together. [More]
A spate...?

At least giving his precious bodily fluid receptacle lucrative perks on the taxpayers' dime explains why he prioritized maximizing permit extortion money over the right of the people to bear arms.

[Via Steve T

Don't Tell Sadiq Khan

Video shows monk seal pup playing with knife [More]
There's no excuse for that!

And I just thought of something: If there really is NO excuse, if there's NEVER a reason, and if anyone who does will be caught and feel the full force of the law, is he prepared to take religion-commanded kirpans from and punish London's "large Sikh population"?

And that calls to mind our own "knife control" laws, and the attendant religious preference discrimination against the rest of us in spite of a crystal clear "make no law respecting an establishment of religion" commandment to government" proscription.

It figures the snarky hive insects at Slate are all for taking knives away from subjects, too.

[Via Matthew L]

A Glimmer of Hope?

Republicans are preparing to open a new front in their push to roll back regulations across the government, using a maneuver that could enable them to strike down decisions by federal agencies that reach back decades. [More]
Including the proposed bump stock tyranny...?

Maybe keeping Toomey around has a silver lining.

[Via Mack H]

A Natural Constituency

Appealing to his left flank, Gov. Cuomo announced Wednesday that he’s signed an executive order to give convicted felons on parole the right to vote. [More]
From the party of criminals, who understandably want you disarmed...

No, of course he hasn't also restored "gun rights. His legion of restored Democrats knows how to get 'em when they want 'em, and when they do, it feeds the exploitable demand for more citizen disarmament.

When parasites outnumber the productive, they can "vote" the latter to be their slaves.

As a corollary to "the law": Anyone who can't be trusted with a gun can't be trusted with a vote.

[Via Bluesgal]

Attacking Their Own

Like a scene from “Tom and Jerry,” workers fruitlessly tried to stomp on the agile rodent when it scurried from a hole in which dry ice had been dropped in an effort to control the furry pests. One worker even swung a shovel at the plucky rat in a comical whack-a-mole routine. [More]
What a clown show.

Where's that other group of socialists when you really need them?

[Via Roger J]

What Does it Say about Gun Owner Commitment...

...when, based on results, a guy in Ohio cares more about gun legislation in Connecticut than 99% of those affected? [More]

Out of all those gun owners, 8 retweets and 11 likes? 13 shares?

Yes, I understand the old paradigm doesn't impress a politically secure majority, i.e., the conquerors. But I'd bet money that's not why most do nothing.

Molon Labe!

[Via Felix B]

The $64,000 Question

Why are State Attorneys General putting up with school walkouts to promote gun control when the walkouts violate state laws against disrupting public schools? [More]
Because the Democrats want it to happen and the Republicans are gutless and focused on politics and optics, and scared scheisseless of provoking a defiant reaction that would require no-nonsense enforcement which would let them be painted as fascists, or else make them look like impotent weaklings...?

Because if it's not that, I'm with Yul.

[Via Felix B]

Works for Me

Repeal ALL Gun Control, Including Concealed Carry Licensing [More]
It's really the only lawful solution.

[Via Felix B]

It Depends on the Objective

Should an anti-American Marxist set the history curriculum for American schools? [More]
If the goal is the internal destruction of the Republic to establish totalitarianism, then it's a prerequisite.

And what an ungrateful piece of sh** lottery winner Matt Damon is.

[Via Mack H]

All We Need to Know for Now

Just a leftist **** grabbing headlines on her way out the door. We have bigger threats to pay attention to.

Let Repub betrayals and fecklessness take the fire out of enough bellies to blow majorities again and I'll change my tune.

[Via several of you]

Always Look on the Bright Side of Life

Maybe I've been wrong for oppposing criminal immigration...