Thursday, April 26, 2018

How Will Mass ‘Migrant’ Crossing Not Be an Unprovoked Foreign Attack?

Chances are this will play out for the cameras and be exploited to feed a meme that further smears those opposed to open borders as violent xenophobes and racists. There are those who wouldn’t mind at all if this results in a bit of for-the-cameras violence — or more than a bit. [More]
Global humanitarian crises will not be solved by subverting U.S. law and culturally terraforming the Republic.

Survey SAYS...

Voters Overwhelmingly Support Draining The Swamp [More]
That won't stop the crowing when "moderates" and Quislings quench the fire in enough bellies to result in RINO losses. True to the narrative playbook, the Dems and the DSM will present it as an indictment and rejection of policies that got Trump elected, rather than a core constituency demoralized by unceasing serial betrayals that make Republicans no different than Democrats.


Death Note was one of the anime series I used to watch with elder feral son Uday, who texted this to me.

We're the Only Ones Serial Enough

A onetime cop who’s been living quietly in the Sacramento suburbs was fingered Wednesday as the “East Area Rapist,” with authorities saying DNA helped link him to a string of at least 12 slayings and 45 rapes that terrorized communities in the Bay Area and across California from 1976 to 1986. [More]
I wonder if he's been taking advantage of LEOSA in his retirement?

[Via several of you]

We're the Only Ones Lifting a Finger Enough

Cops go into funeral home, attempt to unlock phone with dead man's fingerprint [More]
Once the body's been released, you'd think they'd at least need a warrant.

Speaking of lifting fingers and "Only Ones"...

[Via Mack H]

Mob Psychology

But these kids are not being taught to understand, rationalize and articulate the problem. [More]
That would defeat the whole purpose of indoctrinating them into the cult.

[Via Mack H]

We're the Only Ones Carjacking Enough

Chicago Is Trying to Pay Down Its Debt by Impounding Innocent People’s Cars - How a uniquely punitive city impound program combined with the drug war and asset forfeiture to deprive people of their vehicles for years at a time. [More]
They do it because they can.

[Via Matthew L]

The Real Racists

Fine line between ‘tokenism’ and racism [More]
I dunno-- the metaphor seems to be more like blanket-smearing runaway slaves as Uncle Toms.

Hillary did the same thing with white women who refuse to don the pussy hat.

[Via Michael G]


Pruitt announced that the new rule would require science to "be transparent, reproducible and able to be analyzed by those in the marketplace." [More]
No. We want to impose burdensome political mandates without having to do that.

[Via Mack H]

We're the Only Ones on Thin ICE Enough

A Homeland Security Investigations agent from Murrieta has been convicted in federal court of aiding a Mexican national with a criminal record to re-enter the United States, an action federal agents said was done at the bidding of the leader of a Southern California organized crime group. [More]
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

Good site, by the way. Eminently bookmarkworthy.

[Via Wynn A

Poll Dancing

So, if school safety was actually the issue, please explain to me why hundreds of elementary age kids were accessible by anyone who wanted to walk onto campus today? [More]
Fair question.  Then again, were it not a "gun-free zone," it would most likely be a moot one.

And as for poll workers injecting their own politics into the process, it would be helpful in the future to go in with cellphone set to record.

I would have challenged such an abuser on the spot, writtten down his name and the names of other workers and voters within earshot, seen if any would corroborate it, and immediately reported it and then followed up with election authorities. Since Arizona requires:
Appointments are made from a list of precinct voters submitted by party chairmen at least 90 days before election. Inspectors, marshals & judges shall be members of the two political parties which cast the highest number of votes in the state at the last preceding general election, and shall be divided equally between those parties. There shall be an equal number of inspectors in the various precincts in the county who are members of the two largest political parties. Where the inspector is a member of one party, the marshal shall be a member of the other major party.
I'm wondering how there wasn't an immediate challenge by those in charge,and would recommend the person making this claim file a formal, detailed complaint.

[Via Tristan M]

No Gamble at All

Scott Wallace runs hard on gun control in newly redistricted PA-1 [More]
And watch that get credited and crowed about to great media fanfare, instead of this.

[Via Jess]

The Making of an Unperson

Conspiracy theories have always turned me off, and I'm not posing one now -- but doesn't anyone else want to know what happened to Broward County Sheriff's Deputy Jason Fitzsimons? [More]
With no cause of death given for an outspoken "whistleblower," an information blackout and the scrubbing of his social media account, why wouldn't a conspiracy theory be a reasonable candidate for consideration?

And with that as backdrop, if information does start coming out throug "official" channels, why should it be automatically accepted as credible?

[Via bondmen]

The Swift Completion of Their Appointed Rounds

Postal Service driver charged with stealing gun parts, rifle scopes from mail [More]
The "solution," of course, is to ban mailing murder parts and accessories.

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Squeezably Soft Enough

Kansas sheriff charged with selling gun to felon, falsely certifying deputy training [More]
Looks like where Mr. Whipple's going, they're gonna call him "Charmin."

[Via bondmen]

A Red Flag by All 'Progressive Standards'

Seriously, WTF?! Parkland teacher tells students Kyle Kashuv is the next Hitler who must be dealt with [More]
That seems pretty delusional.

And the "teacher" says he owns guns? Has anyone notified the authorities?

Oh, and sorry for the oxymoron in the title.

[Via Michael G]

Who Thought It was Just about Guns?

A Marquette University professor recently argued that individual liberties, including free speech and property rights, are merely forces “that reproduce capitalist violence.” [More]
And so does your racist, selfish insistence that you have a right to life.

Ditches: The great equalizer.

Universities are increasingly showing themselves to be indoctrination centers for a demonic death cult.

[Via Michael G]

A Super 'Only One'

A Port Authority official berated and cursed at officers during a traffic stop. A dash cam was on. [More]
You will respect my authoritah!

Entitled and self-impressed, isn't she?  Naturally she has strong ties with the Democrat political coercion establishment, including, totally unsurprisingly, Hillary.

The "party of the people" that exploits "white privilege" for all it's "worth"...

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise

More proof that 'progressive' medical death panels are a myth... [More]

And don't these chaps have an "arsenal" of tools to show off to ther media?

"What's It All About, Alfie," indeed.

Now They Know How Many Holes It Takes to Fill the Albert Hall

Joy Reid’s Hacking Story Filled With Holes [More]
Who ever thought it wouldn't be? Just don't hold her to the same standards, because that would be racist.

And the Treason Continues...

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo demands feds ‘cease and desist’ immigration crackdown [More]
So when are the feds going to enforce "the supreme Law of the Land" and demand a "cease and desist" gun-grab crackdown?