Friday, April 27, 2018

Why Does a Dog Lick Himself?

Why is a Republican super majority in the legislature following Michael Bloomberg's agenda? [More]
Because they can.

And they will until gun owners decide to make a public example of one, even if it means giving up a seat, and letting the GOP know they consider enemies on the inside the most dangerous threats. It doesn't take too many political "executions" for poltroons to get the message, and if they won't back you out of principle, settle for them backing you out of fear.

Late RNC-honcho Lee Atwater is reputed to have asked "Who else are they [gun owners] going to vote for?" With that kind of arrogance, there's no steaming pile they can't expect you to lap up.

Oh, but the Democrat enemies are really REALLY anti-gun.

At least we know not to turn our backs on them..

Those who counsel "Politics is the art of the possible" and "The perfect is the enemy of the good" refuse to push envelopes to determine just what is possible, and evidently consider it good to be politically cuckolded.

[Via Ron W]

We're the Only Ones Importing Enough

LAPD Officer Arrested For Trying To Smuggle Immigrants Across Border [More]
We said "traffic cop," Mambasse, not "trafficking cop"...

Besides, I thought California LEOs weren't allowed to help the feds...

But what could be more"progressive"?

[via Schrödinger’s Pundit]

Is There Any Other Kind?

"The Arizona man was later charged with conspiracy and manufacturing body piercing ammunition without a license." [More]
Bear has as much respect for "Authorized Journalists" as I do.

My guess is the word "armor" got left out.


Cops describe her as being between 18 to 25 years old.  [More]
Assuming everyone's on board with "If you see something say something," how many million calls have they gotten?

When 'Progressives' Rule

Shocking video is calling attention to what’s going on in one of the busiest BART stations in the Bay Area: junkies blatantly shooting up out in the open as commuters walk by, others slumped along filthy corridors. [More]

Firearms Friday

I'll be joining up with Michael Dukes again this afternoon.They'll be calling me at 1:20 Eastern, so I'd expect to be on air live within a minute or two. [Listen]

Bank of Bizarro World

"The company is willfully giving up money," Justin Danhof, general counsel of the National Center for Public Policy Research, said to Moynihan. "That's an odd choice for a bank." [More]
Not when you realize that for "progressives," every day is Opposite Day...

[Via Mack H]

How Can We Silence You If You Won't Shut Up?

Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) ripped Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) following a deadly shooting at a Waffle House in Tennessee on Sunday, asking when the retiring lawmaker will allow gun safety measures to be debated in Congress.  [More]
Well gee, Ted, maybe if you had a gun bill...

Oh wait, I get it. You're just making noise to get press. You've probably never even been inside a Waffle House.

[Via Mack H]

Hey, as Long as They Don't Sell Them Bump Stocks...

It's called playing both ends against the middle...

[Via Mack H]

A Tale of Two Candidates

Gun Owners of America recently endorsed Shak Hill for Congress. [More]
Comstock has an A rating from the NRA, which is headquartered in Fairfax and has supported her campaigns.
So why the "B-" here?

And what about that one issue that can eviscerate that "single issue"? The one "The WinningTeam" and its board  is bent on ignoring...?

See for yourself:

So what's with all the penis-smearing, aside from throwing Hill (who explains the posts on his boutique publishing site as automatic and unintended) into the ruthless Alinsky Rule 5 ridicule pit?

Everybody knows the "conservative" Washington Free Beacon is a hotbed of swamp-enabling "Never Trumpers," with ties to our old pal the Kristol Methhead?

[Via Carlos Perdue

Once is Happenstance

Twice is coincidence. [More]

How's the rest of that go...?

Anybody figure out what happened here?

No worries.The ever-reliable Snopes is on clean-up, even though they don't know either.

[Via MM]

Apportioning Blame Where It Belongs

Over the last month, I’ve dug through thousands of government document pages and interviewed dozens of people. I found evidence of two things: over $100m in school safety funds that have gone unspent and policies that keep violent students (like 18-1958) out of jail. [More]
But the solution is to allow Emma and David to throw Tantrums for Disarmament?

This is impressive original investigative journalism, meaning the kid'll never make it in the DSM.

[Via Michael G]

Physician, Heal Thyself

DRGO identifies some abuses I consider to be malpractice. [More]

If a doctor starts asking you gun questions, why not ask him a few of your own?

[Via Felix B]

We're the Only Ones Defending Enough

Minneapolis: Muslim cop who killed unarmed woman to plead self-defense [More]
Apparently there's a tradition to uphold.  Two, if you include standard department protocol.

[Via Mike H]

Keep Your Shirt On

Student sues WCSD after being punished for wearing pro-gun shirt [More]
Good. Make the stuffed shirts squirm.

[Via Florida Guy

We're the Only Ones Unconfident Enough

Deputies have no confidence in Broward County sheriff, deputies union says [More]
Because of a denied pay raise?

[Via Florida Guy

We're the Only Ones Who've Got Your Back Enough

Newly released video from a police body camera in Virginia shows a white officer shooting a black suspect in the back as he tries to run away. [More]
May I do the same?

[Via Florida Guy]   

Boned Again

School officials said they could not comment on student discipline or ongoing investigations. [More]
Like what's to investigate?

Jeez, if this gives "adults" at St. Clair ROE Safe School the vapors, how safe can it be?

These people would have crapped themselves if they saw this photo I took of elder feral son Uday at Knob Creek 10 years ago:

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Still Hazy Enough

Police weren't saying who fired the shots, who was hit and how badly that person was hurt. At least one man was hospitalized. It also wasn't immediately clear if the shooting happened inside or outside of the bar. [More]
Regardless, the prevailing sentiment and most state laws say cops are the "Only Ones" who can be trusted with guns in bars. Heck, a simple Google search'll confirm that, right?

Case in point. "Community service." Nassau.

[Via bondmen]

The Crying Game

If you’re a college student stressed out over the class deadlines and final exams, the University of Utah has a plan to help you eliminate your anxiety: Just lock yourself in this dark closet for 10 minutes, cuddle a stuffed animal and cry it all out. [More]
Some people shouldn't come out of the closet.

Can professors and administrators use them too?

This gives me an idea for campus voting booths...