Friday, July 13, 2018

Candidate Confession Goes to Heart of Prescient Gun-Grabber Lie

The beneficiary of Cobb’s windfall admission (and subsequent disingenuous CYA backpeddling), at least among gun owners, is NRA-supported Republican incumbent Elise Stefanik. But claiming to be “proud of [her] record on the Second Amendment” notwithstanding, gun owners entrusting politicians with power deserve to see such records clearly, and Stefanik’s should not be above closer scrutiny. [More]
If politicians' present actions are setting up our future ruin are they really our friends?

Another Line of Attack

Welcome to Gulf Shore Federal Credit Union in Texas City, TX.  I'm told by my source that when asked, he was told this requirement was imposed by "the auditors."

Who those auditors are was not determined, but if the excuse given by the CU was true, this represents a whole new and insidious line of attack against the right to keep and bear arms by the financial industry.

What's in a Name?

Congress Renews Push to Designate Muslim Brotherhood as Terror Group [More]
But it's not until they call it one?

[Via Jess]

Special Prosecutors

Deep State Setup? DAG Rosenstein Asks 100s Of Federal Prosecutors to Help Vet SCOTUS Nominee Kavanaugh [More]
All I can figure is a Dolly the Love Ewe compromise Sessions is desperate to keep buried.

[Via Jess]

We're All Against Violence

The shooter, Dale “Butch” Wolford, jumps out of the passenger seat of the car and begins firing at Lowe, who immediately returns fire through his windshield.  [More]
Let's hope he remembers that's why he survived, and that the "anti-violence march" remains just that.

I also don't get where the paper is coming from with it's "the city has become further divided along racial lines" claim when you consider the victim and the perps.

Who's doing the dividing?

[Via bondmen]

A Matter of Degrees

Democrats running for governor clash on guns and abortions at Wichita TV debate [More]
The Party will allow cosmetic differences and even (temporary) regional deviations in order to consolidate power.

[Via bondmen]

A Man of the People

Wilson admitted boarding the train in California with a handgun and ammunition as well as ID cards “relating to the (National) Socialist Movement,” his plea says. On Oct. 23, in Nebraska, Wilson entered a secured engine compartment, disabled the train and cut the lights to the passenger compartment. [More]
The key word is "socialist," even if their ideological heirs lie about that.

[Via bondmen]

Who will Guard the Guards

Security guards with Overland Park firm murder man in car outside KC bar, police say [More]
Who do they think they are? "Only Ones"?

[Via bondmen]

The Thing that Would Not Die

When Goodwin told his liberal Democratic friends he thought Hillary was ready to rumble in the 2020 primaries, “It was unanimous — they were horrified,” he wrote. “They want a new blockbuster, not a sequel to failure.” [More]
Yeah, her own party will plunge the knives.

[Via Jess]

Come and Take Them!

Academy Sports Store Manager Fired for Tackling, Stopping Gun Thief [More]
Academy Sports: Where "Come and take them" is an invitation, and their appeasement policy endangers patrons by encouraging criminals to do just that.

So why would any gun owner shop there?

Elise Hasbrook, you corporate cudchewer: It's not about protecting your damn merchandise or reducing your risk management liability. It's about a man having a right to defend against a self-established and active danger whose further intentions are unknowable.

And you've got a pretty warped definition of "hero."

[Via Florida Guy]   

UPDATE: Looks like the corporate herbivores have backed down and rehired the guy.

It's all "academic" for me because it's too little too late, and they've already shown the stuff they're made of. It took furious social media backlash to bring about the epiphany that corporate SJWs had talked them into screwing the pooch in front of everybody, so the hell with 'em.

Fire the spokesweaselette and I might reconsider.

Speaking of Lynch Mobs...

Leftist Activists in Portland Berate Black ICE Agent, Repeatedly Call Him a ‘F–king N—-r’ (VIDEO) [More]
Hell hath no fury like a slavecatcher thwarted. Too bad they can't be ID'd and have this follow them around.

Somebody ought to take an oar to 'em.

The lack of outcry from the BLM crowd is telling.  There never seems to be a Panther contingent around when you really need one.

[Via Florida Guy]   

Because Nothing Says 'Advice and Consent' Like Confirming a Hawaiian Judge

Honolulu attorney confirmed to 9th Circuit bench [More]
Think of him as the AntiKozinski. Just what the 9th needs.

Here are all the fine folks you have to thank for it.

[Via Bluesgal]

So Much for Checks and Balances

In Defense of Court-Packing [More]
Judicial tyranny... what could go wrong?

Who needs "co-equal branches" anyway when you've got a "progressive" agenda to advance?

Of course he is forgetting the ultimate check and balance.

[Via Mack H]

Off the Drawing Board

The Ideal Conceal smartphone handgun is now in production and shipping to dealers around the country. [More]
I'm not sure how"ideal" it is, but it has its points.

Speaking of Spiritual Wickedness in High Places...

Memo From Middle America: Treason Lobby Played Christian Card On “Family Separation” At The Border. It Didn’t Work [More]
Useful "evangelical" idiots don't seem to realize the totalitarians exploiting their inner kumbaya won't hesitate to build a wall with their skulls once they're no longer needed.

A Warped 'View'

Joy Behar Asks Alan Dershowitz Why McConnell Isn’t In Jail For Blocking Merrick Garland  [More]
Ol' Joy's lucky broadcast malpractice isn't actionable. I'm surprised Dershowitz didn't use this as an opportunity to educate some otherwise vacuous minds who look to these hags for how they're supposed to "feel" about the issues of the day.

I'm also thinking Casey striking out may have been intentional.

[Via Jess]


World leaders FORCED to hold STUMBLING and swaying Juncker ahead of NATO dinner [More]
Sloshed again, eh Eurorummy? You must be, all the delerious ravings coming out of you. Substitute "tyrant" for "sergeant" and "globe" for"booze," and we may just have another case of life imitating art.

What?  "Sciatica"?


CALIFORNIA ORDERS ONLINE GUN REGISTRATION, THEN LETS WEBSITE FAIL - 'People who wanted to comply with the law simply couldn't' [More]
How did this state that -- when I was living there was still nominally "Republican"-- get to this position, where it can pull this in-your-face official harassment and persecution?

And why are none of the entities now suing connecting the dots?

More to the point, why isn't Fairfax?