Thursday, August 09, 2018

No One But Themselves to Blame

Last week, the House Appropriations Committee passed its 2019 budget for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), which, if passed, will squash President Trump's border security plan, force DACA amnesty, and give millions of illegal aliens free passes into your community.  The wall is not mentioned.  At all. [More]
Looks like Yoder and Frelinghuysen have both been Fairfax darlings.

Good thing these concerns have nothing to do with that "single issue" and that we don't have a worry in the world.

Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. If there is a "blue wave," it won't be Trump's fault.

Dish of the Day

Remember Al Capp's Shmoo, creatures that "are eager to be eaten"?  How about Douglas Adams' Dish of the Day?

Life imitates art.

A Real Ball of Fire

Sacramento Attorney Accused Of Interstate 80 Arson [More]

Same name and location, and seems crazy enough...

A Public Accommodation

Transit Union Refuses to Bring White Nationalists to 'Unite the Right' Rally [More]
But Sarsour's Women's March and BLM are love groups engaging in love speech?

This should be fun.

This is for Fighting! This is for Fun!

Woman shoots masturbating bicyclist trying to break into her SE Houston home, police say [More]
Glad she got off the first shot...

Disparity in Official Responses Suggests Political Motivation to Suppress Dissent

It’s not unfair to wonder if his prosecution had less to do with the law and with justice than it did with discrediting, sticking it to and neutralizing an obstacle to their ambitions, one they wanted to silence by using the overwhelming “public” resources under their personal control. [More]
The "authorities" had means, motive and opportunity...

Circular Reasoning

Roofer Arrested After Killing Fellow Worker With Circular Saw [More]
I was undecided on taking this in the "When circular saws are outlawed" or the "No background check" or the "No one needs..." direction and then realized he could have just pushed him off.

Still, I can't argue that you don't need them to hunt deer.

[Via Mike F]

We're the Only Ones Unresolved Enough

Chicago police solve only one in every 20 shootings [More]
They're not much good at stopping them or keeping the ones they've caught, either.

If this doesn't call for more laws against you and me, I don't know what does.

Forget it Jake, it's Chi-Town.

[Via Jess]


Oklahoma’s wretched record on wrongful convictions [More]
And that's under a presumptive system of innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Now consider all those unAmerican prior restraints on the right to keep and bear arms presuming the exact opposite.

[Via Mack H]

Looks Like Turnabout to Me

The Media Is Encouraging Violence Against Themselves [More]
And every time they demand forced citizen disarmament, they're not encouraging violence against those of us who will not disarm?

Just wait 'til Bill Clinton's Rules of Engagement kick in.

[Via Mack H]

The Rest of the Story

GO FIGURE! AP leaves something ‘MIGHTY important’ out of these tweets about N.M. child abuse bust [More]
Look for those attacking gun owner rights and enabling imported terrorists to start deleting tweets.

It's the "progressive" thing to do.

[Via Michael G]

To Themselves and Their Posterity

Aren’t we constantly lectured that immigrants come here to work and not to get on welfare? But these immigration lawyers and activists and researchers “estimate that more than 20 million immigrants could be affected.” [More]
It's a cinch the ones whose interests that really serves aren't the ones footing the bill.

All in the Family

State Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) Swore to Apparent Falsehoods in Court — While Divorcing Her Alleged Brother [More]
Why is everyone being so intolerant of cultural diversity?

[Via Jess]

Damned Irresponsible Gun Owners!

Sebring is a registered Democrat who follows Barack Obama on Twitter. Voting records do not show a registration for Stephens, who is a felon, according to Department of Corrections records. [More]
Damned blood-on-its-hands NRA...

[Via Steve T

The Scarlet Letter

Once passed by the Board of Health, signs will be placed at the entrances and purchase counters of every shooting range and store selling guns in King County. [More]
That and mandate a one-size-fits-all pitchfork murderer enablement edict, and produce a "youth-led report" so that brainwashed children can be exploited to help them dictate what our rights will be.

King County.  Appropriate name.

[Via Michael G]

Jamming the Signal

Gun-Rights Activists Who Posted Gun Files Say Facebook, Amazon Have Censored Their Site - apparently banned from Facebook and Amazon’s web hosting service [More]
A constant in nature seems to be that reality always finds a way to manifest itself.  What was that line from Jurassic Park?

Life will find a way.

Incentives are being forced to develop those ways.

[Via Jess]

We're the Only Ones High-Rolling Enough

Former Wichita police officer pleads guilty to gambling ring charges [More]
Baby needs a new pair of shoes!

[Via bondmen]

Are You Sleeping, Bourgeoisie?

True, that's the plan, but those cards are supposed to stay buried in the deck until it's time to play them.

Quid Pro Quo?

That suggests it is the position of the Trump Justice Department that, despite all the agent bias, misconduct and unanswered questions, the decision not to prosecute Clinton is final and the case will not be reopened or even seriously reviewed. [More]
Perhaps that's because she has stuff on them?

State Production on Terry FOIA Lawsuit Leaves Key Questions Unanswered

So even if Clinton had been kept in the dark (and that has not been definitively established), the question remains why State did not pursue violations by DOJ – and who was involved in making (ordering) that outcome. [More]
Curious -- just like in the beginning, no one from Congress or the media seems very interested even though there are plenty of identified threads to pull...

On the Low-Low

“It’s the guy in the White House,” he says. “It’s not even dog whistles. They’re not even doing it on the sneak! They’re not even doing it on the low-low. This is blatant. This is like yelled through a megaphone. They’re not even trying to be coy or sneaky about it.” [More]
What, kind of like "Shoot [Charlton Heston] with a .44 Bulldog"?

Oh, that's right, after the uproar it became "a joke."

Ha ha.  "Joke" about a "black leader" (with non-lethal intent), see what laughs you get, and if anyone will hire you after you apologize (right, Roseanne?).

Speaking of blatant, did the SPLC get screenwriting credits?

And speaking of on the low-low, any bets on ultimate mojo?