Wednesday, September 19, 2018

I, Criminal

White existence is a crime, says BLF spokesperson [More]
Hey, I thought Twitter didn't allow this kind of hate.  I don't feel safe anymore.

Life imitates art.

Ol' Lindsay's been at it for a while. I guess @Jack makes exceptions for special needs.

'Easy Access'

A Morgan County man was fatally shot by a 12-year-old boy during a domestic dispute with his wife in what authorities say appears to be a justifiable case of the child defending his mother. [More]
Every "commonsense gun safety advocate" for "safe storage laws" out there, and every goddam Republican who agrees with raising the rifle-buying age to 21, would rather the attack on the woman had continued.

Easy access...

And How 'Conservative' Is That?

“Even as conservative as I am, there has to be a middle ground on guns,” said Martin during an interview on his ranch near the city of Carrizo Springs.[More]
If you're a "reporter" with a narrative to push, you can always find a Fudd who thinks he'll be immune.

There are no "pro-gun Democrat" politicians.

[Via Dave Licht]

Isn't This Just Too Convenient...

Cody Wilson, an Austin man whose fight over 3D-printed guns thrust him into the national spotlight, faces a charge of sexual assault, according to an arrest affidavit filed in Travis County district court on Wednesday. [More]
Without conceding that anything happened as described, absent from this is any information that he had reason to believe she was underage. This smells like a premeditated set-up to destroy the man and discredit supporters of his idea.

I have no idea what the SugarDaddyMeet website requires to open an account (and I'm not going to go there to find out), but I'd be surprised if they don't have some sort of requirement to state you are of age before allowing an account to be opened. [SEE UPDATE] It's also telling that he will now be ruthlessly attacked and Alinsky Rule 5-ridiculed by the same people out there calling you a hater if you don't embrace "Love is Love."

Naturally, the questions I'm most interested in aren't addressed in the "news" account: Did someone arrange for the girl to set Wilson up? Who? And what criminal liability would they share?

I'd also like to know who she is so her social media posts could be checked to determine affiliations. This business of destroying his reputation while  protecting the identity and sympathies of the accuser trying to do it smacks of "progressive justice."

[Via Dave Licht]

[Click to enlarge]
Bear goes where I dared not.

Wilson missed a scheduled flight back to the United States and is thought to have left the country after a friend of the 16-year-old sexual assault victim told him that police were investigating him, Officer said.
That certainly makes things problematic for him. And this makes things problematic for the "authorities":
There is no extradition treaty in force between Taiwan and the United States. 
UPDATE: Here's the affadavit.

Rep. Tim Walz Exemplifies Myth of ‘Pro-Gun Democrat’ Politician

Sure, you’ll get Democrat politicians in hunting country who appeal to the sport shooter crowd and have to vote a certain way in order to get elected—the Party allows for such regional accomodations so it can increase its power and influence and advance other agenda items. But when you get right down to it, not a one of them will oppose a nominee like Obama or Hillary for president or Sotomayor or Kagan for the Supreme Court, they all support the cultural terraforming of the country in order to gain Democrat voters. They’ll all betray constituents on guns when they think they can get away with it and it suits their purposes. [More]
Republican squishes and turncoats notwithstanding, there is no such thing as a truly “pro-gun Democrat” politician.

We're the Only Ones Not Getting Any Younger Enough

Police sergeant among 24 alleged child predators arrested in sting operation in New Jersey [More]
Again with the dating etiquette dilemma...

[Via Roger J]

A Symptom, Not the Cause

CAUTION! State Police database has inaccurate CHP information and it could effect you! [More]
"Affect," but you get the picture.

Why there is any database is the real issue.

[Via Keith B]

Not Worth the Paper It's Printed On

Navy Chief Petty Officer found dead in her Jacksonville home filed for protective order 2 weeks ago [More]
But ... but she had an official document and everything...

[Via William T]

Maybe It's Not a Bug. Leaks 14M+ Records  [More]
Maybe it's a feature.

[Via Steve T

The Purge

"What I worry about, Rachel, is that after this election this president is going to wholesale fire people," Clinton said. " ... And if we [Democrats] don’t have one or both houses of Congress in place he will be even more uncontrollable and unaccountable. He will fire people in the White House, he will fire people in this administration who he thinks are crossing him, questioning him, undermining him.” [More]
What -- you mean like the embedded DSA apparatchiks Project Veritas is exposing?

As for the "anonymous op-ed," what's to say the author is what he represents himself to be, as opposed to a deceiver attempting to disrupt? And that The New York Times isn't in on the con?

[Via Jess]

An Honest Mistake

Her lawyer, Jayne Weintraub, said after her suspension on Monday that Honowitz made an honest mistake, forgetting to pay for the mascara and lipstick she meant to purchase. [More]
Yeah, that must be why she put them in her purse.


Her story does have a lot more supporting details.  [More]

Or is who women accuse the determining factor, regardless of corroborating evidence?

Driving Growth and Vibrancy

One in five US prison inmates is a 'criminal alien' [More]
And these are just the ones that have been caught and convicted.

What percentage of the entire population are they again? How many citizens need to have earnings confiscated to pay for this?

Or is making such observations and asking such questions "dehumanizing and nativist"?

Comrades with Benefits

That's funny, she hasn't tweeted a word about that on social media. Neither has Bill.

I wonder why.

Complacency Kills

“While a significant part of that lack of intensity is undoubtedly due to these voters’ sentiments toward the President, it may also be partly because they don’t believe there is anything at stake in this election,” the authors write. “Put simply, they don’t believe that Democrats will win the House. (Why should they believe the same prognosticators who told them that Hillary was going to be elected President?)" [More]
It is true that many scoff at the "blue wave" as a DNC and media fiction. I'm sure it's being strategically used to demoralize and discourage turnout, but it's still a threat that must be met as if lives hang in the balance -- because they do. What is (intentionally) being left out is Trump agenda supporters being sick and damned tired of Republican sellouts and turncoats that have overtly fought or quietly subverted what they voted for two years ago.

And besides, we can always anonymously type "Molon Labe" and ignore the reality that just one vote can make a huge difference.

A Friend to All

You don't say:

Does it occur to the people complaining loudly now that they're a major reason why this person is in a position of power to hurt them?

[Via James K]

Whoseover Believeth in Me

To respect women, you have to believe them when they're most vulnerable. [More]
Pay no attention to the Mangum behind the curtain.

Besides, don't argue with us, argue with Hillary, who, after years of being asked has yet to show belief in a rape victim's claims.

[Via Mack H]