Friday, October 26, 2018

With Friends Like These

Per 5 Fast Facts, the conveniently pre-named "MAGAbomber's" Facebook page has been taken down, meaning we're now dependent on what he hear from "authorities" as filtered through the "media."

They haven't gotten to his Twitter page at this writing, and it certainly makes him look like the violent right wing nut job we've all been primed to expect. But there's a disconnect to explore before it's forever removed from independent examination.

Look at who he follows-- typically, those will be people you admire, agree with, want to keep apprised of and support. He doesn't follow any Republicans or "right wingers,"instead opting for CNN. Katy Perry, ESPN, Lena Dunham, Barack Obama...? Does that make sense to you?

I don't know how to format the following to fit in the Blogger template, but was able to get it over to Scribd in case the Twitter account is scrubbed:

Click on Following. One Drive: New link.]


UPDATE: Bear notes a voter registration disconnect. [Evidently not: "The case, however, did not make Sayoc a convicted felon or bar him from voting. He received a “withhold of adjudication,” which means the case did not technically count as a felony conviction."] To which he replies:
That refers to to the 2002 FP&L bomb threat case, which did not result in a felony conviction. I'm talking about his 2014 felony grand theft conviction

Wrangler Gets Wardrobe Credit in Latest Bloomberg Anti-Gun Video

So, Wrangler: What’s the deal? Are you donating to Everytown now, or were your products used and your company credited without your knowledge or sanction? Have you earned [gun owner] accolades? [More]
Et tu, Wrangler?

No Middle Ground

Here's what happens when 245 people try to meet in the middle.  [More]
That presupposes anyone who believes in "shall not be infringed" has a voice of influence.

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Tempted Enough

Court documents say a southwest Missouri jailer who is charged with having sex with an inmate told a detective that the inmate was “tempting” him. [More]
Maybe they need to put women prisoners in burqas...

[Via bondmen]

Bully for Her

World sees video of gun pressed to child’s head; now mother rallies against bullying [More]
And that's appropriate.

I don't see anything about her rallying against you and me being armed, and if there had been a way to put that in, you can bet the KC Star would have.

[Via bondmen]

You Think YOU'VE Got Problems

Double-amputee vet issues scathing rebuke to millennials who say they have PTSD over 2016 election [More]
The thing is, they probably do.

[Via Jess]

Feeding the Beast

Terrorists use millions gained through food stamp fraud to fund attacks in U.S., abroad [More]
"Our" government forces us to admit and sustain our destroyers.

I feel like waving a flag or something.

[Via Michael G]

Good. Ruin the C*********s.

There's something about using "Dicks" and "sour" in the same sentence I find unsettling...

[Via William T]

Who We Ultimately Have to Thank

President Ronald Reagan nominated Holder for the position of Associate Judge of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia in 1988... [More]
Our "bipartisanship" is our strength!

Yeah, I know, he couldn't know.

He couldn't know this or this were bad choices either, apparently.

[Via Felix B]

Paratus Trumps Fidelis

Even the Coast Guard has sharper snipers than the Marines [More]
Pretty harsh headline for Marine Times.

I wonder if anyone in command got chewed out? Or replaced?

[Via Florida Guy]   

We're the Only Ones Withdrawn Enough

Arizona state troopers withdraw Kyrsten Sinema endorsement after members object [More]
That "leadership" thought it was a good idea says much we shouldn't need to be told by now.

[Via Mack H]

We're the Only Ones Too Far Gone Enough

"At the time that a law enforcement official has to go to a weapon, to a gun, to a baton, to a taser, then they have already have to go too far by their very presence," he continued. "By the very trust that they inspire in community and in society, they are supposed to be able to bring most situations to heel." [More]
He kind of has a point for many situations documented here, but smart money says there is motive and agenda, and like the old maps said, "There be monsters."

If the "Only Ones" don't need to use weapons, how much less do you?

[Via Mack H]

Give Him a Break -- Maybe He's a Poacher...

Tester Says Hunting Shows His Support for Second Amendment, Hasn’t Obtained License Since 2012 [More]
Shooting cows doesn't count?

[Via Mack H]

Place Your Bets

I want my marker down ahead of time: if they get to the border and there’s ANY confrontation, a pregnant woman will get shot. [More]
My marker said "a child martyr or two," but OK. There's a good chance she'll be underage.

[Via Michael G]

By Popular Demand

Petition supporting Clarence Thomas gets 10 times more signatures than opposition [More]
And like with "elections," the "progressive" losers will reject the results and keep undermining things until they get that collapse they're digging for.

[Via Michael G]


The Problem With the FBI's 'Active Shooter' Data [More]
Them admitting it's imperfect, subjective and up for interpretation is our first clue.

[Via Michael G]

Walking the Line

The city attorney said the council is trying to walk the line between law-abiding gun owners in their rural community who like to hunt, target shoot and desire some protection and the council's top goal of public safety. [More]
Not that any California "gun rights" groups have ever lifted a finger to seriously address what makes this all inevitable.

"Single issue," you know.

Hate Speech is Not Free Speech

So why should "haters" be allowed to participate in the public forum? [More]

Hell, why should any stores sell to them?

Maybe we should make everybody prove their worth to us before we let them have that mark they'll need to survive...

[Via Michael G]


Jees, these "progressives" sure are ... white.

Not a brown face in the bunch. Where's all that vaunted diversity among the animaladjusted environmentalcases?

You don't think they might secretly drink milk, do you?

An Institute of Higher Uneducation

Unlearning Toxic Masculinity [More]
Why else pay these prices to Opposite Day "progressives," except to unlearn stuff?

Do that for four years and I imagine by the time you get out you won't know sh... or is that you will know...?

And forgive me for wondering if any of the teachers indoctrinators have any actual experience being, you know,  men, with all that implies if we refuse to let them hijack and pervert the word.

Standards of Proof

Chuck Todd: "No Evidence Of Any Criminals In The Central American Caravan" [More]
What does he call illegally violating the Mexican border? That alone ought to disqualify every one of these criminals from asylum. Further, there is a clear and brayed-about conspiracy to violate U.S. immigration law.

I guess if you don't want to look very hard, or at all....

How much "evidence" did he have when he was essentially calling Brett Kavanaugh a liar?

Methinks this guy knows a thing or two about lying himself.

Fingerbang M1 Garand chambered in bullets as long as a finger... [More]
Should you tell Trevor or should I?

USA Today.

A Gannett Publication.

[Via Mack H]