Friday, November 02, 2018

The Enemy Within

John W. Warner, a Republican who represented Virginia in the U.S. Senate for 30 years, endorsed Democrat Abigail Spanberger in her challenge to Republican Rep. Dave Brat in a close House race that has implications for control of the chamber. [More]
Do you really expect someone who would willingly be a sixth husband to appreciate the importance of fidelity and solemn vows?

[Via Mack H]

A Numbers Game

Fewer children killed by guns in states with strict gun laws, finds Stanford study [More]
But then they say:
States that have more laws restricting youth access to guns have lower rates of child and teen deaths from shootings...
Numbers and rates are two very different things. One death in a low population area can register as a higher rate than multiple deaths in a high population area.

They keep pulling this deceptive crap and the "journalists" are either too dumb to grok it or too corrupt to point it out.

Seeing as how "Lisa M. Krieger is a science writer at The Mercury News" who "graduated from Duke University with a degree in biology," that could depend on whether she got a B.A. or a B.S.

It's Almost Like Collusion or Something

Facebook, Google, and Twitter are clearly engaged in a pattern of abuse and manipulation targeting conservative voices from the center to right of the spectrum of American politics in an effort to use their powerful companies and technology to influence the outcome of elections in favor of Democrats and pro-Amnesty Republicans. [More]
This seems to be a day for election complaints.

[Via Felix B]

Sign of the Times

The billboard depicts a photo image of Joaquin Oliver with the quote: “If I had attended high School in Massachusetts instead of Parkland Florida, I would likely be alive today." ... Massachusetts has an assault weapons ban. [More]
Yeah, they've had it since 1994.

That didn't stop the "Wakefield Massacre" in 2000, did it?

I'm sorry this man lost his son. I can only imagine his all-consuming agony. That does not give him a pass to undermine my rights.

He Got the First Part Right

That is pretty crazy, ignorant and presumptuous.

[Via Neil W]

They Blow Up So Fast These Days

Agents arrested Ahmad Suhad Ahmad, 30, in Tucson over the weekend. As part of the sting, he met with several FBI informants and undercover agents, teaching them in person how to make the homemade bomb and explaining to them how to use it, court records show. [More]
Lemme guess: His parents came over on the Mayflower.

[Via Wynn A

Follow the Money

Gun control groups are on track to outspend the National Rifle Association in federal races for the first time in years... [More]
Huh. If I just had the DSM to go on, I'd have thought it was the other way around:

Conveniently anonymous...
Now do an analysis on small vs. large donor funding sources.

Well, They Did Work on Abel AND Goliath

Trump Press Conference: We Will Keep Detained Illegal Aliens In Tents and Won't Let Them Into the Country; As Far as Troops Defending Themselves, We Will Consider a Thrown Rock to be a Firearm [More]
If they're not in the country, where is he going to pitch the tents?

[Via Michael G]

Facebook Community Standards

Facebook Eliminates Top Conservative Accounts but Antifa Terrorists Still have Free Rein [More]
Why does the image of a masked Antifa mob pulling a tumbrel with Zuck in it come to mind?

[Via Michael G]

Time to Break with "Tradition!"

Just outside of Colorado Springs, the owner of Dragon Arms is offering a different type of support. Mel Bernstein, the owner of the store, is offering to give rabbis a free AR-15 or a handgun. He’ll also include training and ammunition. [More]
I'd make them sign a statement saying they understand Democrats want to prohibit them from owning them first.

[Via Michael G]

I Guess a Dem Win Will be More in Line with Their Values

A Baldwin-Wallace University poll earlier this month showed the race in a dead heat, with LaRose and Clyde deadlocked at 32.6 percent. A Libertarian candidate, Dustin Hanna, had 7.2 percent... [More]
Aren't those the guys that offered us Gary Johnson,WilliamWeld, open borders...?

[Via Michael G]

Casus Belli

It could not be more clear that one of the primary functions of this government is "to secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity." When it ceases to do that, it has abandoned all claims to legitimacy. When it actively undermines that, it becomes unmasked tyranny.

[Via Mack H]

A Self-Fulfiling Prophecy?

Incredible news: New polls released in the past week show that the biggest midterm gain since 1974's post-Watergate election could now be in reach. [More]
I wonder how many fatalist gun owners who say the party makes no difference, have contempt for voting and will sit this one out are actually prepared for what will happen if the Democrats pull it off.

Me, I'm not going to turn my nose up at any weapon at hand, and sometimes holding an enemy at bay to buy time is what's immediately needed.

[Via Dave Licht]

The Great White North

I’ve been thinking about, do I want to move to Canada?  [More]
So "brown" countries aren't even on the "progressive" consideration list?

[Via William T]

It's Yuuge!

Huge Stash of Nearly 50 Guns, Silencers, Ammo Seized [More]
So: How are all those Massachusetts gun laws working out?

[Via Jess]

A Strong Man's House

USCCA to Offer Live Training Broadcast on Protecting Houses of Worship [More]
Register there for the free Nov. 12 livestream.

[Via Jess]

Paid For and Authorized by the North Dakota Democratic-NPL Party

By voting in North Dakota, you could forfeit your hunting licenses. You MUST be a resident of North Dakota to vote here. And if you are a resident of North Dakota, you may lose hunting licenses you have in other states. If you want to keep your out-of-state hunting licenses, you may not want to vote in North Dakota’s 2018 election. [More]
These people are filth.

And naturally the Zuckerbergians are just fine with it.

Join me?

[Via Jess]

That's Some Industrial-Grade Weasel-Wording Right There

Wrangler is first and foremost an apparel manufacturer. We choose not to take a stance on political or social issues. [More]
Well then why is their brand listed as a provider on the Everytown video and  why won't they do anything to disavow it? Is Wrangler donating to Everytown now, or were their products used and their company credited without their knowledge or sanction?

What would happen if polar opposites from Everytown made a video and credited their protected brand name at the end without permission from corporate?

As I noted at the end of the article:
I messaged them on Facebook and they have not replied at this writing. I wouldn’t expect them to unless enough of you care to spread the word and—what is it the gun-grabbers do?—”demand action,” or at least some unequivocal answers.
It couldn't be easier.

The First Rule of Kinderfight Club

Teachers at Adventure Learning Center on Gravois organized a one-day fight club for preschoolers in December 2016. The lead teacher organized it after the heater broke in an attempt to entertain the kids. [More]
So the reporter "reached out" to the "teachers" but doesn't think it's in the public's interest to name them?

And how much more "evidence" does the city attorney need?

Who Was That Masked Man?

Unless he's trying to cause unjustifiable harm, it's none of our business. [More]

Think of It as Voter Outreach

“Nobody needs to know” Beto Campaign Appears to Illegally Spend Funds on Supplies for Caravan Aliens, Campaign Manager Says “Don’t Worry” [More]
And the reason a team of federal auditors hasn't already shown up and demanded to see all relevant records is...?

'Government Sanctioned Anarchy'

Strickland Attorney Robert Barnes Drops a Truth Bomb About Antifa & Portland ‘Justice’ and It’s a Stunner [More]
If not stopped, the day will come when making their enemies political prisoners will no longer be enough.

[Via George K]

Red Scare

Politically, continued mass migration to the USA by peoples of color, who vote 70-90 percent Democratic, is going to change our country another way. Red state America will inevitably turn blue. [More]
That's another bit of appropriation we shouldn't accept-- it'll turn Red, alright.

And we know what that means.

Don't we, despite all the excuse-making from our so-called "leaders"?

'Progessive'-Approved Cultural Appropriation

Evidently you can only portray someone of a different race if you don't look like someone of a different race? [More]

And you can't touch the skin tone but the hair is fair game?

I don't get it: Why is token faux "conservative" Megyn Kelly, who only talked about it out at NBC, and "liberal" Ted Danson, who actually did it still in at NBC?

It sure is tricky navigating what you can say and do without being purged as an enemy of the people.

In Moderation

“But I don’t think he can say it, just cause he’s trying to get the moderates and the gun-toting people in North Florida.” [More]
A "moderate" Democrat politician is a masked communist.

A "moderate" Republican politician is a masked Democrat.

Lies of Omission Now on YouTube

Full documentary concerning the current state of political affairs in a nation where there truth cannot be uttered. Matt Bracken, David Codrea, Mike Vanderboegh, Claire Wolfe, Kit Perez and Gun Owners of America's Larry Pratt. [Watch]
And tell a friend.