Wednesday, December 12, 2018

The Man Who Would Be King

Lieu: ‘I Would Love to Be Able to Regulate the Content of Speech’ but First Amendment Stops Me [More]
And that's not all that stops this psychopath, which explains this...

It's Just a Phase They're Going Through

Parents object to elementary school’s lunchroom fingerprint scanner [More]
No worries -- it'll soon be a moot point with the RFID implants.

[Via Mack H]

On Demand

“Moms Demand Automatics” To Rally During Denver’s Jan. 19 Women’s March [More]
I'll see if I can find out more about them in my copious free time. Meanwhile, I know all I need to about the Colorado Times Recorder and its "reporter" from the repeated use of the term "gun-safety" throughout the article.

[Via William T]

Can We All Get Along?

America is going to be bathing with the blood of the white man. [Watch]
I sure wish they'd hurry up with those "commonsense gun safety laws" to keep that from happening, don't you?

New Worlds to Conquer

State Attorney General Mark Herring to run for Virginia governor in 2021 - The Washington Post [More]
And like all good conquerors know, it helps if you can establish a monopoly of violence.

"Red" Herring's working on that.

With a little help from his friends...

[Via Mack H]

Making a Statement

Miley Cyrus makes a statement in gun control T-shirt [More]
What, that she's an elitist hypocrite in addition to being a mess?

[Via Roger J]

Trumped Up

  1. "Fierce bullying" to me means getting assaulted.
  2. Might the fact that he hasn't had his father's last name up until now explain why he may be more susceptible to harassment than a boy raised by a committed traditional American man?
  3. Why should teachers try to avoid saying his last name? Make unacceptable reactions the problem of those doing the reacting. Treat them the same way they'd be treated if they were being cruel to a gender "reassignee."
  4. The "teacher" communist hag who was "reassigned to administrative duties" should be publicly identified and fired. If the administration can't do that it is an unfit place to entrust children.
The worst school bullies have always been the "adults" in charge.

Why Do It Yourself When You Can Use Rent-a-Fudd?

This means using tax dollars, collected from Iowans statewide, being paid to White Buffalo Inc. to harvest the deer, instead of allowing bow hunters the opportunity to solve the problem.  [More]
If they pass it, figure out a way to manipulate PETA into monkeywrenching it.

15th Time's a Charm

Terrence Whitmire accidentally shot and killed a friend. It was the 15th illegally obtained gun police have linked to him since 2016 [More]
More blood on NRA's hands, I see...

[Via Mack H]

Failure by Design

A Stooge Leaves Congress: Paul Ryan's Career In Perspective [More]
That's an appropriate term, in a "sense 3" kind'a way.

His tenure was marked by calculated sabotage in the service of his masters, not ineptitude.

[Via Mack H]

Our Miss Brooks

Earlier this year, Rep. Susan Brooks (R-IN) introduced HR 5717, the Jake Laird Act of 2018, which allows for a police officer to confiscate your guns on the grounds that he believes you are "dangerous." [More]
And oh, look:

Good thing those votes have nothing to do with that "single issue," right?

Fortunately, the GovTrack prognosis gives Brooks' gun-grab a "2% chance of being enacted." For now.

Any gun owner who votes for her or any of the other co-sponsoring "Republican" turncoats instead of working toward their 2% chance of being reelected is giving aid and comfort not just to the enemy, but to the one inside the gates.

[Via Felix B]

Surprise, Surprise, Surprise!

Strasbourg shooting: Gunman shouted 'Allahu Akbar' as he attacked [More]


[Via several of you]

I'm a Victim of Circumstance!

Bruce Jones wasn’t “lost to gun violence.” This is a man who nearly pummeled a young woman to death with his bare hands. The reason he died was because Aubrey was defending herself from him. [More]
That reminds me of the Bloomberg Bus Tour:
At its stop a few days earlier in N.H., while reading off their list of “victims of gun violence,” the group called out the name of Boston Marathon bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev ... Tsarnaev wasn’t the only problematic inclusion.
"A preliminary analysis of the list of shooting ‘victims’ … finds that one in 12 are crime suspects killed by police or armed citizens acting in self-defense,” the Washington Examiner reported. “The review of 617 killings found that 50 were suspects in crimes ranging from assault to murder…”
[Via William T]

About Those 'Swarms of Officers'...

The real win, however, would be for gun owners. Specifically, if Congress decides to rule in Kisor's favor, it means the Department of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) could be reigned in.  [More]

And I'm not holding my breath.

Dems and Swampublicans are intent to go after more control, not less, Kavanaugh just gave us a glimpse of his inner Souter, and those with coercive power never willingly give it up unless there's a credible and personal "or else" attached to an ultimatum.

Even if the case settles favorably, expect guns to continue receiving second-class treatment.

I will be delighted to be proven wrong on all counts.

[Via Michael G]

Forget the Alamo!

Texas lawmakers will consider anti-gun bills including “red flag” laws, mandatory background checks for all private handgun sales at gun shows, and new regulations on 3-D printed firearms in the next year's legislative session. [More]
The urban population centers tell the story.

Let's hear it for "our democracy"!

[Via Jess]

We're the Only Ones Grabbing Them By the P***y Enough

Brentwood Police Major Angela Hawkins, hired by Brentwood Police Chief Joe Spiess in August 2018, is facing a lawsuit brought by a woman who says Hawkins, as a St. Louis city police detective in a 2012 strip search, “dragged her behind a trailer, shoved her hard enough to injure her shoulder and then, during the actual search, pulled down her underwear and touched the “inside” of Robinson’s labial lips”... [More
Girl power!

If we want any lip out of you we'll take it!

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Benevolent Enough

“Instead, the Patrolmen's Benevolent Association has helped Pantaleo and other officers who commit misconduct and murder earn overtime and pad their paychecks while they stay on the police force. It's disgusting and wrong. Pat Lynch should be ashamed of himself for pushing to secure this reckless and dangerous ruling that makes all New Yorkers less safe,” Carr said. [More]
"Lift a finger and die" Patrick Lynch being ashamed of anything... Good one!

[Via bondmen]

The Deep State Wants Your Guns

My reaction to the headline was "Thank you Captain Obvious," but this is a good summary that goes to a good read.

[Via bondmen]